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At the Chronicle of Higher Education, Marlene Zuk’s article “Misguided Nostalgia for Our Paleo Past” pushes back at the idea that modern life is out of sync with human evolution, something I myself often suspect. An excerpt:

To think of ourselves as misfits in our own time and of our own making flatly contradicts what we now understand about the way evolution works—namely, that rate matters. That evolution can be fast, slow, or in-between, and understanding what makes the difference is far more enlightening, and exciting, than holding our flabby modern selves up against a vision—accurate or not—of our well-muscled and harmoniously adapted ancestors.

The paleofantasy is a fantasy in part because it supposes that we humans, or at least our protohuman forebears, were at some point perfectly adapted to our environments. We apply this erroneous idea of evolution’s producing the ideal mesh between organism and surroundings to other life forms, too, not just to people. We seem to have a vague idea that long long ago, when organisms were emerging from the primordial slime, they were rough-hewn approximations of their eventual shape, like toys hastily carved from wood, or an artist’s first rendition of a portrait, with holes where the eyes and mouth eventually will be.

Then, the thinking goes, the animals were subject to the forces of nature. Those in the desert got better at resisting the sun, while those in the cold evolved fur or blubber or the ability to use fire. Once those traits had appeared and spread in the population, we had not a kind of sketch, but a fully realized organism, a fait accompli, with all of the lovely details executed, the anatomical t’s crossed and i’s dotted.

But of course that isn’t true.”


I think I reviewed the original Freakonomics and enjoyed it a whole lot. Breaking down myths is something we need to be actively doing. I wonder though if Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner haven’t provided alternative answers to life’s questions that are likewise too tidy–that are also a bit of a narrative. Levitt just did an Ask Me Anything on Reddit. A few exchanges follow which reveal the economist’s feelings on gun control and other issues.



My statistics class just recently finished reading your book, so thanks for doing an AMA! One of the things we were discussing about was if government’s current view on guns is a misconception on their part. Do you think the promotion of gun safety awareness or removing guns from stores will cause a drop in gun violence in the near future?


My view, which basically has to be true, is that NOTHING that the government does to the flow of new guns can possibly affect gun violence much. There are already 300 million guns out there! They will be around for the next 50 years. The cat is out of the bag.


Success in Australia in the 90’s when they banned assault weapons depended upon the buy-back of the newly banned guns. It was vital.


There is no sillier public policy than gun buybacks. You hardly get any guns, and the ones you get are not the ones that would be used in a crime.


After listening to your show on gun control. I was wondering if you guys are gun owners?


Neither of us own guns.

I like guns. I would have one, probably, if my wife would let me. But she won’t.



If you were King of the United States for a day, what changes would you put into place? What laws/policy changes are incredibly obvious to economists but contrary to public/political popular opinion?


1) People have to pay a big chunk of their own health care.

2) We should have a flat tax or something like it.

3) We should allow/encourage talented immigrants to come to the US.

I think every economist believes in those three things.



Who’d win in a fist fight, you, or Malcom Gladwell?


That is a great question. I think I could actually take him.

I think Dubner and I together, would massacre him.

No mercy.


A former Nazi training camp outside Berlin is now a free-love eco-village. From Katherine Rowland’s Guernica report on the ongoing social experiment:

Anna and her partner Thomas are members of this community, based not far outside of Berlin, where I and some 300 other people have decided to vacation. I met Thomas moments after I had hauled my bag up the steep and curving driveway: a tall, pony-tailed figure, beating the dust of baking flour from his hands so that he could light a cigarette. Thomas had apparently informed his girlfriend of his intention to seduce me. Over breakfast, Anna looks at me, I think with resignation, and I realize I’ve entered a very fragile space.

This unassuming place carved out of the forest was, once a Stasi training camp, one where spies learned how to lay the ‘honey trap,’ and wrest secrets through sex. Today it is the Centre for Experimental Culture Design (Zentrum für Experimentelle Gesellschaftsgestaltung), or ZEGG for short—a radical community devoted to ‘consciousness in love.’

