Mayor Dave Bing

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RoboCop: statuesque. (Image by MGM.)

Detroit may be down in the dumps, but the fine citizens aren’t letting Mayor Dave Bing‘s refusal to allocate funds for a RoboCop statue keep them from their dreams. They’ve begun a Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary cash. (Thanks MLive and Reddit.) An excerpt:

“None of us have ever made a giant solid metal permanent sculpture before. It turns out to be a pretty expensive process (who would have thought?), but not too much for the world to fund. After talking to numerous sculptors and metal workers, the current game plan is this: We can take a relatively small figure of RoboCop (conceivably even an action figure), have it 3D scanned by lasers (cool!) and scale its form to create a light-weight model of any size we’d like, which can then be used to pour and cast liquid metal.”
