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Afflictor: A cure for Marilyn's insomnia.

Let's vacuum your face.

You’d be invited to a lot more proms and parties if you’re face wasn’t so very disgusting! That was the message being sent with no subtlety in this 1952 advertisement for a Vacutex contraption that purported to suck blackheads right out of teens’ heads and faces.

The pitch communicated that all that stood in the way of a young person’s amazing popularity was clearer skin. The product cost a buck. An excerpt from from the ad copy:

“So can you blame the fellow who says, ‘Sure I meet a lot of girls who look cute at first glance. But if, on that second glance, I see dingy blackheads, it’s good night!’

Or can you blame the girl who confesses, ‘I hate to go out with a fellow who has blackheads. If he’s careless about that you’re sure he’ll embarrass you in other ways, too.’

But you–are YOUR ears burning? Well, you’ve company and, sad to say, good company. There are otherwise lots of attractive fellows and girls who could date anyone they like if only they’d realize how offensive blackheads are…and how easily and quickly they could get rid of them..if they want to!”

The guide cost an even dollar in 1964.

When I briefly got my tough but tender hands on a copy of the Official Guidebook of the 1939 World’s Fair, I managed to also have a peek at the 1964 Guide. Like the 1939 World’s Fair, the later version took place in Flushing Queens, the neighborhood where both I and the 12-story-high Unisphere were born.

The 1964 World’s Fair had “Peace Through Understanding” as its theme and featured many exhibits that revolved around technology and space travel, unsurprising during the space-race decade. But it also presented Michelangelo’s Pieta, was responsible for popularizing the Belgian waffle in America and unveiled Disney’s animatronic “It’s A Small World” ride.

In addition to info about the prehistoric creatures on display in “Sinclair Dinoland” and the rockets in “Space Park,” the guide has an entry about a curious Cold War-esque subterranean structure prototype called “Underground World Home,” one of which still exists today. An excerpt:

“Something really different in housing is displayed here: a three-bedroom house, completely below ground level. It is presented as the forerunner of dwellings that the builder says have marked advantages for today’s living. Guides explain during the 20-minute tour why underground homes can provide more control over air, climate and noise than conventional houses–as well as protection from such hazards as fire and radiation fallout. The house occupies most of the area inside a rectangular concrete shell, the top of which is two and a half feet underground; a wide staircase brings visitors down to the front door. Windows of the house face scenic murals placed on walls of the shell.”


"Trust me, if I like the woman, I can get the number."

Do You Have a Knack for Connecting with Strangers? (Manhattan/Brooklyn)

Thirty-something white guy, decent looking, cleans up nicely, can string a sentence together without using the words “duh,” “dude” or “hooters” excessively, looking for a cool woman to hang out with some evenings and weekend days, who can be my “wingwoman” — i.e., “break the ice” with other women and facilitate an introduction.

If you make friends easily and are always striking up conversations with strangers, then this would be a great part-time gig for you!

You must be outgoing and charming, but you will NOT have to do all the talking or all the work.

If you’re interested, please tell me about yourself (more rather than less, please!) and include a photo.

Compensation: $10 per phone number I get. (Once you make the introduction, trust me, if I like the woman, I can get the number.) I figure that, depending on the venue, in an hour you can make $40 or more – no limit!!!

NOTE: I’m not looking for you to be my girlfriend OR my sexual partner. This is strictly on the “up and up.” And we’ll only meet in public places. Thanks!

The Guidebook cost just a quarter back then.

I linked to some fun home movies of the 1939 New York World’s Fair a while back, and now I got my coarse yet practiced hands on a copy of that event’s official guidebook.

The book (which is the shape and thickness of an old-school TV Guide) is pretty straightforward, touting the highlights that drew 4.4 million visitors, with info on exhibits about technology, medicine, science and government in addition to amusements.