ZEGG began as an experiment in 1978, when the social sciences were more closely aligned with revolutionary acts. A German sociologist, Dieter Duhm, believed his discipline could resolve questions concerning no less than the essence of the human condition, and in the name of research, he set out on a tour of alternative communities in search of social harmony. His travels eventually took him to the settlement of the Austrian artist, Otto Muehl, where residents were engaged in wild experiments in sexuality, based on the notion that large-scale social change was contingent on liberating sex from the trappings of power. Viewing the family as the handmaiden to bourgeois culture, Muehl’s commune, at its height home to about 700 people, espoused free love, collective resources and the destruction of private property. Though the experiment was dismantled in 1990, owing to growing conflicts between the members and Muehl’s arrest on charges of ‘criminal acts against morality,’ Duhm saw in the project the seeds of promise. He shared the artist’s view that monogamy was repressive, and drew from it his enduring principle that there can be no peace on earth until there is first and foremost harmony among the sexes. And the central impediment to harmony? The inalienable desire to have sex with people other than your partner.”


“People are by the pool, laying out, nude, and enjoying the sun”:

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From John Horgan’s Scientific American blog post “Why Drones Should Make You Afraid. Very Afraid.“:

“According to a report in today’s New York Times, the Department of Homeland Security has also offered grants to help police departments purchase drones, which are ‘becoming a darling of law-enforcement authorities across the country.’

  • The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is funding research on ‘micro-drones’ that resemble moths, hummingbirds and other small flying creatures and hence can ‘hide in plain sight,’ as one Air Force researcher told me. The Air Force is now testing micro-drones at facilities such as the ‘micro-aviary’ at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.
  • These micro-drones could be armed. The Air Force has produced an extraordinarily creepy animated video extolling possible applications of ‘Micro Air Vehicles,’ which a narrator extols as ‘unobtrusive, pervasive, lethal.’  The video shows winged drones swarming out of the belly of a plane and descending on a city, where the drones stalk and kill a suspect.


In honor of Presidents’ Day, a Lincoln-centric Ad Council PSA that frightened children into staying in school back when education meant one thing in America. It’s hard to say what being educated means now, even more difficult to know what it will mean in the future.


From “Levitated Mass Hysteria,” Victoria Dailey’s new Los Angeles Review of Books essay about unusual things which hold the public in thrall, particularly Michael Heizer’s “Levitated Mass” at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art:

 “Southern California, long used to fads, bubbles and exaggerations, was recently in the grip of an event that Mackay would certainly have added to his anthology of popular frenzies. Not only did it harken back to the past when the transportation of granite obelisks created awe, and when colossal rocks exerted powerful forces upon humankind, it also incorporated the modern mania for fame and celebrity, demonstrating the incurable tendency to prefer myth over fact. This event centered around a rock — a 340-ton, 21-foot high, 150 million-year-old boulder that traveled across four Southern California counties in order to be installed at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

What inspired the popular interest in this megalith was a project devised by Michael Heizer, an artist known for land art, and Michael Govan, the director of LACMA. In 1969 Heizer, who was in the midst of creating several massive earthwork projects in the Nevada desert, envisioned finding an ideal boulder, then installing it within an art framework. The project was delayed for over four decades, because it seems the right boulder could not be found until the artist discovered one in a rock quarry in Riverside, California in 2006. It had been blasted from a mountainside, and was too big for the quarry’s purposes, so someone contacted Heizer about it. As Govan, a friend and supporter of the artist, stated: ‘Mike was calling from the Ontario [California] airport and said: ‘I found this amazing rock.’ […] He referred to it as the Colossi of Memnon and compared it to the great pink granite Egyptian obelisks for the quality of the stone. He said it was one of the greatest rocks he’d ever seen.'”



The boulder arrives, March 10, 2012:

Teaser for Doug Pray’s film about the megalith:

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Having grown up in a low-income, blue-collar background, I often think of the advantages I could have enjoyed during my childhood if the Web existed pre-1990s. I was information-starved and was turned off by the dreary, laborious nature of public libraries. It was all sooo slow. But I won’t fret too much. Thanks to the Internet, I’m getting to read anything I can dream of, and treasures I never even knew were buried. What an equalizer.

From “Net Wisdom,” a new Financial Times piece by Robert Cottrell, the editor of the great Browser blog:

“My first contention: this is a great time to be a reader. The amount of good writing freely available online far exceeds what even the most dedicated consumer might have hoped to encounter a generation ago within the limits of printed media.

