Linda McMahon

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Linda McMahon: A pantsuit doesn't make you Hillary.

Linda McMahon: It’s time to shake things up. It’s time for something different.

Decoder: You notice I said it’s time for Connecticut to try something different, not something better? I’m definitely not better.

Linda McMahon: I was the CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, a soap opera that entertains millions every week. That isn’t real.

Decoder: I repeatedly refer to my wrestling company as a soap opera because I want to downplay the very real and horrible consequences that my employees have repeatedly faced. In order to have a hugely muscular appearance, deal with injuries and maintain a grueling travel schedule, many wrestlers who work for me have had to rely on a cocktail of steroids, HGH, pain killers and other narcotics. And repeated head injuries have led many of these workers to likely incur brain damage. These systemic problems have caused a large number of my employees to die in their 20s, 30s and 40s. That is real.

Linda McMahon: I think it’s unfortunate that someone who’s in public office, like Richard Blumenthal, would have had so many instances in the course of his career to be misleading to the people he represents.  To have had sort of a pattern of deception over a period of time I think is reflective of character.

Decoder: Richard Blumenthal overstating his military record is unfortunate, but it’s a joke for someone with my long history of disgraceful behavior to question anyone else’s character.

WWE wrestler Eddie Fatu might have voted for Linda McMahon, if he hadn't died recently at age 36. (Image by Justin Moody.)

Linda McMahon: Offshore oil drilling will create jobs and increase energy supply without cost to the taxpayer. Burdensome regulations can inhibit growth.

Decoder: BP has created many jobs in the Gulf. Unfortunately, they are jobs cleaning up an environmental disaster that was abetted by deregulation.

Linda McMahon: One of the things missing today in some of our leaders is real-life experiences.

Decoder: I have a lot of experience putting racist and sexist stereotypes on TV and attending the funerals of my young employees.

Linda McMahon: Connecticut families are losing jobs because of Washington spending money we don’t have.

Decoder: Job losses were caused by the deregulation of the financial industry, which led to our financial collapse. Deficit spending in Washington on the stimulus package has created some jobs.

Linda McMahon: It’s time to pass a balanced budget amendment to reign in that spending long term.

Decoder: An amendment requiring a balanced budget sounds good to worried voters, but it’s unrealistic and can even be injurious to the economy. I know as little about economics as I do about keeping my employees alive.

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