
You are currently browsing the archive for the Misc. category.

"Serious replies only." (Image by Elsie esq.)

I need urine!

I need a pregnant chick’s urine…

Serious replies only. Need it ASAP!

    "The one advantage though of having to deal with such primitive little shits is that they don't ask stupid questions about the Algonquin." (Image by Bain News Service.)

    From the always interesting Letters of Note comes this missive that Dorothy Parker wrote in the early 1960s when she was teaching at CalTech. The students were apparently not the best and the brightest, at least in Parker’s estimation. An excerpt:

    “I am horrified to think what a pig I have been about writing, but it honestly is no reflection of lack of thought or love. I have been busy teaching a class at Cal Tech. The term just ended and I am celebrating my manumission by writing to you. The students there are a grievous lot, hopeless, unattractive, and not even young. I threw my hands up the second week when one of the brighter lights defended Peyton Place as a work of substance and value. The one advantage though of having to deal with such primitive little shits is that they don’t ask stupid questions about the Algonquin. They have apparently never heard of the hotel or me.”


    Not the sukkah from the Craigslist ad, but it is a pretty damned nice sukkah. (Image by RonAlmog.)

    Sukkah for sale – $200 (Flushing 11367)

    My family has outgrown our tubular 8 x 6 sukkah. We need an 8 x 8. Willing to barter. Comes with schach.

    More Craigslist ads:

    "These skewers prevent the eater from getting their hands covered in buttery filth."

    NEW!! 10 pc. Corn Skewers – $1 (NNJ)

    Be a hit this Thanksgiving with your guests with these awesome corn skewers. Also great for barbecues, these skewers prevent the eater from getting their hands covered in buttery filth while trying to enjoy their corn. A great buy at a great price.

    More Craigslist ads:

    Front of card: "Vive La Difference."

    (Purchased at a Brooklyn flea market for a quarter.)

    Hi folks,

    I have at least three of these women chasing me every nite.

    I hope none of them catch me.

    Never expected this trip to Miami Beach to be so nice.

    Joe & Ann

    More Miscellaneous Media:

  • Postcard to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Groff, Quarrysville, Pennsylvania, 1976.
  • Postcard to Mrs. Frank Houston, Cincinnati, 1986.
  • Christmas postcard to Mrs. Frank Houston, Cincinnati, 1985.
  • Postcard to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houston, 1976.
  • Playbill of No, No Nanette. (1971)
  • Brochure from Rio Motel in Wildwood, New Jersey. (2004)
  • Jim Otto 1965 Topps football card.
  • Miniature Aircraft Quarterly. (1998)
  • Howeird Stern 50 Ways to Rank Your Mother LP. (1982)
  • A Knight’s Hard Day. (1964)
  • The Lowbrow Reader remembers Ol’ Dirty Bastard. (2004)
  • LP record about the 1972 Oakland A’s.
  • Madison Square Garden professional wrestling program. (1981)
  • Spy magazine. (1989)
  • Artis Gilmore ABA basketball card. (1973-74)
  • San Francisco cable car ticket stub. (1990s)
  • Bronx high school newspaper. (1947)
  • Mad magazine. (1966)
  • Vancouver Blazers hockey guide. (1974-75)
  • John Hummer NBA card. (1973)
  • Carolina Cougars ABA Yearbook. (1970)
  • The Washington Senators MLB Yearbook. (1968)
  • Ugandan currency with Idi Amin’s picture. (1973)
  • Tom Van Arsdale basketball card. (1970)
  • “Okie from Muskogee” sheet music. (1969)
  • California Golden Seals hockey magazine. (1972)
  • Beatles Film Festival Magazine (1978)
  • ABA Pictorial (1968-69)
  • Tom Seaver’s Baseball Is My Life. (1973)
  • Hockey Digest (1973)
  • World’s Fair Guide (1964)
  • World’s Fair Guide (1939)
  • Buffalo Braves Yearbook (1972-73)
  • New York Nets Yearbook (1976-77)
  • “Tom Dooley” sheet music.
  • Tags: ,

    Where is your God now? (Image by Cherie A. Thurlby.)

    What were the searches that brought traffic to the Afflictor site this week? Below is a hodgepodge of some of the inspired and inane keyphrases that sent visitors our way. Each one is linked to the story that attracted the search.