I don’t pretend that everything online is great writing. Let me go further: only 1 per cent is of value to the intelligent general reader, by which I mean the demographic that, in the mainstream media world, might look to the Economist, the Financial Times, Foreign Affairs or the Atlantic for information. Another 4 per cent of the internet counts as entertaining rubbish. The remaining 95 per cent has no redeeming features. But even the 1 per cent of writing by and for the elite is an embarrassment of riches, a horn of plenty, a garden of delights.”



The opening of “Godless Small Things,” Philip Ball’s excellent new Aeon essay about what the discovery of the microscopic world meant for theology:

“When the Dutch cloth merchant Antonie van Leeuwenhoek looked at a drop of pond water through his home-made microscope in the 1670s, he didn’t just see tiny ‘animals’ swimming in there. He saw a new world: too small for the eye to register yet teeming with invisible life. The implications were theological as much as they were scientific.

Invisibility comes in many forms, but smallness is the most concrete. Light ignores very tiny things rather as ocean waves ignore sand grains. During the 17th century, when the microscope was invented, the discovery of such objects posed a profound problem: if we humans were God’s ultimate purpose, why would he create anything that we couldn’t see?

The microworld was puzzling, but also wondrous and frightening. There was nothing especially new about the idea of invisible worlds and creatures — belief in immaterial spirits, angels and demons was still widespread. But their purpose was well understood: they were engaged in the Manichean struggle for our souls. If that left one uneasy in a universe where there was more than meets the eye, at least the moral agenda was clear.”

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Yesterday I mentioned the way the future of print media was imagined in Ernest Callenbach’s fun 1974 speculative novel, Ecotopia. The author also broached the idea of environmentally friendly product packaging, conjuring a type of high-tech plastic that could “expire” (or biodegrade) the way its perishable contents would. In that vein, designer Aaron Mickelson has invented the Disappearing Package. From Tim Maly at Wired:

“Designer Aaron Mickelson wants to solve the problem of excess packaging, by creating products that have no packaging at all.

Every year, Americans generate a lot of solid waste. In 2010, 250 million tons, according to the EPA. A full 30 percent of that (about 76 million tons) comes from packaging — it’s the biggest culprit.

As awareness grows about this problem, many companies and designers are looking for solutions to green their packaging by either making it more recyclable, or reducing the amount. Mickelson wants to take that initiative all the way to its furthest extent and eliminate packaging waste entirely. His Pratt University master’s thesis, called The Disappearing Package, is a proposal for how that might happen. ‘On a whim, I started thinking about applying the functions of packaging to the product itself,’ says Mickelson. ‘I was immediately struck by the green potential for an idea like this, if it could be applied across several product types.'”

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Old tools never completely die, as evidenced by an interesting piece by Martin Fackler in the New York Times, which meditates on the dogged place of the fax machine in otherwise high-tech Japanese culture. The opening:

“Japan is renowned for its robots and bullet trains, and has some of the world’s fastest broadband networks. But it also remains firmly wedded to a pre-Internet technology — the fax machine — that in most other developed nations has joined answering machines, eight-tracks and cassette tapes in the dustbin of outmoded technologies.

Last year alone, Japanese households bought 1.7 million of the old-style fax machines, which print documents on slick, glossy paper spooled in the back. In the United States, the device has become such an artifact that the Smithsonian is adding two machines to its collection, technology historians said.

‘The fax was such a success here that it has proven hard to replace,’ said Kenichi Shibata, a manager at NTT Communications, which led development of the technology in the 1970s. ‘It has grown unusually deep roots into Japanese society.'”

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You’ve probably already seen today’s Google Doodle which celebrates both Valentine’s Day and George Ferris’ 154th birthday. Below is a reprint of earlier posts about how Ferris’ wheel and St. Valentine’s day came to be.


The first Ferris Wheel, at the Columbian Exposition, in Chicago in 1893. It was 264 feet high.

Guy de Maupassant is said to have lunched at the Eiffel Tower every day so that he could avoid looking at the edifice he so despised, and he wasn’t the only Parisian intellectual to hate on Gustave Eiffel’s “bridge to the sky.” French artists and thinkers railed against the tower even as it was in its planning stages as part of the Universal Exposition of 1889, claiming that it was a blight on the city.

