Sarah Palin: I am saddened by the NAACP’s claim that patriotic Americans who stand up for the United States of America’s Constitutional rights are somehow “racists.”
Decoder: It’s merely a coincidence that a group of white citizens discovered that there is corruption in Washington at the very second that the first African-American President took office. And the Birther movement, which I’ve encouraged, that states Obama isn’t a U.S. citizen has nothing to do with seeing him as illegitimate because of his race.
Sarah Palin: This is some typical divisive politics that is so absolutely unnecessary.
Decoder: Everything I do is about being divisive. When I stood up at the Republican National Convention and mocked young people who work as community organizers, trying to bring some hope to our poorest communities, that was divisive. When I tried to sidetrack health-care reform with the death-panel nonsense, that was divisive. When I told tea Party members to “don’t retreat, reload,” I was being divisive.
Sarah Palin: The Tea Party Movement is a beautiful movement, full of diverse people.
Decoder: Some of the white Tea Party members are tall and some not as tall.
Sarah Palin: Both Todd and I were raised to measure a person according to their capacity and willingness to love, work, forgive, contribute, and show good character.
Decoder: But I outgrew that stuff and became a resentment-driven, lying, accusatory selfish creep.
Sarah Palin: I know how Tea Party Americans feel to be falsely accused
Decoder: I was once accused of not being a complete tool. False.
Sarah Palin: [The Tea Party is made up of] folks of all walks of life who, for the most part, happen to oppose President Obama’s policies. Not the color of his skin. They don’t care that he’s half-white or half-black.
Decoder: They don’t care about the half-white part.
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- Rush Limbaugh
- Ted Nugent
- Sharron Angle
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- Thomas Sowell
- Eliot Spitzer and Kathleen Parker
- Barack Obama
- Tony Hayward
- Michele Bachmann
- Sharron Angle
- Rand Paul
- Larry King and Lady Gaga
- Sharron Angle
- Rand Paul
- Rep. Mark Souder
- Sarah Palin and Bill O’Reilly
- Elisabeth Hasselbeck
- Jeff Zucker
- Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity
- Glenn Beck
- Michele Bachmann
- Sarah Palin
- Jon Voight
- Rep. Michele Bachmann
- Newt Gingrich
- Rudy Giuliani
- Michael Steele
- Dan Quayle
- Rep. Michele Bachmann
- Sarah Palin
- Mitt Romney
- Rep. John Boehner
- Rep. Michele Bachmann
- Rep. Steve King
- Rick Santorum
- Karl Rove
- Eric Massa
- Glenn Beck
- Jay Leno
- Tom DeLay
- Gov. David Paterson
- Tiger Woods
- Dick Cheney
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Tags: Sarah Palin