Old Print Ad: Alcohol-Filled Novelty Handgun (1926)

The gun's not real, but my gout is.

This 1926 print advertisement touted a fake-but-realistic-looking gun that had a compartment for cigarettes and “liquid refreshment.”

It was essentially an elaborate, winking way to sell an undetectable flask during Prohibition. The copy suggested that you fill the handle with buttermilk or cider, but the implication was clear. Because the coppers would never suspect that you had booze in your gun.

The firearm sold for $1.79 and came with a full guarantee, but who would willingly return an alcohol/gun combo? An excerpt from the insane ad copy:

“You can have lots of fun sticking up your friends with this ugly ‘Gat’ and then soothing their startled nerves with a nice cool smoke or liquid refreshment. You’ll be the life of the party even if you scare a few to death.”