
You are currently browsing the archive for the Misc. category.

These are the brand of raisins I prefer should you go to the market. (Image by Carlosar.)

Before getting to our featured country, let me first thank the fine people of Lebanon, Poland, Latvia and Spain, who have been frequent visitors to the idiotic site known as Afflictor in September. You are the wind beneath my fucking wings!

A special thanks goes out to all the people in Venezuela who have visited Afflictor so far this month. It’s been nice to have you with us. Best known as a country where kidnapping at gunpoint is the main form of aerobic exercise, Venezuela likely has such a high rate of violent crime because it is the domain of an insecure, controlling, thuggish sack of crap known as Hugo Chavez. He applies the country’s Constitution very selectively to gain revenge on those who disagree with him. Some genius Americans like Oliver Stone and Sean Penn  support Chavez for the type of behavior that would outrage them coming from their own President. They are irresponsible d-bags.

Venezuelans apparently need to rely on Afflictor for opinion, since having a free opinion there is so dangerous. We’re glad to be of service. A warm Afflictor welcome to you, the fine people of Venezuela!


Don't do anything gross to me. (Image by Jack.)

Got a bunny suit we can borrow? (Union Square)

Hello folks. This may sound dirty and alarming, but we promise — totally kosher.

Here’s the deal: we need a rabbit suit — think Easter, mascot, Disneyland character. (A couple terrifying examples are below.)

You might be wondering why. What other reason could there be except–

The theatre!

A very funny, very nonprofit theatre company is putting on a show this week and we desperately need your help and your bunny suit.

We won’t do anything gross to it. We’ll return it in pristine condition, as clean and fluffy as we get it.

And we’ll be happy to share details and prove our legitimacy when you respond. (Please do — we’re in dire straits here!)

The nonprofit thing means we can’t compensate you with anything but gratitude and maybe a complimentary ticket to the show, so we’re counting on your generosity. And on you having some weird things in your closet.

More Craigslist ads:

The New York Giants finished 2-8-2 that season.

This very bare-bones print ad appeared in the same 1947 Bronx high school newspaper that I posted from earlier. It was a special offer to students who wanted to see the New York Giants play pigskin. The game–as well as the Giants’ season–ended up a disappointment, with the New York squad being shut out 14-0. But the price was right. The ad copy in full:


Polo Grounds
October 19 2:05pm

New York Football Giants


Boston Yanks

School students will be admitted for 50 cents at special entrance. 159th Street and 8th Avenue only.”

More Old Print Ads:

Inscribed by Stern: "Yo--let's do lunch. Howeird."

I haven’t heard a word of Howard Stern’s show since he moved to satellite radio nearly five years ago, but I was pleased to briefly get my hands on an autographed copy of his 1982 record, 50 Ways to Rank Your Mother, which Stern recorded for Wren Records during his pre-Booey Washington D.C. days, when he  was billed as “Howeird” and was very into playing “rank-outs” with listeners.

The radio host (not yet dubbed a “shock jock’) is pictured on the cover dressed in all black, wearing a dog collar and a brandishing a bullwhip. A middle-class mom, straight out of central casting, kneels and cowers before him. The visual is a play on the title song, which, of course, spoofs Paul Simon’s “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover.” The whole album is just as crass and tasteless, and despite being recorded before Stern really fully developed his act, it still has its moments.

Hairy Howard: muh-muh-mustache.

Howard did a record signing to get rid of the surplus LPs when he first moved to NYC, and he and Robin were among the inner circle of loons who were on hand to put ink on covers. Robin signed, “Love ya. You’re the best and you can tell your friends I said so.” Howard went with a simple, “Yo–let’s do lunch.” Howard offered a special thanks to “My first wife, Alison,” which was probably a lot funnier when he was still married to his first wife, Alison. Or maybe it’s funnier now. I don’t know. Here are the titles of the album cuts, which lay low everything from Neil Young to Leave It To Beaver:

Side 1

•50 Ways to Rank Your Mother
•Unclean Beaver, Part I
•I Shot Ron Reagan
•Barry Off-White’s Ode to Howit

Side 2

•Havana Hillbillies
•Unclean Beaver, Part II
•John’s Revenge
•Nail Young’s Cat
•Family Affarce
•Bruce Springstern

More Miscellaneous Media:

  • A Knight’s Hard Day. (1964)
  • The Lowbrow Reader remembers Ol’ Dirty Bastard. (2004)
  • LP record about the 1972 Oakland A’s.
  • Madison Square Garden professional wrestling program. (1981)
  • Spy magazine. (1989)
  • Artis Gilmore ABA basketball card. (1973-74)
  • San Francisco cable car ticket stub. (1990s)
  • Bronx high school newspaper. (1947)
  • Mad magazine. (1966)
  • Vancouver Blazers hockey guide. (1974-75)
  • John Hummer NBA card. (1973)
  • Carolina Cougars ABA Yearbook. (1970)
  • The Washington Senators MLB Yearbook. (1968)
  • Ugandan currency with Idi Amin’s picture. (1973)
  • Tom Van Arsdale basketball card. (1970)
  • “Okie from Muskogee” sheet music. (1969)
  • California Golden Seals hockey magazine. (1972)
  • Beatles Film Festival Magazine (1978)
  • ABA Pictorial (1968-69)
  • Tom Seaver’s Baseball Is My Life. (1973)
  • Hockey Digest (1973)
  • World’s Fair Guide (1964)
  • World’s Fair Guide (1939)
  • Buffalo Braves Yearbook (1972-73)
  • New York Nets Yearbook (1976-77)
  • “Tom Dooley” sheet music.
  • Tags: ,

    Cigar the size of a trombone.

