The show's working title: "Governor Sexy Socks and the Right Wing Lady Earn a Paycheck for a Little While."
Kathleen Parker: We’re going to be an organic talk show where we sit around the kitchen table.
Decoder: The kitchen is the furthest room from the bedroom, right? I don’t want to be with Spitzer near a bedroom.
Eliot Spitzer: We all agree: BP is bad. That’s the easy part. Then you say OK, so what do you do? How do you actually solve the problem? How do you plug the hole?
Decoder: I shouldn’t have used that “plug the hole” phrase, right? But I’m not known for prudence. Except for that hooker named Prudence.
Eliot Spitzer: There’s still a lot of people who are not watching either [Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olbermann]. So somehow we’re figuring there’s still a little reservoir there, we’ll put our fishing rods in.
Decoder: That also sounded suggestive, didn’t it? Because of the stuff I did with all the whores.
Kathleen Parker: Actually, I think that we complement each other very well, and bring completely different perspectives and life experiences.
Decoder: Most of Spitzer’s experiences involve paying and humping.

And don't forget to watch "Heidi Fleiss 360°" at 10pm. She's no dumber than Greta. (Image by Daniel Dacumos,)
Eliot Spitzer: You put my name [on the show] and people will watch one night. I’m expendable.
Decoder: Just like I was when I was Governor of New York.
Kathleen Parker: I don’t really care if a Democrat or a Republican comes up with the right answer, I just want the one that works. And I think Eliot comes from that same place.
Decoder: He actually just came from a place called Madame Vanessa’s.
Eliot Spitzer: The way I look at it, if you want to be validated in your underlying world view, you go to [O’Reilly and Olbermann] and you feel good and they’re great shows. If you want to see something different, be challenged, be pushed…
Decoder: Or be choked–like a call girl for instance.
Kathleen Parker: [We’ll book people] that we’ve interacted with in our personal lives and our work.
Decoder: Spitzer has already booked Ashley, Summer, Montana, Destiny, Jade, Angel and Candy. Oh, and Kandy.
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Tags: Eliot Spitzer, Kathleen Parker