Andrei Tarkovsky

You are currently browsing articles tagged Andrei Tarkovsky.

I’m sure I’ve posted clips from Andrei Tarkovsky: A Poet in the Cinema before, but here’s the whole 1983 documentary.


It doesn’t seem there’s any solitude now. We’re all interconnected, we’re tracked and commodified by gadgets in our pockets 24/7. We’re consumers more than citizens, more icon than flesh. And how can we develop, ask ourselves the important questions without the quiet?

Yet people are still surprising when you get to know them. They’ve kept something in reserve. Maybe solitude has transformed. Maybe we’ve split ourselves, created our own doppelgangers. Not just because of ego, but also for self-preservation. Perhaps there’s still an inner self that we keep in a separate, uncluttered place. Via Biblioklept, a message to young people from Andrei Tarkovsky.