    Vintage Cigar Press – $75 (Croton on Hudson)

    Vintage wooden press / mold for cigars. Late 19th Century. Still has tobacco scent. Has Cincinnati printed in fading letters. Maybe that mean this was made by MILLER DUBRUL & PETERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY founded in 1870. Measures 13″ long x 4 3/4″ tall x 2 1/2″ wide.

    More Craigslist ads:

    Afflictor: Exhausting pretty much the whole world since 2009. (Image by Frank Wouters.)

    A message from the Editor.

    As we reach our 1,000th post, which is a slow morning for most bloggers, it’s time to look back at those items that resonated with you, the Afflictor readers. You can pretty much throw out the first 500 posts–they were god-awful and I’m embarrassed of them all. The next 250 entries showed slight improvement. And the most recent 250 posts were largely about monkeys using cocaine. These were spectacular. Here is a countdown of what the data tells us are the ten most popular posts in the history of the idiotic site known as Afflictor.


    10. Lady Gaga Urinates On Home Plate At Yankee Stadium

    Lady Gaga: There was a line at the restroom. (Image by Daniel Åhs Karlsson.)

    Worried that someone somewhere in the world wasn’t paying attention only to her, Lady Gaga climbed down from the stands at Sunday’s Yankee game and urinated on home plate just before the start of the sixth inning. Taking off her clothes, grabbing her private parts and making obscene gestures in the luxury boxes for the game’s first two hours helped her make a spectacle of herself, but it wasn’t until she had downed a few large beers that Gaga was ready to unleash the piece de resistance. Imitating the squatting style of the late catcher Elston Howard, the New York-born singer gave the capacity crowd an amazing show.

    “Wow, she’s a great entertainer,” said Yankee fan Phil Vacco, 21, of Bay Ridge. “That’s why I live in New York. To see big stars behave like filthy hobos.”

    Yogi Berra: I'm sure glad I retired. Home plate smells like pee-pee.

    Lady Gaga has enjoyed a meteoric rise over the past year, going from completely unknown to completely boring in record time. Now totally overexposed, she’s burned through Madonna’s whole tired act in a matter of months.

    “My fans are everything to me, and I would die for them,” Gaga said, pulling up her torn underwear after she was finished taking a leak.

    Then she headed to Monument Park where she set fire to a statue of Lou Gehrig and performed public sex acts with old timer Joe Pepitone.


    9. Lindsay Thinks She’s In A Really Lousy Airport

    Lindsay: I'd like a window seat.

    Lindsay doesn’t know she’s in jail, so you probably shouldn’t mention it to her if you happen to wind up in the cell next to hers. She just thinks she’s in a very bad airport, like, the worst one she’s ever been in. Her lawyers didn’t want to bum her out, so they didn’t really tell her the whole truth and stuff. Maybe they should have.

    Lindsay thinks the plane must be very delayed. Perhaps there was a bad storm or something. And to make matters worse, this crappy airport has no magazine stand where she can buy an Us Weekly and a Red Bull. It’s odd that all the Passenger Service Agents have guns and handcuffs and the Ground Crew gives her strip searches, but in this age of terrorism, you can’t be too careful.

    The plane will be here soon, pumpkin. (Image by Glenn Francis.)

    Lindsay thinks it’s good of the airline to give her free food and a place to sleep while she waits for her plane, but the meals and accommodations are pretty subpar. She hopes the plane will get here soon because waiting around is such a drag. Lindsay isn’t sure where the plane she’s waiting for is going, but she hopes it’s someplace really cool. Maybe she’ll be making a movie there or hosting a party or something.

    Sometimes Lindsay wishes she could fly without an airplane. Then she wouldn’t have to wait around for anyone. She would just flap her arms and soar into the sky where everything is quiet and peaceful and blue. There would be birds to talk to and she could get close enough to the rainbows to touch them. And it would be just completely great and make her really happy if all the clouds she flew into were made of marshmallows and vanilla ice cream and crystal meth.


    8. Exclusive: Snooki Running For Mayor Of Wasilla

    Campaign slogan: Wanna fuck? (Image by Amy Nicole Waltney.)

    Because every antisocial, opportunistic cretin contributing nothing to society feels compelled to run for Mayor of Wasilla, Snooki has just announced she’s throwing her snatch into the ring.

    Snooki has an unusual platform that has nothing to do with improving Wasilla’s primary school education or eldercare services. She plans to woo voters by giving a blowjob in public to a giraffe shipped in from the Alaska Zoo. It might sound strange, but there’s a method to her madness. Wasilla is a hardscrabble town that could use a great mayor to help it cope with the many social problems it’s facing, but short of that the locals need someone to make them feel better about themselves. Snooki blowing a giraffe will achieve that latter goal because it will enable the citizens of Wasilla to feel superior, since they won’t be the ones who’ll have giraffe semen in their mouths. Even though no one asked her to, Snooki has even volunteered to swallow the quadruped ejaculate. People are willing to give her handkerchiefs to spit into, but she won’t hear of it.

    For his part, Levi isn’t giving up without a battle. He’s agreed to finger the house pets (dogs, cats, ferrets, etc.) of any MILF who is willing to throw her vote his way. He has, however, asserted that he will not use his tongue on them. That could hurt him with swing voters, but no one will know for sure until Election Day. The one thing we do know for certain is the people who are considering creating a reality show that has Levi running a sham campaign for mayor of Wasilla are college graduates who should definitely know better. But they care nothing for the welfare of the people in the small Alaskan town.

    There'll also be assplay. (Image by Hans Hillewaert.)

    MTV and its parent company Viacom are being very supportive of Snooki’s mayoral aspirations, because they’re not multi-billion dollar corporations just using the Jersey Shore cast members to make large sums of money before discarding them like trash. People might think that’s what’s happening, but it’s totally not. For instance, if one of the Jersey Shore kids should contract HIV from one of the drunken hook-ups that MTV and its parent company Viacom enables and encourages, the network will no doubt be there for them.

