Parag Khanna

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From “Jobs of the Future,” by Parag Khanna and Aaron Smith at Foreign Policy, a segment about one occupation about to shift:

Hospital orderly —> Medical roboticist 

In this summer’s sci-fi blockbuster Prometheus, an astronaut climbs into a fully robotic surgical pod to have an alien baby removed by cesarean section. Although extraterrestrial cross-breeding is a ways off (let’s hope), advanced medical robots are rapidly evolving to keep up with an aging global population. Japan leads the way in robot innovation to care for its growing elderly population, including rehabilitative and therapeutic robots from Honda and Toyota. Medical roboticists will be needed to design, build, and operate these intelligent devices, which will increasingly replace humans — and provide more precise care — in doctors’ offices and hospitals.”

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Brian Lehrer interviews Parag and Ayesha Khanna about their new e-book, Hybrid Reality: Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization. In the post-Inofrmation Age, you will be on performance-enhancing drugs, you will have the implant and neuro-prosthetic interfaces will help you walk.

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