Sergeant Cadden

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“It is not suspected that there is anything wrong connected with the finding.”

From the May 17, 1881 Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

“About eleven o’clock yesterday morning, a little girl entered the Butler Street Station House and reported that Mrs. Mary Spencer, living at No. 52 Wyckoff Street, had found a skeleton in a box in her house. Sergeant Cadden detailed Officers Lowe and Smith to make an investigation. The found a skeleton skull and thigh bones in a box addressed to Mr. E.B. Chamberlain, who had hired apartments from Mrs. Spencer, and whose intention it was to take up his residence in her house to-morrow morning. Chamberlain is employed in a wholesale liquor store at No. 75 New Street, New York. The box came from Delaware. Mr. Chamberlain has not yet been seen by the police, but it is not suspected that there is anything wrong connected with the finding of the skeleton in his room. The gentleman is spoken of as being exemplary in his habits, although a full explanation will have to be forthcoming as to how the skull and bones come into his possession.”

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