Rush Limbaugh

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Donald Trump, Milosevic with a trophy wife, hopes to add a stripper pole to the Lincoln Bedroom.

In his latest op-ed, Nicholas Kristof credits Trump as “smarter than critics believe,” asserting that the hideous hotelier “understood the political mood better than we pundits did.” I think it more likely that Trump is a blowhole who merely threw shit at the wall and was as surprised as anyone that it stuck. If you could go back in time to moments after his candidacy announcement and ask him what line would get the most attention, I doubt he would identify the “they’re rapists” slur about Mexicans.

Kristof goes on to belatedly state what many people (myself included) have been saying for months: The GOP created this Frankenstein monster of a political season it can’t control, though he illustrates it with an interesting fact about echo-chamber misinformation manifesting itself in the real world. An excerpt:

Political nastiness and conspiracy theories were amplified by right-wing talk radio, television and websites — and, yes, there are left-wing versions as well, but they are much less influential. Democrats often felt disadvantaged by the rise of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, but in retrospect Limbaugh and Fox created a conservative echo chamber that hurt the Republican Party by tugging it to the right and sometimes breeding a myopic extremism in which reality is irrelevant.

A poll released in September found that Republicans were more likely to think that Obama was born abroad than that Ted Cruz was. That poll found that Trump supporters believed by nearly a three-to-one ratio that Obama was born overseas.

The Republican establishment profited from the insinuations that Obama is a Muslim, that he’s anti-American, that his health care plan would lead to “death panels.” Rick Perry has described Trump as a “cancer on conservatism” and said his movement is “a toxic mix of demagoguery and meanspiritedness and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition” — indeed, but it was a mix that too many Republican leaders accepted as long as it worked for them.

This echo chamber deluded its believers to the point that it sometimes apparently killed them. During the 2009-10 flu pandemic, right-wing broadcasters like Limbaugh and Glenn Beck denounced the call for flu shots, apparently seeing it as a nefarious Obama plot.

The upshot was that Democrats were 50 percent more likely than Republicans to say that they would get flu shots, according to a peer-reviewed article in The Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. So when the pandemic killed up to 18,000 Americans, they presumably were disproportionately conservatives.•

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Rush Limbaugh: Feeling no pain in his 2006 Palm Beach booking photo.

Rush Limbaugh: We’re now governed by people who do not like the country, who do not have the same reverence for it that we do. Our greatest threat (and this is saying something) is internal.

Decoder: I can’t just disagree with Obama on the issues. I can’t simply say that I favor deregulation and other facets of an unfettered free-market system because even though such policy can lead to periods of economic turmoil, it is the best way to foster wealth creation in the long term. I need to demonize Obama with ridiculous ad hominem attacks because I have made my living catering to a base of simpleminded hatemongers.

Rush Limbaugh: [Obama’s] going to do everything in his power to help our economy create jobs? You mean like shutting down offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska that’s going to wipe out a hundred thousand jobs?  Is that what you mean?  You mean all the other regulations that you are placing on other areas of business that are going to result in a loss of jobs?

Decoder: Actually it was a lack of regulations that allowed banks to sink our economy and ruin the job market and likely also led to the Gulf oil disaster. And if anything, Obama has been reluctant to step up regulations in the financial sector.

Rush Limbaugh: We have plenty of external threats, enemies across oceans, but we have a threat inside as well.

Decoder: Well, I do, anyhow. It’s called my heart. I’ve ingested a lot of pizza delivery and pain pills in my day.

That'll be $22.50, Butterbean. (Image by Axelv.)

Rush Limbaugh: Bill Clinton and Hillary were and are pedal-to-the-metal liberals.  But they didn’t want to destroy things. This bunch does.

Decoder: If Hillary Clinton had won the Presidency, I would be accusing her of willfully destroying the country as payback for sexism.

Rush Limbaugh: It is exactly how I think Obama looks at the country: It’s payback time. I think that he’s been raised, educated, and believes on his own that this country has been (as you know) immoral and unjust…we have become as large as we are not because of any uniqueness or exceptionalism or greatness but because we’ve simply discriminated against the real people that made the country work, all the minorities…there’s no question that payback is what this administration is all about, presiding over the decline of the United States of America, and doing so happily.

Decoder: Obama wants to purposely harm the country because he thinks white people need to be taught a lesson for a slavery, and that is why he ruined the economy. Except, of course, the economy collapsed under a white Republican President who I endorsed and supported. Oh, whatever. I just say stupid, irresponsible crap and people give me bags of money.

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