Matthew Finnegan

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Technologists are planning to explore whether our universe is merely a simulation created by a futuristic supercomputer, which raises the question: Are supercomputers in the future out of their fucking minds? In America, Dancing with the Stars, which features bad dancing and no stars, is the number one television show. Fuck you, future, and fuck you, too, supercomputers. From Matthew Finnegan at TechEye:

“US scientists are attempting to find out whether all of humanity is currently living a Matrix-style computer simulation being run on supercomputers of the future.

According to researchers at the University of Washington, there are tests that could be done to begin to work out whether we are in fact real, or merely a simulation created by a futuristic android on its lunch break.

Currently, computer simulations are decades away from creating even a primitive working model of the universe. In fact, scientists are able to accurately model only a 100 trillionth of a metre, with work to create a model of a full human being still out of reach.

By looking for underlying patterns, physicists believe that it may be possible to work out if we are existing in a computer created universe, created many years in the future.  Looking at constraints imposed on simulations by limited resources could show signs that we are mere bit-part players in a Matrix-style film plot.”