    And MTV and and its parent company Viacom have a sense of responsibility that goes far beyond just the cast, extending to the millions of young viewers who may emulate the disgusting behavior displayed on the show. The program is popular with a very young demographic, and let’s face it, not all of those tweens and young teens who watch have great parental guidance. Should the show inspire some of them to behave promiscuously and get an STD, maybe even AIDS, the corporations will definitely intercede and help them emotionally and financially, especially if they need expensive hospice care. Anything less would be incredibly negligent.

    It’s not easy for executives at MTV and Viacom these days because they all keep having the same recurring nightmare. It goes something like this: After cashing their paychecks for Season 3, the Jersey Shore cast members realize they’re going to be replaced by cheaper dummies the following year anyhow, so they decide to not put their health at risk for what is actually a small amount of money. They all conspire to give up drinking and behaving like pigs and instead go to libraries and do charity work for people in need. MTV and Viacom execs all wake up in a panic just as the kids become good citizens.


    7. NFL Rule Changes: Kidnappings Now Permissible

    NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell: I was just really tired of suspending everyone. (Image by Bradley Lail.)

    The NFL Rules Committee recently met and have made some changes to modernize America’s favorite sport and make it even more reprehensible. Commissioner Roger Goodell was tired of reprimanding everyone in football anyhow, so he decided to say fuck the rules to reduce the number of player suspensions and fan arrests. Dogfighting, gun and drug possession, beating up strippers, ticket holders behaving like boxcar hobos and players experiencing brain damage is just the beginning. Shit’s gonna get effed up, people!

    For one thing, kidnapping is now legal. If the other team has a player who’s really making it difficult for your team to win the game, your guys can get some guns and rope and kidnap that player from the opposing sidelines. Then they can have that player beg for mercy before the cameras to psyche out the other team. Fans will not only be able to bet money they don’t have on game outcomes but also on which players will emerge from their kidnappings alive.

    Players will no longer wear helmets. They’re getting brain damaged already anyhow, but it’s happening in a way that’s subtle, gradual and not entertaining. Now they’ll be a chance to literally see some of the damaged brains, should they ooze from a player’s gashed, bloody head. CT scans of the injured skulls will be taken as soon as players are carted off the field, and the head X-rays will be displayed on the scoreboard along with other stats.

    Who wants to pistol-whip the free safety? (Image by Belinda Hankins Miller.)

    Officials will be required to carry firearms, though they will only be able to use them to murder players at non-skill positions. If an official accidentally kills a quarterback or running back, he in turn will also be murdered. These executions will occur at mid-field via lethal injection, which will be administered by the referee the condemned official was least friendly with. Announcers will be encouraged to use profanities and talk trash about former announcers who have recently passed away. Those losers were weak and cowardly and their grieving families should know.

    Only fans have been able to get disgustingly drunk during games in the past, but players will now be permitted to drink booze and smoke weed on the sidelines. The liquor they drink will, however, have to be made by an NFL sponsor. It’s a great way to raise revenue through product placement. Cheerleaders are being replaced by prostitutes, who will provide players and coaches with blowjobs and quickies at halftime. Fans will likewise be permitted to have sex in the stands between halves, but they will have to bring their own prostitutes or purchase prostitutes from the concession stand. Fans who have grown too obese to perform sexually will be able to watch a porno on the Jumbotron so that they can remember what arousal felt like.

    The NFL will be much more interactive since fans will help determine when games are over. The 60-minute playing time will no longer be observed. Games will continue until 100 players and/or spectators have died from cardiac arrest or alcohol poisoning. The team with the most points at that juncture will win, and the deceased will be buried in a mass grave beneath the 30-yard line before carrion can have at them.

    Are you ready for some football?


    6. Decoder: Larry King’s Interview With Lady Gaga

    Larry King: I should have retired when Jackie Gleason died.

    Larry King: We have a Tweeter question for Lady Gaga that was Twitted to us.

    Decoder: I think my pocket calculator just exploded.

    Lady Gaga: I am good friends with Deepak Chopra who I speak to a lot about my dreams. And he seems to think it’s nothing really to worry about. He tells me that I’m very creative and I should learn to embrace my insanity and not worry so much because I always call him and say, Deepak, I had this most horrible, morbid dream. What does it all mean? And he says you’re just very creative. Put it on stage.

    Decoder: Deepak Chopra is getting a new unlisted number.

    Lady Gaga: I probably should take a break and go on vacation. But I’d rather die on stage, not under a palm tree.

    Decoder: Talking to you, Larry, makes me fixate on death.

    Lady Gaga: I hope when I’m dead I’ll be considered an icon.

    Decoder: You are like a walking casket, Larry. You fill me with thoughts of mortality. I can see your breath when you speak.

    Lady Gaga: Ready to sit shiva for Larry. (Image by Danielåhskarlsson.)

    Larry King: Is there any boundary you won’t cross?

    Decoder: Would you, for instance, be open to being the fourteenth wife of a desiccated talk-show host?

    Lady Gaga: So much of what I do is hinged on show business. I believe so much in it–people ask me, what do you dress like when you’re alone? Do you ever just wear sweatpants or whatever they say. And I’m thinking that they–the concept of show business is lost. Michael Jackson, when he was being wheeled out of the ambulance when he was burned, he held his glitter glove up high above his head to was to his fans, because he was show business.

    Decoder: More than anyone else, Michael Jackson needed to throw on some sweatpants and not be a freak for five minutes. He’s a terrible role model for anyone in or out of show business.

    Lady Gaga: I’m very religious. I was raised Catholic. I believe in Jesus. I believe in God. I’m very spiritual. I pray very much.