    Afflictor: Providing a safe haven for fish heads since 2009. (Image by Infrogmation.)

    Human and gorilla skeletons.

    Leather Skeleton Vanson (Limited Edition) – $250 (Brooklyn)

    It’s been worn twice! It’s a size 54 which is basically an XL. It’s worth almost $1,000. Here’s a link to the official vanson website if you don’t believe: http://www.vansonleathers.com/detail.aspx?ID=268. Mine is the limited edition with the with the bullet hole design in the front and back and blood exiting the bone in the back. I’m selling it for a quater of the prcie but I need cash so serious people only thanks.

    More Craigslist ads:

    Bobby Van was born as Robert Jack Stein in the Bronx, New York.

    I briefly got my paws on a copy of a 1971 Playbill for the Broadway musical, No, No, Nanette, which was originally produced in 1925. I’m not a world-class musicals expert, so my very limited knowledge of the show is that it may (or may not) have been the production that theater producer/Red Sox owner Harry Frazee financed by selling Babe Ruth to the Yankees. (Recent evidence suggests that it was an earlier non-musical version of the show that was indeed responsible for the Curse of the Bambino.)

    The musical comedy, set in Atlantic City, was created by Irving Caesar, Otto Harbach and Vincent Youmans. It may be best known today for introducing the song “Tea for Two.” The 1971 staging featured the talents of Ruby Keeler, Jack Gilford and Bobby Van. Van was apparently known to most Americans as an amicable guy who hosted and guested on game shows, but theater was his passion. He sadly died in 1980 at age 51 from brain cancer. Here’s an excerpt about him from the Playbill:

    Bobby Van says he ‘never took a dance lesson in my life.’ Both his father and his mother were performers who worked regularly in vaudeville; so young Bobby learned all facets of the performing arts at an early age–so early, in fact, that he was doing a comedy act at 16. To comedy he added singing and dancing which later became his forte. An offer from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lured him to the film capital where he appeared in such films as Kiss Me Kate, Small Town Girl, Because Your Mine and The Affairs of Dobie Gillis in which he played the title character. He is no stranger to TV, appearing as a guest on all the major musical variety shows. He will soon be seen in the Universal film The Last Flight, in which he co-stars with Lloyd Bridges. Mr. Van is married to the very attractive actress Elaine Joyce, regularly seen on the Don Knotts weekly NBC-TV series. Mr. Van received a nomination for a Tony Award for his role in No, No, Nanette. Bobby’s ambition is stay on the Broadway stage forever.”


    Bobby Van hosting Make Me Laugh in 1978, with special guest Frank Zappa.

    Bed of nails, India, 1907. (Image by Herbert Ponting.)

    Bed of Nails Coffee Table – $200 (Mount Vernon)

    Yes, you heard right. It’s a large 4′ X 4′ table, that is also a bed of nails. The glass rests above the nails and is supported by pylons. Not intended for laying on!!!!

    The table can either be used as a coffee table or as a large table to sit around depending on the length of the legs. Most recently I used it for a kitchen table. So to use it as a coffee table, you could shorten the legs.

    This is a really odd table that was my first (and only) attempt at building something artistic. However, now that my wife is pregnant, this table is too dangerous to keep at home with a baby running around. So I’d love to give it to somebody who will appreciate it.

    More Craigslist ads:

    "If it shoots, stabs or goes with it, I'll buy it." (Image by Kafziel.)

    I buy Flags, Rifles, Helmets, Swords & other Military items!

    Do you have old rifles (any long-barrels: muskets, flintlocks, breach-loaders, etc), swords, bayonets, flags, uniforms, medals, helmets or ANY war stuff collecting dust in your house? Grandpas WW2 relics? Nazi stuff that’s just too creepy to display? Great Uncle’s string of ears he cut off at Okinawa that scares your kids? Hitler’s personal mustache comb? Dad’s massive collection of guns that he collected for fighting “commies”? Pile of rusty shotguns in your garage? Propeller of a Viet Cong plane stuck in your attic?

    Sell it to me! I’m not a store, so there’s no waiting on paperwork and arguing, I don’t need to know why do you have a Romanian WW2 tank in your basement collecting dust, I just want it!

