Susannah Edelbaum

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Like reverse product placement, a “shoppable video” is an online video in which models engage in banal activity, a movie of sorts, while showing off products. Susannah Edelbaum of the High Low has an interesting post about a Korean clothing retailer Oki-Ni, which has created an interactive video called “The Game.” Ridley Scott’s production company turned out this very mild “action film” which has dudes playing table tennis in a sprawling and spartan home. Everything they’re wearing can be purchased with a couple of clicks.

It’s strange to see the full extrapolation of product placement, where the clothes are essentially wearing the people, but it’s only a more extreme version of almost every film and TV program we watch. The catalog has come to life, or some denatured semblance of life. And it will likely only grow slicker and more elaborate as time goes by. Because of the interactive element of the video, it can’t be embedded, but watch it here.