    Decoder: I pray that you won’t touch me with your bony fingers, Larry.

    Larry King: Lady Gaga has a special relationship with her fans.

    Decoder: My fans, however, have all died from natural causes, as have their children.


    5. Environmental Disaster Worsens in July As…Oh Wait, Snooki Just Crapped Her Pants

    Snooki: The turlet was all the way over there. (Image by Amy Nicole Waltney.)

    Something really bad was happening to the environment recently, but then Snooki crapped her pants. She’s the best! It happened either on a boardwalk or in a parking garage–there are conflicting reports. It wasn’t an accident if that’s what you’re thinking. Snooki can control her bowel movements; she just chose not to. Having been rewarded handsomely for sub-literate, antisocial behavior, she feels like she needs to constantly up the ante. And anyhow the bathroom was about 40 feet away, so why not just use her clothes as a toilet and do something to entertain her many fans.

    According to eyewitness accounts, Snooki had downed some booze and a veal parm a few hours earlier and felt she needed to evacuate her intestines, so that she could be light on her feet during a planned broken beer bottle fight with another woman. Despite her diminutive size, Snooki craps like a herd of alpacas. Her thong couldn’t catch the poop, and it oozed out onto the ground. The Smithsonian has called about it; they’d like to acquire the stool and permanently keep it floating in one of the museum’s toilets. It’s just like when they acquired Fonzie’s leather jacket if Fonzie’s leather jacket had been made of feces.

    Only losers use them. (Image by Downtowngal.)

    Everyone has been tweeting about Snooki dropping a deuce in her pants and fans are making a pilgrimage to the Jersey Shore to see it for themselves. The dung has been roped off to protect it from being stolen, but the masses can get close enough so that they can take photos in front of it.

    People who watch her TV show claim to like Snooki, but it’s unlikely they would ever want to trade places with her. It seems they just enjoy laughing at someone who makes them feel superior. But what kind of message does that send to children who might think they can thrive by acting like pigs rather than developing their minds. Democracy can’t survive without an informed citizenry and …oh wait, The Situation just pissed himself! There are conflicting reports, but it happened either on a bar stool or in a bowling alley. He’s the best!


    4. Shocking Ending On The Office Next Season: Michael Scott To Be Brutally Murdered

    Blood everywhere. (Image by Greg Hernandez.)

    It’s been reported elsewhere that the Michael Scott character is exiting from The Office at the end of next season, but we’ve learned exclusively that his departure will be as the result of a particularly brutal murder. The shocking crime is to occur at the hands of Meredith, Dunder-Mifflin’s troubled Supplier Relations representative, whose deeply rooted personal problems have long been a source of mirth.

    In the episode, Michael will be collecting his personal effects at approximately five in the afternoon, preparing to head home to his condo after another day at the Scranton branch when he is accosted by a knife-wielding Meredith, who is no longer able to cover up her pain with alcoholism and promiscuity. Having felt the sting once too often of Michael’s cruel taunts about her physical unattractiveness, Meredith lunges at him and can’t stop stabbing until her mania subsides minutes later. The warehouse guys have their hands full trying to clean up the mess.

    No man will harm me again. (Image by Angela George.)

    Although Pennsylvania maintains the death penalty, very few murderers are executed, so it’s possible Meredith will escape lethal injection. She had displayed the type of aberrant behavior in regards to alcohol and sex that people engage in to try to mollify acute suffering. This pattern of behavior most likely resulted from some trauma or abuse that occurred in childhood, and no one should have been making light of it.

    In a subplot, smirking prankster Jim decides to use the situation to irk thick-headed rival Dwight, placing Michael’s decapitated head on his desk and challenging his co-worker to defeat it in a staring contest. “Fact,” says Dwight, “If you put pennies on my eyes, I will simply blink and knock them off whereas a disembodied head will not be able to do so.” Dwight eventually takes the bait, but office tight-ass Angela becomes irritated with Jim, telling him that “it’s hard enough working here after the slaying and you keep making it harder.” That’s what she said.


    3. New Show Coming Soon To ESPN: Lebron James Discusses His Pecker Variety Hour

    Lebron James: South Beach has much better pecker weather than Cleveland. (Image by Dave Hogg.)

    Coming off the ratings bonanza of Lebron James’ The Decision show, in which he revealed which NBA team he would play for next, ESPN has greenlighted the latest program idea from Camp Lebron, a show that has the newest member of the Miami Heat discussing his pecker. While James’ ego was somewhat satisfied by the non-stop attention from journalists and billionaire team owners and his ability to talk about his “talents” in front of millions of people, there was precious little time left for him to discuss his pecker. James is hoping the new show will remedy that oversight and help his pecker build a global brand.

    ESPN President George Bodenheimer quickly cleared the programming slate when he found out Lebron and his pecker were available, especially since King James agreed to donate proceeds from the ad sales of his program to charity. “Not only will this be groundbreaking programming,” Bodenheimer said from ESPN headquarters in Bristol, Connecticut, “but just think of the good Greenpeace can do with all that pecker money.”

    Host Jim Gray will be on hand to ask Lebron tough questions about his pecker’s life on and off the court. The program will be immediately followed by Charles Barkley’s Vampire Disco Bullfight Execution Hour, in which the former forward will get effed up and just wing it.

    Charles Barkley: I decide which matadors get to live. (Image by Scott LaPierre.)


    2. Exclusive: Huge Changes Ahead For American Idol

    Gen. Petraeus: You sing like Cher after she's been to a Taliban dentist.

    The news is everywhere that a shakeup has gone down behind the scenes at American Idol. With ratings starting to decline and Simon leaving the program, producers knew that they had to take some drastic measures.

