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After approving of his supporters beating a Black Lives Matter protester in Birmingham, Donald Trump had another altercation with the group.

Uh oh, one of those Black Lives Matter thugs has me cornered. Think fast, Donnie.

Uh oh, those Black Lives Matter thugs have me cornered.

Want to buy some Thin Mints, Mister?

Shes vicious! Ill speed away in that car to escape!

They’re vicious! I’ll speed away in that car near the cliff to escape!


Wow, St. Peter, that's some tan you've got.

Wow, so this is heaven. Hey, St. Peter, that’s some tan you’ve got!

St. Peter?!? I mean, duh, I’m wearing horns.

And I'm wearing the kind of underpants that mutes farts. Hey, this is some piece of real estate. Have you ever thought of developing it?

And I’m wearing the kind of underpants that mutes farts. Hey, this is a big piece of real estate. Have you ever thought of developing it?

How so?

We class up the joint, Pete. Casinos, golf courses, European women who've "modeled," and my name in big letters everywhere.

We class it up, Pete. Casinos, golf courses, Eastern European models and my name in big gold letters everywhere.

That sounds hideous! It would actually make this place even worse. You’ve got a deal.

Great. But first we have to install some air conditioners. I'm burning up in this place.

Great. But first we need to install some air conditioners. I’m sweating like Rubio in this dump.

Not happening, Hamburglar.






10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. is don lemon a moron?
  2. is donald trump a moron?
  3. david foster wallace writing about bobby slayton
  4. rev. moon mass wedding
  5. who is coach mike leach’s favorite pirate?
  6. mary quant on tv game show
  7. david byrne talking about computers
  8. ray bradbury’s home for sale
  9. attempts at creating immortal children
  10. harry reems on talk show with john candy
This week, Ivanka Trump told ABC News that she wished her father wouldnt eat so much McDonalds.

This week, Ivanka Trump told Barbara Walters that she wished her fascist father wouldn’t eat so much McDonalds.

If I keep eating so much McDonalds, I'll get a heart attack. I'll just order one cheeseburger.

If I keep eating McDonalds, I’ll have a heart attack. I’ll just order one cheeseburger.

Would you like 21 Big Macs?

I will get you 23 Big Macs.

21 Big Macs?!? I'll die if I eat that much.

I’ll die if I eat that much!

And 47 large Fries?

And 47 large fries.

47 Fries?!? I'll go into diabetic shock.

I’ll go into diabetic shock!

And 68 McFlurries?

And 68 McFlurries.

Okay, put it all in one bag.

Okay, put it all on one big tray.


Im lovin it.

I’m lovin’ it.


  • Some Americans think our postwar economy is returning. It’s not.



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. charles curtis native american vice president
  2. native american church meeting
  3. original reviews of l. ron hubbard books
  4. art linkletter daughter death
  5. claudine longet andy williams
  6. what does john malkovich think about brecht?
  7. does hiv/aids impact zombies?
  8. peter sellers pacemaker
  9. why did george orwell hate paperbacks?
  10. what was big sur like in the 1960s?
This week, after promising to murder baby Hitler, Jeb Bush also pledged to kill Hitler's cat.

This week, after promising to murder baby Hitler, Jeb Bush also pledged to kill Hitler’s cat.

I am going to drown you in the river Adolf Kitler!

I will drown you in the river, Adolf Kitler!




I just murdered a Nazi kitten. Vote for me.

I just murdered a Nazi kitten. Vote for me.

Did you just make the Hitler salute?

Did you just give the Hitler salute?

No, I was just waving. I swear.

No, I was waving. I swear.

Let's drown him in the river!

Let’s drown Jeb in the river!





  • White, middle-aged Americans seemed to be dying younger. Why?
  • Garry Kasparov thinks Putin’s Russia is a mafia state.
  • Calum Chace suggests titles on the topic of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Oliver Morton suggests combating climate change with geoengineering.
  • Solar power has become the fastest growing energy source in America.
  • Tally robots are much better at inventory than human workers.
  • A brief note from 1901 about a wild man.

oldtimeytypewriter (1)


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. richard brautigan poem about computers
  2. marciano ali fight decided by computer
  3. can you die from a nosebleed?
  4. modern reading of 1976 movie a man who fell to earth
  5. stephen hsu superintelligent human beings
  6. charlie smith former slave who attended moon launch
  7. instant newspapers printed by electromagnetic waves
  8. documentary about internet entrepreneur josh harris
  9. did guglielmo marconi contact martians?
  10. wolf attacks in russia
This week, Donald Trump published a new book without giving proper credit to his ghostwriter.

