“What If Eliot Spitzer Decided To Run For Mayor?”

This might not matter to any readers outside of NYC, but our current mayoral race features the usual cast of characters, party-machine hacks and some outsider eccentrics, and none are very inspiring. It’s so bad that some have suggested that the disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner get into the race. I don’t understand that one. Even before his fall from grace, I never quite knew what Weiner was supposed to be good at, apart from being young and ambitious. But what if Eliot Spitzer decided to run for mayor?

We know Spitzer is a weirdo creep, and his management skills as the Governor of New York State were lacking. But he’s a very bright and talented person who was on to all the Wall Street shenanigans long before they laid our economy low. 

Here are two things he would have to convince voters of before they could consider supporting him: Has he given up mistreating women? Has he learned from his stint in the governor’s mansion that consensus-building is important, that enemies should be treated as enemies, but potential allies shouldn’t be?

New Yorkers aren’t so rigidly moralistic that they would turn down the best option politically even if that person is damaged goods. Likely though, the Spitzer question is one we’ll never have answered.•