One oddity from the “Amusement Area” that jumped off the page is called “Little Miracle Town.” An excerpt:

“Morris Gest’s Little Miracle Town, occupying 36,000 square feet was brought over from Europe by a specially chartered ship. A miniature community, complete in every detail even to the diminutive organ in the church, its one hundred and twenty-five midget inhabitants have their own tiny restaurant, their city hall, their own theatre, art gallery and railroad station.

Other features include a midget circus, motion picture studio, garage, radio station, ballroom, guard barracks, Punch and Judy show and toy and doll factory. Never in the history of any exposition has there been a Midget Village as spectacular as this one. Morris Gest, famous producer of Chauve Souris and other successful shows, toured all Europe to secure the greatest ‘little people’ for Little Miracle Town.”


Away from me, you vampire!

In the November 4, 1892 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle it was reported that James Brown, a vampiric murderer imprisoned in Ohio, had behaved like a one-man riot while being removed from his cell to be transported to a psychiatric facility. Brown had been arrested for vampire murders while working as a cook aboard the Atlantic in 1866. Brown was originally sentenced to be hanged for killing a fellow crew member who had insulted him, but that judgement was commuted to a life sentence by President Andrew Johnson.

A quarter-century later, the New York Times added reportage about his alleged blood-sucking exploits. Others followed up on this sensational angle. An excerpt from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle piece:

“Deputy United States Marshal Williams of Cincinnati has removed James Brown, a deranged United States prisoner, from the Ohio penitentiary to the National Asylum at Washington D.C. The prisoner fought like a tiger at being removed.

Twenty-five years ago he was charged with being a vampire and living on human blood. He was a Portuguese sailor and shipped on a fishing smack from Boston up the coast in 1867. During the trip two of the crew were missing and an investigation made. Brown was found one day in the hold of the ship, sucking blood from the body of one of the sailors. The other body was found in the same place and had been served in a similar manner. Brown was returned to Boston and convicted of murder and sentenced to be hanged. President Johnson commuted the sentence to imprisonment for life.

After serving fifteen years in Massachusetts he was transferred to the Ohio prison. He has committed two murders since his confinement. When being taken from the prison, he believed that he was on the way to execution and resisted accordingly.”

More Old Print Articles:

  • Hunger artist breaks his long fast. (1890)
  • Girl Lured to Opium Den Now a Raving Maniac (1900)
  • Muscular Woman Pummels Husband (1887)
  • Professional Clown Confronted By His Wife in New York (1887)
  • Women Rioters Raise Hell (1899)
  • The Matrimonial Experiences of Colonel Ruth Goshen (1879)
  • Tags:

    Someone wants to look like me, Mavis.

    Jay Leno Costume! – $500 (Bohemia,NY)

    Jay Leno Costume!
    Includes Jay Leno Head,and Suit

    Great for children party’s,plays,carnivals,etc.


    Buffalo Braves center Elmore Smith skies above Wilt Chamberlain.

    When I wrapped my greasy, grimy, greedy paws around a 1976-77 New York Nets yearbook not too long ago, I also managed to get a grip on a 1972-73 yearbook for the then-NBA franchise Buffalo Braves. One dollar could buy you a copy in those days. The most famous basketball icons associated with the team (which went 21-61 in the ’72-’73 season) were future Hall of Famers Bob McAdoo and Coach Jack Ramsey, he of the adventurous taste in slacks.

    The 1970-71 season was the Braves inaugural campaign in the NBA (that was the year the Cleveland Cavaliers and Portland Trailblazers also entered the league.) The team showed off their colors (black, white, orange and Colombia blue) at the Buffalo Memorial Auditorium, which closed in 1996. They made three playoff appearances (1974-’75-’76) and Bob McAdoo won an MVP Award (1975) while playing for Buffalo. The Braves spent eight seasons in the now-struggling city before moving to the warmer climes of San Diego, where they were rechristened the Clippers. (They moved again to Los Angeles for the 1985-86 season).

