Ulrich Walter

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Olaf Stampf of Spiegel has an interview with German astronaut Ulrich Walter about Gravity, which was also reviewed by Buzz Aldrin. An excerpt:


In Gravity, Sandra Bullock plays an astronaut who gets separated from her shuttle and ends up floating in space, completely untethered. Would it be possible to save an astronaut in such a situation?

Ulrich Walter:

Yes, in principle. These days, every spacesuit is outfitted with a small jetpack. The pack’s range, though, is only about a kilometer, so it wouldn’t be possible to fly tens of thousands of kilometers to the ISS, as the characters do in the film. In real life, everyone involved in that disaster would have died. 


It doesn’t sound like a very nice way to go, drifting through nothingness in a spacesuit, waiting to die. 

Ulrich Walter:

On the contrary! When you’re slowly running out of oxygen, the same thing happens as does when you’re in thin air at the top of a mountain: Everything seems funny. And as you’re laughing about it, you slowly nod off. I experienced this phenomenon in an altitude chamber during my training as an astronaut. At some point, someone in the group starts cracking bad jokes. Our brains are gentle with us. A person who dies alone in space dies a cheerful death.” (Thanks Browser.)

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