    So, judges Ellen and Kara are out and replacing them will be J-Lo and Steven Tyler. What hasn’t been reported is that General Petraeus will also be joining the show as a judge. Already assigned with the twin burdens of successfully completing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Petraeus will be expected to rescue the disaster that Idol has become.

    Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri: Your pants are on the ground, infidel.

    Some people think Petraeus is too nice like Ellen, but this is a four-star general who is used to talking tough with some of the most evil terrorists in the world. If you sing a song and you sound like a bunch of cats murdering a bird, Petraeus isn’t going to lie to you.

    He’s also up for the ratings challenge. “We will pursue Dancing with the Stars relentlessly,” Petraeus said at a press conference. “We will target them and their leaders. We will fight hard and with discipline until we reach our achievable goals.”

    In order to further liven things up, Ryan Seacrest has been let go to make room for new host, Al-Qaeda member Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri. Unlike Ellen, this enemy combatant is definitely not too nice. In fact, he’s a terrorist hellbent on destroying Western culture. The banter between Al-Marri and Petraeus will no doubt be deliciously bitchy. Fox has its fingers crossed.


    1. That Dick Cheney Sex Tape Finally Surfaces

    The fans respond. (Image by Landii.)

    That Dick Cheney sex tape that’s been rumored to be out there for a while has finally emerged on the Internet. It’s not great quality video footage–kind of grainy–but you can clearly see it’s the former Vice President.

    Some people think that Cheney’s political enemies have released the tape to embarrass him, but others believe that Cheney himself has leaked the video to boost his popularity. Nobody has any sympathy for him even though he has a ferret heart and arteries fashioned from a vacuum cleaner bag. Maybe having a sex tape in circulation will improve his standing with the public like it did for that Kardashian woman.

    I’ve already had a look at the footage and it’s as graphic as you might expect. It’s certainly not for the squeamish, as there’s no pixelation. Cheney likes using his mouth a lot on the private parts and he’s really into doing it doggy style. He seems unduly proud of his blotchy skin and tiny wang. There’s a tattoo of a scorpion on his ass. He sneers throughout.

    Cheney: Fuck me harder.

    You have to give the former Veep credit for being pretty athletic considering he lacks a pulse and a heartbeat and shit. During the climactic scene, Cheney appears to ejaculate bat blood instead of semen. It’s possible it’s snake venom, but it really looks to have the texture and consistency of bat blood. I don’t know for sure; I’m not a bat scientist.

    If the video goes viral, then perhaps Cheney will get to be a contestant on Dancing with the Stars or maybe decide to run for the Presidency in 2012. Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, who’s done soft-core photo spreads and videos, can be his running mate. Obama only does tasteful topless shots, so they’d have that advantage over him.

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    This wiseguy actually sounds very happy despite all his complaining.

    Buy the Cool Stuff My Girlfriend Won’t Let Me Keep

    One of the most bittersweet moments of my life was when my girlfriend and I officially decided it was time to move in together. We tenderly embraced, and she looked at me with a delicate twinkle in her eye and said, “I am NOT living in a house with a Yankee chair.” The parking brake had been released, and my bachelorhood began rolling downhill toward a brick wall.

    With more than 30 years of the afore-mentioned bachelorhood under my belt, I’m not ashamed to say that I have a lot of stuff. Guy stuff. As you can imagine, most self-respecting women are offended by the very thought of allowing these items to eye-rape their guests. My woman, alas, is no exception.

    With just two bedrooms in our new place and no hope for a dedicated “man space” in my immediate future, it seems that my only option (short of returning to a sexless existence) is shedding some of this Bachelor Baggage. That’s where you come in. Some lucky guy with a van/pickup truck and a shred of free will is going to profit immensely from my misfortune.

    (Please note that while picking up the merchandise, the lucky buyer will be forbidden to make eye contact with me as I sit slumped in the corner, sobbing gently. Thanks in advance.)

    Here’s the rundown of the haul:

    1. Yankee La-Z-Boy Chair: There is simply no better way to communicate to the world your love of heated buttock massages and America’s Pastime (in that order). This little beauty has all of the high-tech accoutrements that 1999 had to offer – heat/massage, a working speaker phone in the armrest and ample magazine/remote control storage space. This chair is pretty much the ultimate wingman for those “I’m not moving from this very spot for the next eight hours” football Sundays. I used to have those.

    The chair’s in good shape and everything works, but its stellar condition left my lady completely unmoved. Do me a favor, give it a good home and think of me next time you’re sipping a beer and eating a bag of chips that you’ve got stored in the armrest. I’ll probably be whiling away my day at Target, or another similarly soul-deadening establishment.

    Price: $275 (local pickup only – I’d offer to deliver but I drive a two-door sports car and I don’t feel like winding up on YouTube as I comically attempt to make the delivery. And yes, in case you were wondering the sports car’s days are numbered as well.)

    2. NEW 40.5” x 25” Samuel Adams Mirror in Wooden Frame: I honestly thought I’d get away with this one, since my sweetie and I won it in a raffle together. Guess again. This thing is brand-new, has never been displayed, and it’s HUGE (it measures 40.5” x 25”). It’s the perfect finishing touch to any bar or man cave. I’ve seen these things on eBay for over $350. I’m parting with it for much less. Just give it a prominent spot on your wall for all to admire, raise a pint to a fallen comrade, and we’ll both feel like we came out ahead.

    Price: $230

    3. Video Game Chair: This one comes with an important caveat –near as I can tell, it’s only compatible with last-generation game systems like Playstation 2 and X-“don’t call me 360”-Box. That being said, what’s the only thing better than wreaking havoc in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas? You guessed it, wreaking havoc in San Andreas while the screams of your innocent victims cascade upon you from built-in speakers located just behind your ears.

