Jeff Zucker: I'm ready for the Green Car Challenge, Jay.
Jeff Zucker: I do think that there would be a benefit to having people who have run businesses in office–who have a sense of how to how to get something across the finish line, make hard decisions that actually everybody can get behind.
Decoder: During my tenure at Universal, NBC managed to get behind all the other networks as well as the cultural zeitgeist.
Jeff Zucker: I think we just have to get the cynicism behind us [in politics] and we have to get some things accomplished and I think people who can do that would be very helpful and beneficial.
Decoder: And due to delusional arrogance, I actually believe I’m one of those people, despite a preponderance of evidence to the contrary.

Jay Leno: Mavis and I both love the affiliates, Jeff.
Jeff Zucker: Well, [running for office] is something that I would certainly look at.
Decoder: Right after I finish looking at Jerry Seinfeld’s fabulous new show The Marriage Ref, which I greenlighted.
Jeff Zucker: [Whether I run for office is] all about the timing.
Decoder: As someone who okayed moving the Tonight Show to the next day, timing is obviously not my strong suit.
Jeff Zucker: [I would run for office] in New York.
Decoder: I will make even the worst New York politicians seem palatable by comparison.
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