Michele Bachmann: People can’t wait until November. They’re practically lining up for polls now. They can’t wait to go out and vote. The only thing is people wish Barack Obama was up for re-election right now, because they’d honestly love to have a chance to throw him out of office. Everywhere I go, people ask me, “Michele, can we impeach the President?” They want a referendum on him. I also had someone today say, “There’s no way he’ll run for a second term. No way. No one would vote for him.” I don’t know if the White House understands how the floor has dropped out under support for this President.
Decoder: Obama’s approval ratings have been equal to or slightly better than Ronald Reagan’s at the same point in his first term.
Michele Bachmann: It’s Barack Obama’s agenda that lit the match on voter discontent today. People have never seen the government take over over 50% of the private economy. But that’s what’s actually happened over the last 18 months either through direct ownership of private industry or though control of private industry.
Decoder: People aren’t content because there aren’t enough jobs. This line about the government taking over the private economy is never going to be a winner.
Michele Bachmann: The [American people] are really voting for the original foundation block of our Constitution that brought us prosperity.
Decoder: The original foundation of the Constitution allowed for slavery and didn’t permit women to vote. No one with half a brain would want to return to that.
Michele Bachmann: I took karate when I was 17 years old. I am dangerous.
Decoder: I am dangerous for many reasons, but none of them have to do with karate.
Michele Bachmann: It’s an infantile response for the President to point blame at BP when the President has given over full authority to BP to deal with and manage the cleanup. If the President wanted to, he could intervene and he clearly hasn’t.
Decoder: I probably should mention that it was infantile for Sarah Palin and the entire Republican National Convention to chant “Drill, Baby, Drill,” but I won’t. I also should note that it wasn’t befitting of adults to deregulate the oil industry the way the GOP has, but I won’t. You know why I won’t mention these things? Because I’m a petty, hypocritical sack of shit.
Michele Bachmann: That’s the elixir of the Tea Party movement. People are telling the truth.
Decoder: Like when we say that Obama wasn’t born in the United States or is a Muslim.
Michele Bachmann: So far, you’d have to say [Obama] is the worst President in United States history.
Decoder: I know nothing about United States history or Presidential history or history in general. I just throw a lot of shit against the wall and hope something sticks.
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- Michele Bachmann
- Sarah Palin
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- Rep. Michele Bachmann
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- Dan Quayle
- Rep. Michele Bachmann
- Sarah Palin
- Mitt Romney
- Rep. John Boehner
- Rep. Michele Bachmann
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- Karl Rove
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- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
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