    The most interesting part of the yearbook is the player page notes about the team captain. During the offseason, Walt Hazard had converted to Islam and changed his name to Abdul Rahman. The notes announce his conversion in a straightforward, respectful manner. An excerpt:

    “Known throughout most of his NBA career as Walt Hazzard, he has in the past year taken the Islamic name Abdul Rahman (pronounced ‘Rock-maan’), which means merciful. Abdul and his wife, Jalees, reside in Williamsville in the off-season with their two sons, Yakub, 7, and Abdul Jalal, 2.”

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    "Wonderful tattooed Greek noblemen."

    It cost folks just 50 cents (25 cents for children) in 1872 to see what that braggart P.T. Barnum called the “Greatest Show on Earth.” It probably was the best of all shows of its time, but still! This was the first time that Barnum began billing his circus as such. He had only entered the full-fledged circus business a year earlier.

    In addition to his late-career circus greatness, Barnum was a newspaper publisher, museum owner and curator, politician, hoaxer, philanthropist, concert and theater promoter, temperance speaker, abolitionist and the proprietor of America’s first aquarium. He also made some ridiculously bad business investments and drove himself into financial disrepair in the 1850s.

    By the time he entered the circus business at age 61 his financial well-being had been restored and all his myriad of experiences served him incredibly well. He became America’s preeminent showman, though he never really uttered the phrase “there’s a sucker born very minute.” An excerpt from the ad copy:

    “Occupies many acres with its vast tents and possesses more New and Imported Features, more Marine Monsters, more and rarer Wild Beasts, Birds and Reptiles, more marvelous Human Phenomena–including Huge Giants, Tiny Dwarfs and the wonderful Tattooed Greek Noblemen, more Curious and Costly Mechanical Wonders, more Distinguished Equestrians and Athletes, more Funny Clowns and more Educated Animals and Magnificent Trick Horses, than were ever before presented at any one time in any age or place and More than Ten Times the Price of Admission Returned to Everybody.

    I will give $10,000 to anybody who can show that, during the past five years, the daily expenses of my vast establishment have not been larger than the entire gross receipts of any traveling show in this or any other country.”

    More Old Print Ads:


    Afflictor: Boring America one nana at a time.

    I've been spirited away by North Bergen burglars.


    THE Following is a list of items that were stolen from me as my house was broken into TWICE IN ONE DAY SECOND TIME WHILE I WAS SLEEPING.

    2 bottles of Colonge Aramis (bottles are square)
    one laptop acer
    one portable dvd player (has BLUE BUNNY stamped on it, from ice cream co.)
    2 girls gone wild dvd’s
    box of silver quarters and half dollars
    morgan stanley coin sets sealed and mint
    over 30 bottles of liquor, vodka, chivas regal, etc, some opened and some never opened.
    100’s of cd’s
    10 sealed new plister packs shaving razors with teal color handles
    nail clipper
    one open speed stick deorderant gel
    one tool box loaded with tools,, tool box is gray plastic with red metal drawers
    one tool box, loaded with tools in briefcase style case
    astorted cell phones
    44 brand new in the box hess trucks
    12 pool sticks
    large new portable stereo phillips with cd burner





    Himme up!

    Tasty SOUR candy (Uptown)

    The greatest sour candy in the world.420 different types.. himme up.. name /number thats it.. no iffy suspect ppl.. hundred buks or better//Pick up your phone /dont waste my time or yours.

    Despite Coach Kevin Loughery's awesome leisure suit, the Nets had the NBA's worst record that season.

    I got my chapped, cracked, crusty hands on a copy of the Nets 1976-77 yearbook, which cost a cool two bucks back in the day. The Nets were then a New York franchise that played on Long Island. The ’76-’77 season was their first in the NBA, after winning the final ABA championship. Unfortunately, finances forced them to sell off their best player, Julius “Dr. J” Erving, instantly turning them into the worst team in the NBA.

    I can’t tell you that the level of pro basketball play was better back in those days, but clothes and hairstyles were certainly superior. From Coach Kevin Loughery rocking the leisure suits to “Super” John Williamson’s ‘fro to Jan van Breda Kollf’s long locks and short mustache, it was a disco-fabulous scene.