But the Eiffel Tower was a huge hit during the fair, so much so that the planners of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago felt that they needed to do something dramatic to compete with it. Daniel H. Burnham, Chief of Construction for the Columbian, searched futilely for an answer for a long time before George Ferris supplied him with one. An excerpt from Henry Petroski’s Remaking the World:

“Burnham found himself at a banquet addressing architects and engineers, he praised the former but excoriated the latter for not having met the expectations of the people. Nothing had been proposed that displayed the originality or novelty to rival the Eiffel Tower. He wanted something new in engineering science, but felt the engineers were giving him only towers.

Among the engineers at the banquet was the youngish George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. He was born in Galesburg, Illinois, in 1859, and at the age of five moved with his family to western Nevada. There, while living on a ranch, he became fascinated with a large undershot water wheel, which raised buckets out of the Carson River to supply a trough for the horses. Ferris would later recall his fascination with the wheel’s action, but, according to some accounts, as a youngster he was not equally fascinated with formal education. … When Ferris would later be asked where the idea for his great wheel came from, he recalled that, a while after hearing Burnham’s challenge, he found himself at a Saturday afternoon dinner club made up mainly of world’s fair engineers.

According to Ferris, ‘I had been turning over every proposition I could think of. On four or five of these I had spent considerable time. What were they? Well, perhaps I’d better not say. Any way none of them were very satisfactory… It was at one of these dinners, down at a Chicago chop house, that I hit on the idea. I remember remarking that I would build a wheel, a monster. I got some paper and began sketching it out. I fixed the size, determined the construction, the number of cars we would run, the number of people it would hold, what we would charge, the plan of stopping six times in its first revolution and loading, and then making a complete turn–in short, before the dinner was over I had sketched out almost the entire detail, and my plan has never varied an item from that day. The wheel stands at the Plaissance at this moment as it stood before me then.”


“That respectable old bachelor bishop was beaten with clubs and beheaded in the third century.”

An excerpt from a February 14, 1884 Brooklyn Daily Eagle article which explains how the sweet but heathen holiday of Valentine’s Day became associated with a Christian saint, and recalls the (thankfully) lost art of the insulting “comic valentine”:

“Like many other Ecclesiastical festivals which have assumed strange social transformations, St. Valentine’s Day is chiefly remarkable for having no personal connection with St. Valentine. That respectable old bachelor bishop was beaten with clubs and beheaded in the third century, and if he is conscious of his subsequent fame he must enjoy the reflection that no author as well as no saint ever achieved such a posthumous reputation for what he had nothing to do with. The feasts of Pan and Juno, held in February, upon which among other hilarious ceremonies the names of pretty Roman girls of the period were put in a box, and the Roman dudes and greenhorns and old bachelors drew them out, suggested to the ever appropriate instincts of the Christian clergy the holding of them on a saint’s day. Poor old Bishop Valentine was in partibus at the time and had been canonized as well as clubbed and decapitated also at the middle of February, and his commemoration would do very well for the heathen pastime, which would thus acquire a Christian aroma. That is the process by which, in modern times, he has become the patron saint of postmen.

“For the antiquated maid or corpulent bachelor, the valentine is scarcely a thing of beauty or joy.”

St. Valentine’s Day has become chiefly a joy to children, who await eagerly the postman’s coming with the welcome letters which are pictures as well. For the antiquated maid or corpulent bachelor, the valentine is scarcely a thing of beauty or joy. The meanness that would gratify its petty spite by anonymous insults through the mail on this literary deluge day would not deserve mention if this morning’s newspapers had not contained a curious and perhaps fatal caution against indulging one’s venom through the valentine. Two women in Philadelphia, who were next door neighbors, mutually accused each other of sending an insulting valentine. Each denied the charge, but neither accepted the denial. They fell upon each other tooth and nail, and, not content with bites and scratches, while one ran for a hatchet the other shot her with a pistol.”

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Ernest Callenbach’s speculative 1974 novel, Ecotopia, is a fun read if you get the chance. It imagines a future world in which much of the American Northwest secedes from the union and creates an environmentally conscious, car-free nation, though one that doesn’t shy from the powers of technology. The author tries to pinpoint what printed media would become in this brave new world, rightly envisioning computer connectivity and self-publishing book machines, though not the Internet’s paperless reality. Callenbach also didn’t get caught up in the type of thorny copyright issues that face something like Google Books. An excerpt:

The newspapers, which are even smaller than our tabloids, are actually sold through electronic print-out terminals in the street kiosks, in libraries, and at other points; and these terminals are connected to central computer banks, whose facilities are ‘rented’ by other publications. Two print-out inks are available, by the way; one lasts indefinitely, the other fades away in a few weeks so the paper can be immediately re-used.