    Someone with a bit of electronics knowledge may (note, I said MAY) be able to figure out how to hook this up with a current-gen system. Me, I’m still annoyed that they made the prongs in electrical outlets two different sizes.

    Price: $75

    BREAKING NEWS – Yet another awesome-but-unacceptable belonging has been sniffed out and put on the endangered list:

    4. Margarita Lamp: Nothing says “party time” like this tasteful and understated lamp. From the lime slice to the giant straw to the artfully-rendered salt on the rim, the manufacturers spared no detail in their quest to re-create this beloved beverage in lamp form. If you have a basement bar and/or questionable taste, this is the item for you.

    Price: $20

    More Craigslist ads:

    Something related to hockey, no doubt.

    For the second month in a row, Canada has reached the pinnacle of idiocy by outpacing all other foreign nations in unique visitors to Afflictor, a site known for profanity and typos. (If you don’t like it, fukc you!). For seven months running, Russia had been champion of Afflictor Nation, but Canada, for once in its existence, showed some fight and wrested away the top spot. How ridiculous is it that Canada is spending so much time on Afflictor? Let’s put it this way: Even Latvia, which finished in third place, has more sense. That’s right, Latvia, which only gets to be an independent nation because no one has figured out a practical use for it. I guess Afflictor should be flattered by all the attention from our neighbor to the north. I mean, Canada is considered a world power, until you stop to think about it. Then: embarrassed laughter. Anyhow, we salute you, Canada, reigning champion of Afflictor Nation!

    Paul and Ringo are hoping to delay a Beatles reunion for as long as they possibly can.

    I briefly got my hands on this Beatles double-LP rarities collection cleverly known as A Knight’s Hard Day. It was published by Apple Records sometime in the ’60s, though there’s no exact date stamped on the discs or cover. There’s a Japanese version selling on eBay right now for $33, but there’s little other info about the record online.

    The albums have alternative versions, recorded in 1963 and 1964 at a variety of venues, of Beatles classics like “Can’t Buy Me Love.” But these are slightly different versions aimed at hard-core fans and not brilliant re-imaginings that you absolutely need to hear. There are also covers of classics, including “Youngblood,” “Lucille” and “Too Much Monkey Business.” Perhaps what’s most entertaining is that in one of the interviews with the Fab Four, which was recorded during the Australia-New Zealand tour of 1964, Ringo Starr apparently farts and then is teased with gusto by John Lennon. Not as interesting is the rather generic back cover copy:

    “While compiling this series of albums we have come across some strange oddities, some of which have presented us with huge problems in order to give you what we always promised: The finest collection of alternative takes ever compiled in a listenable format.”

    More Miscellaneous Media:

  • The Lowbrow Reader remembers Ol’ Dirty Bastard. (2004)
  • LP record about the 1972 Oakland A’s.
  • Madison Square Garden professional wrestling program. (1981)
  • Spy magazine. (1989)
  • Artis Gilmore ABA basketball card. (1973-74)
  • San Francisco cable car ticket stub. (1990s)
  • Bronx high school newspaper. (1947)
  • Mad magazine. (1966)
  • Vancouver Blazers hockey guide. (1974-75)
  • John Hummer NBA card. (1973)
  • Carolina Cougars ABA Yearbook. (1970)
  • The Washington Senators MLB Yearbook. (1968)
  • Ugandan currency with Idi Amin’s picture. (1973)
  • Tom Van Arsdale basketball card. (1970)
  • Okie from Muskogee” sheet music. (1969)
  • California Golden Seals hockey magazine. (1972)
  • Beatles Film Festival Magazine (1978)
  • ABA Pictorial (1968-69)
  • Tom Seaver’s Baseball Is My Life. (1973)
  • Hockey Digest (1973)
  • World’s Fair Guide (1964)
  • World’s Fair Guide (1939)
  • Buffalo Braves Yearbook (1972-73)
  • New York Nets Yearbook (1976-77)
  • “Tom Dooley” sheet music.
  • Tags: , ,

    Balloon animals are my speciality. (Image by Amber Ragland.)

    Children Entertainer for Alaska Trip (Alaska)

    We are looking to contract the services of a children entertainer for a nonprofit Halloween fundraiser event in Juneau Alaska. We will provide travel, lodging and transportation for the performer and a companion. The entertainer can arrive as early and leave as late as he/she wants. As a nonprofit and as a pay-what-you-can performance our budget is limited. We would like to barter the performance fee for the travel companion plane ticket and the extended stay in Alaska. We are open to all bartering suggestion.

    More Craigslist ads:

    Stuck zipper. (Image by John Mathias.)

    I used to work with the really witty journalist Jay Ruttenberg. In addition to his many other enterprises, he publishes a wry, wonderful zine called The Lowbrow Reader, which focuses on the world of comedy, gleefully mocking everything along the way. For anyone raised on Mad magazine, it’s so up your alley. (You can order back issues here.) And it’s fun knowing that someone is walking around in 2010, completely obsessed with Harpo Marx and the like.

    Each cover has a play on the same disgusting theme: someone attempting to relieve himself or herself in a bathroom. But complications often ensue. In the cover on the right, a man dressed as a bear is stuck in his costume when he really needs to use the toilet. When I had my apartment painted a few years back, I walked in on one of the workers, who spoke no English, laughing heartily at this image. A guy in a bear costume trying desperately to take a dump is a universal language.

    Inside this issue, you can read an essay from a woman who dated Jackie Mason and a critical consideration of the TV show Wings. (No, seriously.) There’s also a filthy, funny piece about the inner sanctum of Brooklyn rapper Ol’ Dirty Bastard (who passed away after this issue was published). The person describing ODB’s home is a talented writer named Margeaux Watson, also a former colleague, who visited the rapper’s lair to interview him in all his dirty, bastardly glory. An excerpt:

    "It was the smell of Newport cigarettes, feet, ass, food and unbrushed teeth."