    Russian Imperial or German pre-1945 items are always bought at top price! US Propaganda ww2 posters, original photographs, even coins, I’ll give you an offer on ALMOST EVERYTHING!

    If it shoots, stabs or goes with it, I’ll buy it. I come to you anywhere in NY, always pay in CASH and I am discreet and professional.

    More Craigslist ads:

    "Redfish Lake, Idaho--Sawtooth National Forest. The lake is on U.S. 93 in the Sawtooth Mountain Range. Mount Heyburn on the right is over 10,000 feet elevation. Camping and lodge facilities are available."

    (Purchased at Brooklyn flea market for 25 cents,)

    “Dear Pee-paw and Mee-maw,

    Thought you’d enjoy seeing where we went camping last week. We rented a trailer and spent two nights here. Had a marvelous time! The area is so beautiful–we also visited a couple of mining ghost towns. Very interesting. Drove home through Sun Valley. It was a relaxing two-day vacation and we sure hated to come home. Hope this finds you both well!

    Much love,

    Susan and Bruce.”

    More Miscellaneous Media:

  • Postcard to Mrs. Frank Houston, Cincinnati, 1986.
  • Christmas postcard to Mrs. Frank Houston, Cincinnati, 1985.
  • Postcard to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houston, 1976.
  • Brochure from Rio Motel in Wildwood, New Jersey. (2004)
  • Jim Otto 1965 Topps football card.
  • Miniature Aircraft Quarterly. (1998)
  • Howeird Stern 50 Ways to Rank Your Mother LP. (1982)
  • A Knight’s Hard Day. (1964)
  • The Lowbrow Reader remembers Ol’ Dirty Bastard. (2004)
  • LP record about the 1972 Oakland A’s.
  • Madison Square Garden professional wrestling program. (1981)
  • Spy magazine. (1989)
  • Artis Gilmore ABA basketball card. (1973-74)
  • San Francisco cable car ticket stub. (1990s)
  • Bronx high school newspaper. (1947)
  • Mad magazine. (1966)
  • Vancouver Blazers hockey guide. (1974-75)
  • John Hummer NBA card. (1973)
  • Carolina Cougars ABA Yearbook. (1970)
  • The Washington Senators MLB Yearbook. (1968)
  • Ugandan currency with Idi Amin’s picture. (1973)
  • Tom Van Arsdale basketball card. (1970)
  • “Okie from Muskogee” sheet music. (1969)
  • California Golden Seals hockey magazine. (1972)
  • Beatles Film Festival Magazine (1978)
  • ABA Pictorial (1968-69)
  • Tom Seaver’s Baseball Is My Life. (1973)
  • Hockey Digest (1973)
  • World’s Fair Guide (1964)
  • World’s Fair Guide (1939)
  • Buffalo Braves Yearbook (1972-73)
  • New York Nets Yearbook (1976-77)
  • “Tom Dooley” sheet music.
  • Tags: ,

    Woodrow Fucking Wilson. (Image by Pach Brothers.)

    What are the search engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor over the last couple of weeks? Below is a list of some of the sublime and ridiculous requests linked to the stories that attracted them to our humble site:

    Afflictor: Making our readers proud to show their faces since 2009.

    "I would rather not compromise my dignity."

    Kidney 4 Sale (Manhattan)

    Young, healthy, non-smoker, athletic (jogger, tennis), educated (Bachelor of Science in Marketing), blood type A woman is looking to share my kidney with an individual/family who really needs it. I am not willing to travel outside of the continental US to have surgery. The job market has been unsympathetic to me and at this point its either sell a kidney or compromise my dignity. I would rather not compromise my dignity, besides, I would be helping to save someone’s life.

      specimen for taxidermy

      i am an amateur taxidermist in need of more practice, but as i live in the city, the discovery of fallen/deceased wildlife happens rarely, stunting my growth in the craft.

      so i am writing this post to request assistance. if you happen to find a freshly deceased specimen (if it smells, it’s too late) along your daily routine, please reply to my post with directions to the find.

      i am particularly interested in birds & small mammals (with exception to sewer rats & pigeons, unfortunately the majority of nyc “wildlife”).

      thank you.

      You can't be too careful when reading Afflictor. (Image by Diego Cupolo.)