    The Nets are playing out the string of a terrible season, but they’ve actually come a long way from the team’s astoundingly modest beginnings. The yearbook recalls the early days of the franchise. An excerpt:

    “Maybe you could appreciate how far the franchise of the New York Nets has come in 10 years if you had seen them play–as the New Jersey Americans–at Teaneck Armory. Or, going back even further, when they played their first NBA exhibition game against the Pittsburgh Pipers in Paterson, N.J.

    Jan van Breda Kollf summons the mighty power of his shaggy hair and mustache as he takes a jumper.

    Walt Simon was there. Simon, one of the most popular players in those early days, recalls that some players helped to put a strip of black tape on the court to indicate the three-point zone. Then, the Pipers used white chalk to draw numbers on the back of their uniforms.

    Maybe you had to see them play when they shifted their home base to Long Island and changed their name to the New York Nets and played their games at Commack Arena. Freddie Lewis remembers.

    ‘The basketball floor was put down directly over the ice, without any insulation,’ recalls Lewis, one of the few pros still active who can remember that scene, or better yet, who survived that scene. ‘It was so cold in there that you could actually see your breath. I swear that it was colder inside the building than it was outside. We used to wear our coats when we sat on the bench.'”

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    My head diseases appear to be cured.

    The person pictured in this 1868 ad for some sort of electric hairbrush contraption is either a chick or an irrepressible fop. My word, would you look at the well-coiffured dandy! The product from Hopkins & Co. purported to restore gray hair and prevent baldness. I’m not a medical doctor, but I believe this is what is known as “quackery.” An excerpt from the ad copy:

    “Will restore gray hair to its original color, keep the hair from falling out, promote its growth, cure diseases of the head, cleanse the scalp, and make hair soft, lustrous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing, no persons young or old should fail to use it, who wish to preserve and restore their hair.”

    More Old Print Ads:


    The Weavers formed their quartet in 1947. They were blacklisted during the McCarthy Era.

    I got my cracked, clammy, crummy hands on a copy of 1943 sheet music of the folk classic “Tom Dooley.” The Kingston Trio would have a huge popular hit with the song in 1958, but it was recorded many times before then, including this offering from the legendary folk group the Weavers.

    The Weavers are pictured on the front of the sheet music, and you can tell this is a very old publication because Pete Seeger only looks like he’s about 70 years old. The sheet music was issued by Ludlow Music, Inc., which also first published Woody Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land.” Ludlow is now a part of the Richmond Organization music publishers.

    The song concerns the eponymous man waiting to be hanged for the murder of a North Carolina woman. It’s based on the actual 1866 case of former Confederate soldier Tom Dula, who ended the love triangle he was involved in with two women by murdering his fiancee, Laura Foster. Dula subsequently hanged and his other girlfriend went insane. So, it was happiness all around and an enduring ballad of lament was born.

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    It makes a hell of a frosting. And there's no added poison! (image by Renee Comet.)

    Free Tasty Frosting (Greenwich Village)

    I know this is weird, but I baked a big cake for Easter and ended up with about 3-4 extra cups of homemade cream cheese icing and I would hate for it to go to waste. Maybe you have a bake sale coming up and don’t want to pay grocery store items. Maybe you’re just having terrible PMS. Take my frosting, no questions asked.

    The recipe was:

    16 oz cream cheese
    2 sticks butter
    2 lbs powdered sugar

    It’s awesome, and doesn’t have poison or roach eggs or rat hair or anything in it. Serious inquiries only.

    Other Recent Craigslist Postings:

    This photo of an 1880s opium den was taken in San Francisco, not New York. So the Zip girl is not in the picture. (Image by Louis Philippe Lessard.)

