Blog Tyrant

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Someday you could be just like him. (Shudder.) (Image by Tyler Curtis.)

The so-called Blog Tyrant is an enterprising 25-year-old Australian guy who creates blogs and sells them for around $20,000, often after they’ve been in existence for just eight months or so. He offers common-sense tips for success on, of course, his blog. On a personal note, I want to confirm that it’s true that I nearly sold Afflictor last week for an ant farm (ants not included), but I decided not to part with it when the guy with the empty ant farm said “no.” Thanks to Newmark’s Door for pointing me toward the site. A few of the  Blog Tyrant’s pointers are listed below.


Write a blog you believe in, or pay the price.

One of the things all the pros tell you is that you need to do something you love. I know how tacky it sounds. Every time I read it I die a little bit inside. But, to be honest, it is actually a really important thing to think about both from a self fulfillment point of view and a profit point of view. Here’s why.

Firstly, if you spend eight months working on something you don’t believe in or something that disagrees with your personal morals then you are going to end up hating yourself for wasting that precious time. Unless you really believe in the project then don’t even bother doing it because you will end up with lots of regrets later on. I, for example, would never do anything in the adult industry because I don’t believe it has a good impact on society.

Secondly, if you don’t enjoy working, writing and building the blog you will lose interest after about a month. Glen from Viper Chill talks about this a lot. The initial excitement of making a bucket load of cash wears out really fast, especially if it doesn’t go as fast as you anticipated. If you don’t enjoy writing those posts you will pay the price from a profit point of view.


Don’t worry about dominating the niche.

When I first started trying to make money from blogs I wanted to have the biggest and the best blog on that particular topic. I was frustrated if I was ranking number four or five on Google instead of number one. But after time I realized something. You don’t need to dominate the niche entirely to make money. Sure, being number one is amazing but it isn’t a requirement. The Internet is big enough for you to still be successful without being the dominating website in your niche. Remember that.


Choose a good domain name and brand the blog well.

In this post on choosing a domain name I talked a bit about how to choose the right domain name for your branding. This is SUPER important when trying to sell a blog as people are essentially going to be buying your brand equity – your reputation. The blogs that do really well are the ones that get a lot of traffic, make money but also the one’s that people know about. Make sure you differentiate yourself from the competition in both your look, feel but also the content your produce. It is something you cannot ignore.