      Sorry for the lack of posts on Monday. Bad head cold. I’ll be back Tuesday.

      "Pickles is my thing." (Image by Aaron.)

      Jersey Shore Talking Bobble Head-Snooki – $49 (New Jersey)

      Collect All 3 for yourself or a friends. Head to the Jersey Shore with your favorite Guidos and Guidettes

      The diminutive queen of MTVs breakout series Jersey Shore gets the bobble head treatment. Jersey Shore Nicole Snooki Talking Bobble Head. This collectible Nicole “Snooki” wobbler stands approximately 6-inches tall and speaks the following phrases subject to change:

      • “Pickles is my thing.”
      • “The Snooks… is out.”
      • “Im not trashy… unless I drink too much.”\

      Jersey Shore Mike The Situation Talking Bobble Head speaks the following phrases subject to change:

      • This is “The Situation” right here… my abs are so ripped up, its… we call it “The Situation.””
      • “Everybody loves me… babies, dogs, you know, hot girls, cougars. I just have unbelievable mass appeal.”
      • “I check out the mirror and like… woooh, todays gonna be a good day.”

      Jersey Shore DJ Pauly D Talking Bobble Head speaks the following phrases subject to change:

      • “You gotta stay fresh-to-death, I call it…fresh outfit, fresh haircut, fresh tan; just stay fresh.”
      • “Nooo way I’m goin’ to Jersey without my hair gel; can’t leave without my gel.”
      • “The party’s in Pauly D’s pants tonight.”

      Acceptable payments: Paypal,Money Order, Checks checks have to clear before item is shipped out.

      More Craigslist ads:

      Tags: , ,

      "Mauna Kea. Hilo, Hawaii."

      (Postcard purchased for 25 cents at a Brooklyn flea market.)

      “Dear Birdie,

      Hope you are completely recovered from your eye operation. We are back fine and keeping busy. Sal is hunting this a.m. Wish you could taste wild sheep. It is delicious.

      Our best wishes to all.

      Miss you,

      Sal and Lidia.”

      More Miscellaneous Media:

    • Postcard to Mrs. Frank Houston, Cincinnati, 1986.
    • Christmas postcard to Mrs. Frank Houston, Cincinnati, 1985.
    • Brochure from Rio Motel in Wildwood, New Jersey. (2004)
    • Jim Otto 1965 Topps football card.
    • Miniature Aircraft Quarterly. (1998)
    • Howeird Stern 50 Ways to Rank Your Mother LP. (1982)
    • A Knight’s Hard Day. (1964)
    • The Lowbrow Reader remembers Ol’ Dirty Bastard. (2004)
    • LP record about the 1972 Oakland A’s.
    • Madison Square Garden professional wrestling program. (1981)
    • Spy magazine. (1989)
    • Artis Gilmore ABA basketball card. (1973-74)
    • San Francisco cable car ticket stub. (1990s)
    • Bronx high school newspaper. (1947)
    • Mad magazine. (1966)
    • Vancouver Blazers hockey guide. (1974-75)
    • John Hummer NBA card. (1973)
    • Carolina Cougars ABA Yearbook. (1970)
    • The Washington Senators MLB Yearbook. (1968)
    • Ugandan currency with Idi Amin’s picture. (1973)
    • Tom Van Arsdale basketball card. (1970)
    • “Okie from Muskogee” sheet music. (1969)
    • California Golden Seals hockey magazine. (1972)
    • Beatles Film Festival Magazine (1978)
    • ABA Pictorial (1968-69)
    • Tom Seaver’s Baseball Is My Life. (1973)
    • Hockey Digest (1973)
    • World’s Fair Guide (1964)
    • World’s Fair Guide (1939)
    • Buffalo Braves Yearbook (1972-73)
    • New York Nets Yearbook (1976-77)
    • “Tom Dooley” sheet music.
    • Tags: , , ,

      Afflictor: Making America beam like a happy little girl since 2009. (Image by William M. Vander Weyde.)

      "Get rid of clutter as well as incriminating/embarrassing old writing."