    I worry about young Miss Ottilie Zip, a Brooklynite who went insane after twice visiting a Manhattan opium den with a shadowy lawyer. I’d be worried more if this story about her hadn’t been published in the November 5, 1900 issue of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. I think everyone involved is probably long gone to the big opium den in the sky. An excerpt: “Miss Ottilie Zip, 19 years old, of 245 Forty-sixth street, was taken by her mother, Mrs. Emma Zip, on Saturday to the Kings County Hospital, where she is now confined in the insane ward. Her mental condition will be examined to-day in order to decide whether she should be sent to an insane asylum. The girl talks almost constantly about a lawyer, but never mentions any name. It is reported that this man enticed her into an opium den. Miss Zip went twice last week to the Fourth avenue police station and asked the police to protect her. It is said she called on one occasion, between 1 and 2 o’clock in the morning and raved about a lawyer and the Supreme Court. The sergeant at the desk was finally obliged to send an officer home with her. Mrs. Zip, the girl’s mother, made the following statement: ‘My daughter Ottilie has been acting very strangely for the past week. She is constantly raving over a lawyer whom she  met at Franklin and Centre streets, Manhattan. She does not mention his name. My daughter was formerly employed at the Parker House and went over to New York from Brooklyn to visit her aunt. She was in the habit of staying with her aunt when she was out of employment. She stopped in a drug store to telephone me and I have been informed that she tendered the clerk a dollar bill and he refused to give her change. Then she went to Centre street court to make a complaint against him. While in the court, she met a young lawyer, who took her to a Chinese opium den. She told her aunt about the matter and then became insane. The statement that I took her to dance halls in untrue.'”


    Even to us, this site is unbearable.

    Like yours doesn't stink?

    two great Ferrits to your family (Woodstock)


    We have to find a new home, the perfect home for our great ferrits. We have a new Alaskan Malamute Puppy who is too curious, bordering o over”, that leads us to the sad conclusion that our two ferrits, complete with huge cage, litter box, toys, exercise wheel, some food, and more (basically–the whole set-up for the right person(s)) is available after the necessary initial interview is complete. These guys (both male) are completely socialized, potty trained, and amazingly entertaining. Yes, their feces stinks if you don’t clean the cage about every other day. Simple practice to do in exchange for the prize of their company.

    Other recent Craigslist Posts:

    Get a load of those stinky Martians!

    It was in 1893 that the Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin–the birthplace of modern astrophysics–introduced the then-largest refracting telescope in the world, which cost a half a million bucks

    Playing off that great step forward in science was Kirk’s Soap, which is still in business today after 160 years. The ad joked about Mars having intelligent life. These Martians apparently smelled like crap and we needed to be honest with them for their own good, so we offered them Earth soap.

    The tag line on the soap: “Kirk’s Dusky Diamond Soap, best for Ladies Toilet.” Even for lady Martians, apparently.

    Recent Old Print Ads:

    Craig Newmark: Can your clay ginger beer bottles withstand my mighty hammer? (Photo by Dave Sifry.)

    Antique bottles and jars!!(1800s)Very raree! (Stanten Island)

    I Dug up alot of antique bottles underground on a job in the city. I have 10 ginger beer bottles for sale they are from the 1800s some have the date on them and some dont. They are the bottle that beer first originated in . They are made of clay. The condition of them are dirty because they were found underground but no chips. I can email more pictures if intrested. These bottles are great antiques to have. I am selling them for 30$ each or 10 for 160$ I also have antique jars , medicine bottles, ginger ale bottles, gin bottles and other stuff. IF INTRESTED I WILL SEND PICTURESS.. These are great collectors items and a great part of history.

    San Mateo native Tom Brady wasn't even born at the time of the orgies, so don't blame him. (Photo by Keith Allison.)

    San Mateo, California, apparently got a head start on the Summer of Love, as it apparently was a hotbed for wild sexual behavior in 1966. Here’s an excerpt about that lasciviousness from a September 1, 1966 report in Jet magazine:

    “In San Mateo, California, Dr. Harold D. Chope, county health and welfare director, revealed that wife-swapping orgies are causing a sharp increase in the venereal disease rate and one of the married women patients said she had as many as 200 different sex partners over a six-month period. At the same time there has been a sharp drop in the county’s birth rate. Dr Chope said the drop in birth rate was a ‘healthy thing,’ but termed the wife-swapping craze ‘a great worry.’ He said ‘young married couples gather together in large groups, peal off their clothes and start to drink. Before the weekend is over they’ve had relations with practically everyone at the session who is attractive to them.”