This system is integrated with book publishing as well. Although many popular books are printed normally, and sold in kiosks and bookstores, more specialized titles must be obtained through a special print-out connection. You look the book’s number up in the catalogue, punch the number on a juke-box-like keyboard, study the blurb, sample paragraphs, and price displayed on a videoscreen, and deposit the proper number of coins if you wish to buy a copy. In a few minutes a print-out of the volume appears in a slot. These terminals, I am told, are not much used by city dwellers, who prefer the more readable printed books; but they exist in every corner of the country and can thus be used by citizens in rural areas to procure copies of both currently popular and specialized books. All of the 60,000-odd books published in Ecotopia since independence are available, and about 50,000 earlier volumes. It is planned to increase this gradually to about 150,000. Special orders may also be placed, at higher costs, to scan and transmit any volume in the enormous national library at Berkeley.•


David Brinkley, in all his wryness, extolling Disney’s planning acumen in 1972.


Speaking of planes, here’s the comforting lede from a New York Times article by Jad Mouawad and Christopher Drew about how safe air travel has become:

“Flying on a commercial jetliner has never been safer.

It will be four years on Tuesday since the last fatal crash in the United States, a record unmatched since propeller planes gave way to the jet age more than half a century ago. Globally, last year was the safest since 1945, with 23 deadly accidents and 475 fatalities, according to the Aviation Safety Network, an accident researcher. That was less than half the 1,147 deaths, in 42 crashes, in 2000.

In the last five years, the death risk for passengers in the United States has been one in 45 million flights, according to Arnold Barnett, a professor of statistics at M.I.T. In other words, flying has become so reliable that a traveler could fly every day for an average of 123,000 years before being in a fatal crash, he said.

There are many reasons for this remarkable development.”

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From Discover magazine, a passage about the so-called airplane of the future, one with flapping wings:

“When it comes to maneuverability, modern flying machines pale in comparison to an everyday pigeon. Birds can flap their wings to swoop, dive, glide, and alight on perches. Fixed-wing airplanes and rotary-wing helicopters rarely show that dynamism. In recent years, though, scientists have started finding ways to mimic the mechanics of bird flight through various robotic ornithopters, aircraft that fly with flapping wings. Aircraft based on today’s lab experiments could soon find use in military or search-and-rescue missions.

One of the most impressive of the new flock is SmartBird, a prototype flier made by Festo, a German-based automation technology company. The remote-controlled aircraft has wowed audiences on a worldwide tour as it uncannily flies like its avian inspiration, a herring gull.”


The SmartBird, by Festo:

Matt Novak’s brilliant Paleofuture blog, now housed at the Smithsonian site, is one of the very best uses of the Internet. Looking back at old predictions of the future, it unearths so much hubris and prejudice of the past and, yes, the present. In his latest post, Novak recalls a 1950 Redbook cover story which looked at the physical, mental and moral future of Americans, featuring insights from the rather dangerous anthropologist and eugenicist Earnest A. Hooton. An excerpt:

There can be little doubt of the increase during the past fifty years of mental defectives, psychopaths, criminals, economic incompetents and the chronically diseased. We owe this to the intervention of charity, “welfare” and medical science, and to the reckless breeding of the unfit.

In 2000, apart from the horde of proliferating morons, the commonest type of normal male will be taller and more gangling than ever, with big feet, horse-faces and deformed dental arches. The typical women will be similar—probably less busty and buttocky than those of our generation. These spindly giants will be intelligent, not combative, full of humanitarianism, allergies and inhibitions—stewing in their own introspections. Probably they will be long-lived; the elongated shrivel and buckle, but hang on.•

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When every car is connected to the Internet (which will be soon), no one will again have to search blindly for a parking spot. No one will even think of it, the way we don’t think of supermarkets before price scanners. From Alex Hudson at BBC News:

“At present, headlines often focus on the use of social media, integrated internet radio or clever ways to use voice commands. But the internet could be used for much more simple – and practical – things.

There are already apps that can show local petrol stations and their prices, allowing drivers to keep going for a few more miles to save a few pence a litre when filling up a car.

