David Attenborough

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Depiction of Quetzalcoatlus by Mark Witton and Darren Naish.

Depiction of Quetzalcoatlus by Mark Witton and Darren Naish.

In promoting his new film, naturalist Sir David Attenborough conducted an Ask Me Anything at Reddit. A few exchanges follow.



What are your views on the thought that we are currently entering a “sixth mass extinction”? Do you think it is possible humans can reverse some of the damage that has already been done? Thank-you so much for everything!

David Attenborough:

Yes, I’m afraid we are. It’s not possible to reverse the damage we’ve done. We are undoubtedly exterminating species at a speed which has never been known before.



Do you belieive it is ok to keep animals in captivity? Are there circumstances when animals should be taken from their natural habitat? I ask because I have morally struggled with the concept of zoo’s for most of my life.

David Attenborough:

There are some animals which have been kept happily in captivity, most of them are very small with small requirements. Big animals, unfortunately can’t be kept in captivity satisfactorily- predators most of all.



Other than The Origin of Species which book do you think changed the scientific world most?

David Attenborough:

Probably in recent times, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.



What’s one natural phenomenon that you still cannot believe is real, despite you knowing the science behind it?

David Attenborough:

The way a venus flower basket sponge puts together its skeleton.



If you could bring just one animal back from extinction, what would it be and why?

David Attenborough:

Quetzal Coatlus – a giant pterosaur.



I wanted to ask what course you think all life on this planet will take eventually? Do you see us surviving long?

David Attenborough:

We have many millions of years to go if we are to match the longevity of many species. Yes, I think we will get there, but perhaps our civilisation may actually become impoverished.″•