    When picking up the stripper clothes, please do not wear any "hooker-like items." (Image by Momoko.)

    Free Strpper/Dancer like clothing (and shoes)

    “I broke up with my girl 2 months ago and have tons of stripper/dancer/lingerie clothing shoes etc etc.

    micro mini skirts, 6″ heels, garter belts, garter skirts, shelf bras, crotchless bodysuits, micro booty shorts, chaps etc etc.

    Stockings, panthose, garterbelt pantyhose, crotchless pantyhose, anklets. bude, beige and neon colors in all.

    Stillettos, Clear shoes, Pumps, Straps, Thigh high boots, anywhere from 4″ to 6″ heels.

    She wore a size 8 to 9 shoe size was a size 6 had 36DD breast and 5’8″

    This should be for a dancer or a girl who wants to make her guy feel REAL lucky or a professional who dresses for her clients

    My EX was NOT a dancer or a stripper I purchased EVERYTHING for my enjoyment so nothing was worn outside and there are 100’s of pieces that were worn only once or twice

    Please be able to take EVERYTHING It is ALOT maybe 3-4 large suitcases or 5-8 large garbage bags.

    I will drive you in my car to help you drop it off but you must take EVERYTHING in 1 day. I have a Porsche so it will take 2 trips

    NO I do not want sex, or ANYTHING else for the stuff

    IF you WANT we could do a photo shoot (That’s what I did with her) and I could make a nice calendar for your BF or GF for you. but YOU WOULD HAVE TO PAY FOR THE INK AND PAPER about 25.00 if you want it REALLY gift collectable quality. Or we can download it and they can use each month as a screensaver

    Also I live in Manhattan in a pretty prominent building so please dress tactfully when you come to pick up the stuff. Jeans and sneakers are fine just no hooker looking items.”

    You boys will never defeat Hitler if your jockstraps are wilting.

    It was 1941 and it was a fateful year in American history. Sure, we entered WWII and all, but what I’m really talking about is the development of Bike brand non-wilting athletic jockstraps. As this advertisement for the Chicago company emphatically states: “Supporter WILT Is Dangerous!”

    The ad was aimed at coaches who were in charge of student athletes. No price listed. An excerpt from the copy:

    “He looks to you…and he’s your responsibility. No coach is interested in just part-time protection for his athletes. Full protection every playing moment is essential. And that means proper equipment starting with a comfortable, effective non-chafing supporter.

    For these important reasons Bike is chosen by most coaches to support all their teams. Bike’s special non-wilt features assure the kind of support every athlete needs–dependable, long-lasting, comfortable. The finer materials in Bike guarantee it. And Bike’s two famous numbers, 5 and 55, alone in the athletics field use famous “Lastex,” the miracle yarn.”

    See more Old Print Ads.


    How dare the Hanlon Brothers employ a deadbeat dad as a clown. I'm simply outraged!

    Anytime a clown from the 1880s abandons his wife and children in Paris to move to New York, I’m on the case. That was the transatlantic, clown-centric tale being told on April 10, 1887 in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.

    The Hanlon Brothers referred to in the piece were a fraternal troupe of acrobats, jugglers and comedians who invented the aerial safety net, which has protected many a high flyer ever since. The story in full:

    “Vassel Pizzarello, a professional clown, was brought to Jefferson Market Court, New York, yesterday afternoon, for abandoning his wife, Marie Pizzarello. The woman says that her husband deserted her and their six children in Paris a year ago. She brought two of the children here some months ago, and since then has been hunting for her husband. She is now staying at 12 Warwick place, New York. The husband had recently became engaged by the Hanlon Brothers to play in “Phantasma” at $4o a week, and was to have left the city last week. William Hanlon came to court with the clown, who was paroled for examination this morning, Mr. Hanlon agreeing to see that he would be present.”

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