There is also an app to find a car parking space in some major cities, using electronic sensors, or analysing an aerial view of local street spaces.

Perhaps more interesting are the things you never knew you could find out.

When stopped at a traffic light, trials have shown a system where a time can pop up on the dashboard letting drivers know how long until it changes.”


A few exchanges follow from the new Bill Gates Ask Me Anything on Reddit.



What’s your worst fear for the future of the world? 

Bill Gates:

Hopefully we won’t have terrorists using nuclear weapons or biological weapons. We should make sure that stays hard.

I am disappointed more isn’t being done to reduce carbon emissions. Governments need to spend more on basic energy R&D to make sure we get cheap non-CO2 emitting sources as soon as possible.

Overall I am pretty optimistic. Things are a lot better than they were 200 years ago.



What emerging technology today do you think will cause another big stir for the average consumer in the same way that the home computer did years ago?

Bill Gates:

Robots, pervasive screens, speech interaction will all change the way we look at “computers.” Once seeing, hearing, and reading (including handwriting) work very well you will interact in new ways.



If Microsoft didn’t take off, what would you have done and be doing instead?

Bill Gates:

If the microprocessor had NOT come along I am not sure what I would have done. Maybe medicine or theoretical math but it is hard to say.



Oh! What’s your favorite book? 

Bill Gates:

My favorite of the last decade in Pinker’s Better Angels of our Nature. It is long but profound look at the reduction in violence and discrimination over time.

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David Rorvik was a medical reporter for Time and the New York Times who dreamed of being another Asimov–a writer who could readily shift from nonfiction to fiction and back. In 1978, he seemingly combined both genres, writing the book In His Image: The Cloning of a Man, which purported to tell the true story of how he traded on his science journalism bona fides to organize the actual cloning of a 67-year-old man he called “Max.” It didn’t pass the smell test nor more rigorous medical probings, but for awhile Rorvik got the attention he desired. People magazine even felt the need to run an interview with Nobel Prize winner James D. Watson to dispel the sensation. An excerpt:


Have you done any cloning? 


Not exactly. Here at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory we have genetically rearranged various viruses and bacteria as part of our medical research. In fact, we have been able to create entirely new types of DNA molecules by splicing together the genetic information from different organisms—recombinant DNA. This will lead, among other things, to the manufacture of human insulin, a major medical breakthrough. 


In your opinion, has a human being been cloned?


Absolutely not. This is pure science fiction silliness.


When might we see the cloning of a man?


Certainly not in any of our lifetimes. I wouldn’t be able to predict when we might see the cloning of a mouse, much less a man.


Is David Rorvik a fraud?


Let’s just say that he proposed a pornographic book on cloning to a New York publisher back in 1970. There are elements of that novel in his supposedly nonfiction book, In His Image.


Could the experiments on human cloning described in Rorvik’s book take place without the knowledge of the scientific community?


There are just too many problems, too many major obstacles to be overcome before we clone a man. Each time there was such an advance, it would be big news. Science moves ahead by rather discrete steps, but even when small progress is made, we generally hear about it.


How far along has the technology of cloning progressed?


Well, we’ve been successfully cloning frogs for about 25 years. The unfertilized frog egg is removed, then the nucleus is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. A cell is taken from a tadpole and surgically inserted into the nucleus, using a pipette. The cell begins dividing to form a blastula—a hollow sphere made out of a single layer of cells—which eventually becomes a frog genetically identical to the original.


Has any life form higher than a frog been successfully cloned?


Not to my knowledge. Cloning mammals is a long, long way off.”

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We know so little about the tools we depend on every day. When I was a child, I was surprised that no one expected me to learn how to build a TV even though I watched a TV. But, no, I was just expected to process the surface of the box’s form and function, not to understand the inner workings. Throughout life, we use analogies and signs and symbols to make sense of things we constantly consume but don’t truly understand. Our processing of these basics is not unlike a computer’s process. Marvin Minsky wrote brilliantly on this topic in an Afterword of a 1984 Vernor Vinge novel. An excerpt:

“Let’s return to the question about how much a simulated life inside a world inside a machine could resemble our real life ‘out here.’ My answer, as you know by now, is that it could be very much the same––since we, ourselves, already exist as processes imprisoned in machines inside machines! Our mental worlds are already filled with wondrous, magical, symbol–signs, which add to every thing we ‘see’ its ‘meaning’ and ‘significance.’ In fact, all educated people have already learned how different are our mental worlds than the ‘real worlds’ that our scientists know.

