Afflictor: Thinking that in a more enlightened America, all mothers, not just teen moms, would have the opportunity to release sex tapes.
- Old Print Articles: An incredibly insulting, jaw-dropping New York Times article about a family named De Groat (1880) + A woman returns to life while on a dissecting table (1890).
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: It will cost $3,000 if you want me to kill a guy + My other hobby is burying you and your family in your yard.
- Featured Videos: Serial groom Larry King visits Norma Macdonald Live. + An impressive Mars One promotional film.
- 11-word short story I overheard in the subway.
- The ellipsis that broke my heart.
- Podcaster and comedian Marc Maron does an Ask Me Anything.
- A 1968 Life magazine investigation of Scientology.
- Eric Schimdt points out that TV is already a thing of the past.
- Well-paid Op-Ed writers are often very delusional.
- Review of a new book about Richard Brautigan.
- Algorithms, not hunches, tell us who are bankable movie stars.
- Great posts about L.A. traffic and Big Data at the Smithsonian.
- Writer who taught prison inmates does an Ask Me Anything.
- Prisons are now being reviewed on Yelp.
- Energy independence will not allow the U.S. to be isolationist.
- American football may be the next big import in China.
- A stablehand plays a hunch–five hunches, actually–and becomes wealthy.
- Does the modern fasting fad have its benefits?
- Robots look and act even more like flying insects now.
- American education is top-heavy in its success.
- Are drone strikes sans judicial oversight similar to political assassinations?
- Some British dementia patients are wearing GPS devices.
- People might eventually have–holy fuck–an online “character score.”
- Automation has ultimately made people richer in the past.
- A brief note from 1890 about lactose intolerance.
- A brief note from 1912 about a successful plumber.
- Afflictor Nation: Great Britain rules in April.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.