Johana Bhuiyan

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Even if Broadway disappeared, there’d always be theater. We need stories. The same is true of newspapers and journalism. Reportage is rarely what we’d like it to be–and those reading the news are rarely ideal themselves–but the process will always march on. Via Johana Bhuiyan and Nicole Levy at Capital New York, some predictions for the near-term future of news from Marc Andreessen:

  • The news market will expand by 2020 to about 5 billion people worldwide, consuming mostly on mobile devices.
  • News organizations that report broadly at an extremely gross scale, or very deeply at a small scale, will thrive on the new eyeballs.
  • Advertising remains the best way to make newsgathering profitable but publishers need to take responsibility for the quality of their ads, or work with partners in the ad tech field who do.
  • Subscription models, as well as conferences and events, are here to stay: “Many consumers pay $ for things they value much of the time. If they’re unwilling to pay, ask Q, are they really valuing?”

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