Consider the table in your dining room; your conscious mind sees it as having familiar functions, forms, and purposes. A table is ‘a thing to put things on.’ However, our science tells us that this is only in the mind; the only thing that’s ‘really there’ is a society of countless molecules. That table seems to hold its shape only because some of those molecules are constrained to vibrate near one another, because of certain properties of force-fields that keep them from pursuing independent trajectories. Similarly, when you hear a spoken word, your mind attributes sense and meaning to that sound––whereas, in physics, the word is merely a fluctuating pressure on your ear, caused by the collisions of myriads of molecules of air––that is, of particles whose distances are so much less constrained.

And so––let’s face it now, once and for all: each one of us already has experienced what it is like to be simulated by a computer!”


The entire two-person, electric Urbee is to be printed. Not just the skin but the bones as well. From Leslie Brooks Suzukamo at Twin “You can produce a lot of things on 3-D printers nowadays — fantasy figurines from World of Warcraft, prototypes for implantable medical devices, jewelry, replacement joints, precision tools, swimwear, a replica of King Tut’s mummy.

Jim Kor is printing a car.

Kor, an engineer and entrepreneur from Winnipeg, Manitoba, has designed a two-passenger hybrid car of the future dubbed the Urbee. The ultra-sleek three-wheel vehicle will have a metal internal combustion engine, electric motor and frame.”

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Walter Cronkite, in 1967, imagining what the home workplace of the future would look like, not yet grasping that it would fit in our pocket, that we would put it on the head of a pin.


From an obituary of John Karlin by the excellent New York Times writer Margalit Fox, a passage about the psychologist who brought behavioral sciences to product design during his tenure at Bell Labs:

“By all accounts a modest man despite his variegated accomplishments (he had a doctorate in mathematical psychology, was trained in electrical engineering and had been a professional violinist), Mr. Karlin, who died on Jan. 28, at 94, was virtually unknown to the general public.

But his research, along with that of his subordinates, quietly yet emphatically defined the experience of using the telephone in the mid-20th century and afterward, from ushering in all-digit dialing to casting the shape of the keypad on touch-tone phones. And that keypad, in turn, would inform the design of a spate of other everyday objects.

It is not so much that Mr. Karlin trained midcentury Americans how to use the telephone. It is, rather, that by studying the psychological capabilities and limitations of ordinary people, he trained the telephone, then a rapidly proliferating but still fairly novel technology, to assume optimal form for use by midcentury Americans.

‘He was the one who introduced the notion that behavioral sciences could answer some questions about telephone design,’ Ed Israelski, an engineer who worked under Mr. Karlin at Bell Labs in the 1970s, said in a telephone interview on Wednesday.”

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Odd that Facebook co-founder and initial Obama online guru Chris Hughes has made the move to print, purchasing a controlling interest in the New Republic and naming himself Editor-in-Chief. Certainly it won’t be a print product much longer, though that hardly matters if Hughes is able to turn out the great reportage he plans. From a new Financial Times interview with him conducted by Anna Fifield:

“Then almost a year ago, Hughes moved on to The New Republic and took a majority stake for an undisclosed amount. Like many other magazines, it was hemorrhaging readers, owners, editors and money. Its circulation had fallen to 34,000 from a peak of more than 100,000 two decades ago.

In an age when it can seem that journalism is increasingly conducted in 140 characters, it seemed like a counter-cultural step: here was a new-media sensation moving to a traditional magazine committed to publishing 10,000-word essays on paper and delivered to readers by post.

While admitting that Zuckerberg ‘absolutely’ thinks it’s weird that he’s moving into old media, Hughes argues that people of his age in this Twitter era are still readers. ‘A Pew [Research Center] report recently found that people under 30 are reading more books than they were 10 years ago – not much more, but more – and are as likely to have read them on their phone as in print,’ he says. ‘It’s crazy.’

He should know. He admits that he has read whole chapters of War and Peace on his iPhone, although he also read parts on old-fashioned paper. (Over Christmas, he tells me, he read DH Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers, and he is now reading George Saunders’ new collection of short stories on his iPad.)”

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William F. Buckley interrogates Dr. Timothy Leary about, of course, LSD.

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