This week, Donald Trump published a book without giving credit to his ghostwriter.

I'm too busy bullshitting these rubes in Iowa to write a book. I'll call my agent and have him hire a ghostwriter.

I’m too busy working these rubes in Iowa to pen a book. You’re my agent. Get me a ghostwriter.

Donnie, I know the perfect one to hire.

I know the perfect one, dickhead.

Can he write words good like Hemingway?

Can he write words good, like Hemingway?

He's the classiest, dum-dum.

He’s the classiest, assbreath.

Tell him to get to work. I need 169 pages of bullshit right away.

Tell him to get to work. I need 169 pages of poorly sourced bullshit right away.

Will do, assface.

Will do, fuckface.



  • Edward Luce analyzes two vastly different books about Trump.
  • Ben Carson seems less concerned with whistle-stop tours than the gravy train.
  • The “economic singularity” is probably not upon us.
  • Virtual Reality will improve education and help people masturbate with ghosts.
  • Buzz Aldrin thinks we should send people to Mars on one-way trips.
  • Japan wants to have driverless taxis by the 2020 Games.
  • A brief note from 1901 about a bad bet.




10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. ted williams brand prophylactics
  2. edwin land polaroid 1970
  3. robyn smith jockey
  4. court-ordered floggings in america
  5. movie about a fan who kidnaps a talk show host
  6. tyler cowen texas is the future of america
  7. old time department store run by robots
  8. hunter s. thompson essay the hippies
  9. tom wolfe article about junior johnson
  10. this is the beginning of the rest of the future now and from now on there will simply be all these robots walking around
This week, after another dismal debate performance, Jeb Bush saw his campaign buttons become

This week, after another dismal debate performance, Jeb Bush saw his campaign buttons become the all-time least popular, surpassing the previous record holder.

This week, after another dismal debate performance, Jeb Bush saw his campaign buttons beomce

dicknixonbuttons jeb-bush-reportedly-identified-as-hispanic-in-2009


  • Much of Europe is purposely slowing GMO research. Bad move.
  • Lots of Iranians are opting to get nose jobs. Why?



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. native american chief red cloud
  2. col. harland sanders
  3. the death of orville wright
  4. the making of zabriskie point
  5. president obama discussing vladimir putin
  6. can you sell your skeleton before you die?
  7. joe pyne interviewing paul krassner
  8. why wasn’t the movie limitless better?
  9. philip zimbardo stanford prison experiment
  10. horrible doomsday scenarios
This week, Ben Carson made a direct appeal to the American owmen most likley to support him.

This week, Ben Carson made a direct appeal to the American women most likely to vote for him.



  • DARPA is using neurotechnologies to try to develop “super soldiers.”
  • Read about an 18-year-old venture-capital analyst and then shoot me.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. john c lilly dolphin computer experiments
  2. chimpanzee glands transplanted into human
  3. can humans outrun animals?
  4. bob guccione going bankrupt
  5. henry wirz civil war atrocities
  6. richard brautigan attitude toward technology
  7. wilhelm reich’s sex cult
  8. al capp interviewing rev. sun myung moon
  9. the truth about bridey murphy’s reincarnation
  10. what became of don king?
This week, after much consideration, Joe Biden finally made a decision.

This week, after much consideration, Joe Biden finally made a decision.

I'm fairly certain I'd like a vanilla waffle cone.

I’m fairly certain I’d like a vanilla waffle cone.


  • Bill Gates says gov’t R&D and carbon taxes are needed to fight climate change.
  • Karl Lagerfeld seems a nightmarish character from a German horror film.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. jack nicholson interview about the shining
  2. kurt vonnegut on geraldo rivera show
  3. judi mcguire roller derby
  4. bernstein woodward with william f buckley
  5. sissy spacek andy warhol
  6. women futurists
  7. will robots be pets in the future?
  8. the airport of the future will recognize you
  9. peter georgescu on wealth inequality
  10. people who think they live inside a reality show
This week, after much chaos, the GOP finally found someone who would be an acceptable Speaker to the extreme wing of the party.