      CASH 4 DIARIES – We pay cash for old diary & journal – $100 (Brooklyn)

      CASH 4 DIARIES will pay you $10 cash for your FILLED OUT, personal diary or journal. It doesn’t matter what you wrote, or who it’s about. Feel free to black out all people’s names (although this will lower its value), but leave the story intact otherwise it’s worthless. Diaries must be hand-written, authentic thoughts/musings/logs on any subject at all, from love to business and anything in between. Get up to $100 for your diary and get rid of clutter as well as incriminating/embarrassing old writing.

      Please bookmark or highlight the most interesting parts so we can quickly appraise your diary’s worth.

      Please DO NOT submit diaries unless they belong to you, and please do not “spice up” your existing diary by adding on to it; our appraisers will be able to tell and you will make the entire diary worthless.

      More Craigslist ads:

      "Ima laugh."

      iced out jesus piece 15 carets – $2700 (fordham rd)

      I have a white gold 14k canary princess cut jesus head..it has 15 caret yellow diamonds and wieghs 55 grams of 14k white gold….price is 2700 this piece will run u $5000 easy in any jewlery store the way the price of gold and diamonds are rising….we can meet in any jewlery store u like garenteed u cant find this cheaper anywhere else….will only trade for an invisible setting cross with clean stones in it…or let me know what u have to trade if its garbage and u know it dont waist ur time ima laugh…email me with ur # and ill call asap if its legit….i took 3 pics with no light so u can see how good it looks in the dark and 1 pic with the light on…do not email me with offers like a phone or computer or corney shit..only trade would be a princess cut cross….and i will not ship to ur dieing mother in india….

      More Craigslist ads:


      On back of postcard: "Pompano Beach, Florida. This beautiful view depicts the glamour of living along the Waterway, with lush green trees and picturesque swimming pool. NOW THAT'S LIVING."

      (Postcard purchased for 25 cents at a Brooklyn flea market.)

      “Dear Birdie,

      Thanks so much for letting us know about Ruth. She seemed to be pretty good when I was up there. I thought she would lick it. Please keep me informed. You are always so good at that and I appreciate it. Can’t reach Kay. She is being operated on at Duke University around this time so that’s perhaps where she is.

      Stay healthy. We sure plan to.

      Love, Margaret”

      More Miscellaneous Media:

    • Christmas postcard from 1985.
    • Brochure from Rio Motel in Wildwood, New Jersey. (2004)
    • Jim Otto 1965 Topps football card.
    • Miniature Aircraft Quarterly. (1998)
    • Howeird Stern 50 Ways to Rank Your Mother LP. (1982)
    • A Knight’s Hard Day. (1964)
    • The Lowbrow Reader remembers Ol’ Dirty Bastard. (2004)
    • LP record about the 1972 Oakland A’s.
    • Madison Square Garden professional wrestling program. (1981)
    • Spy magazine. (1989)
    • Artis Gilmore ABA basketball card. (1973-74)
    • San Francisco cable car ticket stub. (1990s)
    • Bronx high school newspaper. (1947)
    • Mad magazine. (1966)
    • Vancouver Blazers hockey guide. (1974-75)
    • John Hummer NBA card. (1973)
    • Carolina Cougars ABA Yearbook. (1970)
    • The Washington Senators MLB Yearbook. (1968)
    • Ugandan currency with Idi Amin’s picture. (1973)
    • Tom Van Arsdale basketball card. (1970)
    • “Okie from Muskogee” sheet music. (1969)
    • California Golden Seals hockey magazine. (1972)
    • Beatles Film Festival Magazine (1978)
    • ABA Pictorial (1968-69)
    • Tom Seaver’s Baseball Is My Life. (1973)
    • Hockey Digest (1973)
    • World’s Fair Guide (1964)
    • World’s Fair Guide (1939)
    • Buffalo Braves Yearbook (1972-73)
    • New York Nets Yearbook (1976-77)
    • “Tom Dooley” sheet music.
    • Tags: ,

      Afflictor: Making young Tajikistan starlets give that come-hither look since 2009. (Image by Steve Evans.)

      "Coir" is the stiff, coarse fiber from the outer husk of a coconut. (Image by Kulmalukko.)

      RARE CHINESE Coir Raincoat c.1890 – $450 (anywhere NYC)

      Southern China, Late 19th century. Approximately 52″ X 44″ Coconut Palm Fiber. Excellent Condition. Not only is this coat rare, but the original hat to the coat is with it and I am throwing it in together. Serious collectors with cash only.

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