    Lowbrow Reader: You’re probably one of the few women who has been inside Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s house and hasn’t returned with a venereal disease.

    Margeaux Watson: Or a child.

    Lowbrow Reader: Where does he live?

    Margeaux Watson: He lives in Brooklyn. It’s an odd location–it’s not ghetto-ish, but it’s also not where you’d expect a star to live. In Brooklyn, most stars live in Brooklyn Heights, Williamsburg or Fort Greene. But he’s in more of a working-class, family neighborhood. A lot of brownstones and row houses; it’s not near a subway or an urban center.

    Lowbrow Reader: What’s his house like?

    Margeaux Watson: He lives in a brownstone. It’s been renovated, so it’s modern on the inside. It’s a narrow apartment, with white walls and hardwood floors. It’s surprisingly well-kept and pretty neat–except for its smell. It smelled bad.

    Lowbrow Reader: Can you describe the odor?

    Margeaux Watson: It was the smell of Newport cigarettes, feet, ass, food and unbrushed teeth. Just all-around funk. A bouquet of stink.”

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    At this point, you're just fucking with me, aren't you? (Image by Thegreenj.)

    Beer Can Chicken Cooker (New Rochelle)

    Here’s a delicious way to cook a chicken. You’ve probably heard about this but haven’t tasted a good chicken until you have tried it this way.

    You put your favorite beer or even soda (for a sweeter taste) in the holder in it’s original can, prepare the chicken with your favorite seasonings and pop it in the oven or even on the BBQ. The steam created from the release of the beer tenderizes and flavors the chicken.

    It returns the most flavorful chicken that is so moist you can cut it with a fork.

    For best results, place whole chicken over can of drink (¾ full). Cut a potato to fit in the neck cavity of the chicken to hold in the moisture.

    5 Available (NEW) . Will sell for $6 each.

    More Craigslist ads:

    Afflictor: Receiving positive feedback from the intelligentsia since 2009. (Image by ENDelt260.)

    The advertisement is on sale on eBay, but the actual radio is not listed there.

    This 1960 Motorola Transistor Radio was intended for people who wanted to stash some sounds in their shirt pockets. The radio, which predated the landmark Sony Walkman by nearly 20 years, was a tiny four-and-a-half inches high, weighed eight ounces (with battery) and cost $24.95. If Motorola had figured out how to produce headphones to go with it, the personal music revolution would have begun in earnest two decades earlier. An excerpt from the ad copy:

    “A new Motorola radio miniaturized to fit a shirt pocket(or purse)–yet with the power and sound you’d expect from a larger set. Powerful 6-transistor chassis pinpoints stations–holds them strong and steady. Motorola-designed 2 1/2″ Golden Voice speaker with new cone delivers rich, clear lows–crisp highs. Battery life up to 100 hours at normal volume level–2 1/2 times longer than in previous models this size. Give a look and listen at your Motorola Dealer. It’s worth the trip.”

    More Old Print Ads:

    Finley wanted MLB to use orange balls for night games. Not such a crazy idea if you think about it.

    Because you didn’t already have enough long-playing records featuring baseball players Dal Maxvill, Joe Rudi and Matty Alou, Fleetwood Sounds rushed out this quickie LP in 1972 in the wake of the extremely hirsute Oakland A’s winning their first World Series. The “Finley” of the title is, of course, the late owner of the team, Charlie Finley, who was bold and innovative and a real prick.

    The A’s broadcast team narrates the story of the team’s winning season, with play-by-play action, highlights and interviews. An excerpt from the jacket copy:

    Charlie Finley later had LASIK surgery on his forehead.

    “With their shaggy hair, bold mustaches and eye-catching uniforms, the swingin’ A’s acquired a reputation in 1972 as one of the most colorful teams in the history of baseball. But far more important than being colorful, the A’s also proved that they were the best in baseball in bringing to the Bay Area its first world championship.

    As told by A’s announcers Monte Moore and Jim Piersall, this is the story that excited the entire Bay Area as nothing ever had before. It’s the story of the swingin’ A’s–the world champion A’s.”

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    Siasconset Beach, 1932. (Image from the Nantucket Historical Association.)

    lump o wax – $1 (flushing)

    I got some surfwax here. dont need it no more. it got a little lumpy from the sun and sand and grime but still worksjust the same. you can use it as wax or to write a girls # on your board when on the beach or just for the sake of buying useless crap on cl. pick up only. price negotiable. thanks for looking.

    More Craigslist ads:

    Hobos aren’t homeless people. Homeless people want a place to live and should be helped. Hobos are drifters by choice who like to roam, who don’t want no home. Below are some historical images of the bindle-stick set.

    Hobos have no choice but to walk the rails, after being put off a train.

    The Big Hand-Out Hobo Convention in Cincinnati. Photo was taken sometime between 1910-1915.

    Hobos take shelter in Chicago in 1929.

    Ben Reitman (1879–1942) wasn't a hobo but an anarchist medicine man who treated the impoverished and became known as the "Hobo Doctor."

    Leon Ray Livingston was a hobo known as "A-No. 1." This is the cover of his book about traveling 500,000 miles on $7.61!

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    Rabbit: But I need my foot. (Image by Gentaur.)

    Need a talisman – $25

    Hello out there.

    I need a talisman. One to ward off negative spirits and if possible to break spell of constant horrible feelings. My life has turned upside down and I feel as though I am lost in a sea of nothingness. No feeling, no life, no more good times just general mediocre blankness. I was not always like this. Some where, some how i was blanketed by a curse and now i feel as though I have to always be laying down, like I’m in a coffin. Please help me out, I know $25.00 is not a lot these days but you’d be doing a good thing.