This week, after much chaos, the GOP finally found someone the extremist wing of the party would accept as Speaker.

guns (1)


  • Donald Trump is the most insincere person Tom Junod has ever met.
  • In China, gene-editing is being used to design pet-sized micropigs.
  • A ghost city is planned for the New Mexican desert to test technologies.
  • Some studies suggest “digital amnesia” is a real problem.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. mel lyman cult
  2. louis menand critical of joan didion
  3. ego muhammad ali norman mailer
  4. michael crichton cloning
  5. giovanni succi hunger artist
  6. j.g. ballard’s “cape canaveral” stories
  7. you find dr. kissinger that it s been a totally useless war
  8. george ripley brook farm
  9. faith healer francis schlatter
  10. diego rivera eating human flesh
This week, it was announced Dr. Ben Carson raised $20 million dollars after making offensive, ignorant comments,

This week, Dr. Ben Carson raised $20 million after making bigoted, ignorant comments, encouraging the GOP to find other medical professionals willing to be even more offensive.



  • Stephen Hawking wants us to anticipate existential risks. Can we?
  • The Kindle, perhaps lulled by its monopoly, hasn’t continued to evolve.
  • Cyborgism will present ethical challenges along with its medical miracles.
  • Terrorists really don’t need a mass migration to enter Europe.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. what was jonestown cult like at the end?
  2. what happened to rasputin’s daughter?
  3. yuval harari article about gene editing
  4. woodlands early smart city
  5. lucille maxwell miller murder
  6. rudolph valentino funeral in 1926
  7. groucho marx playboy interview
  8. donald trump with mouth of an asshole butt
  9. the aga khan as a young playboy
  10. laszlo toth attacking pieta
This week, Condoleezza Rice announced she was likely done with American politics, sending the nation into a collective depression.

This week, Condoleezza Rice announced she was likely done with American politics, sending the nation into a collective depression.



  • Old Print Articles: What life will be like in 1963, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 (1938).
  • E-books have, at least for now, experienced a small decline.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. nim the chimp who lived like a human
  2. bzzagent article from nyt magazine
  3. bruce weber articles about kasparov versus deep blue
  4. chess computer stockholm 1974
  5. william buckley with eldridge cleaver
  6. arnold schwarzenegger as a museum attraction
  7. david simon writing about robin williams
  8. 1975 new republic article solar power in santa clara
  9. the first retail transaction on the internet
  10. jorge luis borges pan of citizen kane
With the Pope abut to visit, Mayor de Blasio ordered a fresh coat of paint for New York.

This week, with the Pope about to visit, Mayor de Blasio ordered a fresh coat of paint for New York City.

  • Anders Sandberg did a great AMA about Transhumanism, space travel, etc.
  • Ai Weiwei discusses China’s modernization, social media, etc.
  • British paranormal investigator Jayne Harris specializes in haunted dolls.
  • NASA is conducting myriad tests to prep astronauts for a Mars mission.
  • Tim Harford thinks Amazon’s bad reputation may be underserved. I don’t.
  • Travis Kalanick likely won’t be Uber CEO by the time driverless is a reality.
  • Pitcher Andrew Heaney is selling stock in his baseball future. Bad idea.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. norman mailer writing about the space race
  2. paul krugman economics morality play
  3. anti-aging exposition
  4. donald trump with mouth of an asshole butt
  5. theodore roszak silicon valley essay
  6. jack nicholson 1972 playboy interview
  7. joe louis vs muhammad ali
  8. christopher hitchens on north korea
  9. pay rates for old time hangmen
  10. bill gates disease eradication

This week, the NYPD decided to dig up Arthur Ashe’s grave, saying he was acting “suspiciously.”


  • Tom Carson, a Joan Didion skeptic, considers the new bio about her.
  • Michael Moore believes American exceptionalism will be the end of us.
  • Slavoj Žižek writes of the use of quasi-slavery in today’s capitalism.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. brian eno and david graeber conversation
  2. which nations are the best at robotics?
  3. who will dominate AI?
  4. uploading consciousness into a computer
  5. mazie gordon-phillips phillips bowery character
  6. u.s. government mind control experiments
  7. adults impersonating high school students
  8. the growth of solar energy in the next 20 years
  9. humans having digital twins doppelgangers
  10. elon musk explaining mars ambitions
This week the new relationship between Presidents Obama and Rouhani, so close to fruition, was denied at the last moment.

This week, the new union between Presidents Obama and Rouhani, so close to fruition, was in danger of being denied at the last moment.


  • Steven Levy has a great discussion with Jerry Kaplan about next-level AI.
  • Citi’s “Disruptive Innovations” report suggests basic income.
  • Some think fears of near-term technological unemployment are overstated.

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