The Divorce case I am about to tell you REALLY happened (Astoria)
There was a guy I used to work with, he was and still is by the way, a dispatcher in a car service in NYC.
He was married for 15 or so years to an Asian woman, a bit overweight with large breasts, from that marriage a son was produced, he is 15 years old today.
The marriage was ok for the first 11 years, they did have their ups and downs but nowhere near what went on during the last 4 years of the marriage. The wife withheld sex from her husband for FOUR YEARS. She continuously turned him down, it got to the point where he she would come to bed in a sexy night gown and lay next to him, he would reach over to hold her, she would complain she’s “not in the mood” or “tired and doesn’t feel sexual” then she would turn over and lay on her side, he would masturbate to release pent-up sexual stress and frustration. Finally he asked for a divorce and even said they didn’t have to drag it through the court. All he wanted her to do was for her to pay for his son to go to private school and that’s it. He didn’t want her money. But she said “no”. So he went and filed for divorce anyway and hired a good divorce lawyer who found out to his amazement, that his wife had already filed for divorce a month ago. What game was his wife playing?? You will soon find out. . . . .
Speed forward to divorce court, the irreconcilable differences and lack of sex came out and then there was the financial issues.. It came out in court that the wife who worked for a financial company made 120 thousand dollars a year, the husband made 41 thousand a year. The husband paid 90% of the bills in the home! He paid for the rent, utilities, clothing for his son, a car note and insurance and groceries. The only thing the wife paid for each MONTH was the cable bill as she liked to watch the lifetime channel, cooking and reality shows. Oh and the husband recently started paying for his son to go to private school as well. I am not sure how much that costs but I have heard it can cost 1200 and more a month.
The wife got a 10 thousand dollar Christmas bonus last year while the husband didn’t get a bonus due to the state of the economy and the car service business slowing down.
The Judge who was a woman by the way, was taken back as to how much the husband was paying for during the marriage as compared to the wife. Which led her to inquire about the whereabouts of the christmas bonus the wife got, where was the money? The wife didn’t have an answer she told her lawyer that there was only about 1 thousand left from it and couldn’t account for the rest as she gave money to her family and friends and lost track of who got how much money.
Then there’s the issue of the wife as she had a 401k and a pension coming from her employer when she retires.
The judge was furious. She awarded the husband, the following:
1) The wife has to give half of the money she received from the Christmas Bonus.
2) The wife was ordered by the court she has to pay alimony to the husband, how much I am not sure
3) When the wife retires half of her 401k AND her pension check goes to her husband
The judge also ordered if there’s any other money found hidden or stashed away by the wife that money will be subject to the divorce proceedings as the husband was straight forward with his financial status, all paperwork and tax returns were in order.
The wife, as told to me by the husband, broke down and cried in the courtroom.
Many of you reading this may think I made this up as some kind of imaginary story of the husband coming out better after a divorce. No, I did NOT make this up it is 100% true. I have told other women about what happened and here is the response I would see, they would look out into space, like staring, then say in a low voice, “I am never getting married. . . . .”
With all the women going to college today and many are making more money than the men they come across and date from time to time this could happen to them all the man or husband would have to do is foot a large percentage of the daily bills. Most of the guys I know make between 25- 60k tops. They are from all nationalities, all backgrounds, but the women such as myself earn far more than they they do. It actually has me rethinking if marriage and having children is even worth it. It’s no wonder more and more women are remaining single.
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