      Japan: The world's leading exporter of bicycle-riding dogs. (Image by Takato Marui.)

      August has seen a huge spike in international traffic for the moronic site known as Afflictor. Canada, the U.K. and, um, Latvia are battling to see which will be crowned champion of Afflictor Nation for the month. And some countries have checked in for the first time: Romania, Colombia and Pakistan. (Godspeed to you, Pakistan, as you deal with a terrible natural disaster.)

      One country that’s been with us many times before and keeps returning for more stupidity is the Land of the Rising Sun. Best known as a place where men can masturbate over used school girl panties they’ve purchased from a vending machine, Japan is a weird, homogenous nation that’s a leader in technology, disturbing game shows and icky fetishes. Whatever the Japanese are doing, it seems to be working for them because they’re smart and likable people despite their, well, cultural purity. Anyhow: Thanks for your continued interest, Japan, and please accept the warm embrace of Afflictor Nation!

      Spider monkey: Are you posting stuff based solely on how many monkey images you have stored in your cell phone, Afflictor idiot? (Image by Lea Maimone.)

      Spyder Monkeys For adoption – $100 (Brooklyn, NY)

      Hello, My names Joe. I have A place down south where i can easily get my hands on a pet spyder monkey. Theyre lots of fun but alot of work. Please only call if you have safe homes for the Spyder monkeys. They need to be fed reguarly jusst like humans!!! I am however charging a $100 adoption fee for the monkeys due to the shipping costs. They are extremely Rare so please call if serious.

      More Craigslist ads:

      There's a picture inside of Andy Kaufman posing with canine-ish wrestlers known as the Moondogs.

      I briefly got my bent, bony fingers on a copy of a pro wrestling program for a card that was presented at Madison Square Garden on July 20, 1981. The cover has a photo of a grappler named Magnificent Muraco. This fellow appeared to be something of a braggart who thought he was superior to his opponents and the fans in attendance. I’m sure the arrogance was just his way of covering up his insecurities, but I hope he received a sound thrashing just the same.

      Inside the pub there are a variety of stories hyping different wrestlers and matches. Page three contains a thoughtful essay about legendary bad guy George “the Animal” Steele. An excerpt:

      “He has earned the nickname of ‘The Animal’ for his completely unruly and unpredictable actions in the rings. Many feel that the man is actually a bit crazy. He has been known to actually bite apart the turnbuckle covers with his teeth on a number of occasions! It has been noted that Steele usually has a far away look in his eyes, and appears to have some strange green substance on his tongue. As Pat Patterson recently suggested, it should be looked into. Either he is not too healthy, or he has some foreign substance in his mouth that he may intend to use on his opponents.”

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      Afflictor: Helping planet Earth get the party started since 2009. (Image by Liftarn.)

      Someday you could be just like him. (Shudder.) (Image by Tyler Curtis.)

      The so-called Blog Tyrant is an enterprising 25-year-old Australian guy who creates blogs and sells them for around $20,000, often after they’ve been in existence for just eight months or so. He offers common-sense tips for success on, of course, his blog. On a personal note, I want to confirm that it’s true that I nearly sold Afflictor last week for an ant farm (ants not included), but I decided not to part with it when the guy with the empty ant farm said “no.” Thanks to Newmark’s Door for pointing me toward the site. A few of the  Blog Tyrant’s pointers are listed below.


      Write a blog you believe in, or pay the price.

      One of the things all the pros tell you is that you need to do something you love. I know how tacky it sounds. Every time I read it I die a little bit inside. But, to be honest, it is actually a really important thing to think about both from a self fulfillment point of view and a profit point of view. Here’s why.

      Firstly, if you spend eight months working on something you don’t believe in or something that disagrees with your personal morals then you are going to end up hating yourself for wasting that precious time. Unless you really believe in the project then don’t even bother doing it because you will end up with lots of regrets later on. I, for example, would never do anything in the adult industry because I don’t believe it has a good impact on society.

      Secondly, if you don’t enjoy working, writing and building the blog you will lose interest after about a month. Glen from Viper Chill talks about this a lot. The initial excitement of making a bucket load of cash wears out really fast, especially if it doesn’t go as fast as you anticipated. If you don’t enjoy writing those posts you will pay the price from a profit point of view.


      Don’t worry about dominating the niche.

      When I first started trying to make money from blogs I wanted to have the biggest and the best blog on that particular topic. I was frustrated if I was ranking number four or five on Google instead of number one. But after time I realized something. You don’t need to dominate the niche entirely to make money. Sure, being number one is amazing but it isn’t a requirement. The Internet is big enough for you to still be successful without being the dominating website in your niche. Remember that.


      Choose a good domain name and brand the blog well.

      In this post on choosing a domain name I talked a bit about how to choose the right domain name for your branding. This is SUPER important when trying to sell a blog as people are essentially going to be buying your brand equity – your reputation. The blogs that do really well are the ones that get a lot of traffic, make money but also the one’s that people know about. Make sure you differentiate yourself from the competition in both your look, feel but also the content your produce. It is something you cannot ignore.


      "I'm a 40 yo woman, age is starting to creep up on me." (Image by Tomas Castelazo.)

      Want to buy Retin-A – $100 (Passaic Cnty)

      I want to buy Retin A but I don’t have health insurance and I don’t want to pay out of pocket to get a RX. If anyone has any Retin A, 0.05 or .10 preferred but I would take 0.25. I ordered some online but it takes almost a month to get it, and I’m anxious to get it now. Willing to pay top $ if you have some on hand. Thx. ps I’m a 40 yo woman, age is starting to creep up on me. I’ve researched it and I know all the side effects and I’ll be cautious while using it.

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