From “Omens,” Ross Andersen’s excellent new Aeon essay which, with the help of philosopher Nick Bostrom, wonders whether humans will survive in the long run:

“Bostrom isn’t too concerned about extinction risks from nature. Not even cosmic risks worry him much, which is surprising, because our starry universe is a dangerous place. Every 50 years or so, one of the Milky Way’s stars explodes into a supernova, its detonation the latest gong note in the drumbeat of deep time. If one of our local stars were to go supernova, it could irradiate Earth, or blow away its thin, life-sustaining atmosphere. Worse still, a passerby star could swing too close to the Sun, and slingshot its planets into frigid, intergalactic space. Lucky for us, the Sun is well-placed to avoid these catastrophes. Its orbit threads through the sparse galactic suburbs, far from the dense core of the Milky Way, where the air is thick with the shrapnel of exploding stars. None of our neighbours look likely to blow before the Sun swallows Earth in four billion years. And, so far as we can tell, no planet-stripping stars lie in our orbital path. Our solar system sits in an enviable bubble of space and time.

But as the dinosaurs discovered, our solar system has its own dangers, like the giant space rocks that spin all around it, splitting off moons and scarring surfaces with craters. In her youth, Earth suffered a series of brutal bombardments and celestial collisions, but she is safer now. There are far fewer asteroids flying through her orbit than in epochs past. And she has sprouted a radical new form of planetary protection, a species of night watchmen that track asteroids with telescopes.

‘If we detect a large object that’s on a collision course with Earth, we would likely launch an all-out Manhattan project to deflect it,’ Bostrom told me. Nuclear weapons were once our asteroid-deflecting technology of choice, but not anymore. A nuclear detonation might scatter an asteroid into a radioactive rain of gravel, a shotgun blast headed straight for Earth. Fortunately, there are other ideas afoot. Some would orbit dangerous asteroids with small satellites, in order to drag them into friendlier trajectories. Others would paint asteroids white, so the Sun’s photons bounce off them more forcefully, subtly pushing them off course. Who knows what clever tricks of celestial mechanics would emerge if Earth were truly in peril.”

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“Was he in depression?”

I thought I had a person for Valentine (learning experience)

We are in our early 60′s. His hot temper / stubbornness caused a lot of problems in the relationship including broken engagement, but we always celebrated the 14th. I just found out he did not even realize the arrival of this year’s V day. Was he in depression? Because he could not lose the 60 pounds he gained in 3 years, the weight starting to affect his health, or a signal for me to move on while I am still trim, fit and youthful looking?

Th opening of James Kirchick’s Newsweek piece about a new book which hangs in effigy Christopher Hitchens, who peed on a tombstone or two in his day:

“One of the journalistic impulses for which the late Christopher Hitchens will be remembered was a propensity for writing nasty obituaries of people he loathed immediately after their deaths. It was only a matter of days, sometimes hours, following the expiration of figures such as Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Ronald Reagan, Jerry Falwell, or Alexander Haig (to name just a few of the targets of his wrath) that Hitchens would take to the print columns or the airwaves and denounce the recently departed as a ‘thieving, fanatical Albanian dwarf,’ ‘hyperactive debutante,’ ‘cruel and stupid lizard,’ ‘Chaucerian fraud,’ and ‘neurotic narcissist with an unquenchable craving for power,’ respectively. ‘For a lot of people, their first love is what they’ll always remember,’ Hitchens once told C-SPAN’s Brian Lamb. ‘For me it’s always been the first hate, and I think that hatred, though it provides often rather junky energy, is a terrific way of getting you out of bed in the morning and keeping you going.’

In light of this, the one thing that can be said in praise of Richard Seymour’s UnHitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens, is that its subject would appreciate the effort. Indeed, I bet that Hitchens would be highly pleased that someone had expended so much time and energy to denounce him posthumously in the style that he had himself mastered, even if it took the author more than a year since Hitchens’s death to produce it. Concocted in the style of a 17th-century polemical pamphlet (a literary template favored by Hitchens), UnHitched purports to be an ‘extended political essay’ that exposes its subject as, among other things, a ‘terrible liar,’ ‘ouvrierist’ (one of several words deployed by the overly earnest Seymour that will drive even more learned readers to the dictionary), a plagiarist, and, most unforgivable among Hitchens’s erstwhile friends and colleagues on the Anglo-American socialist left, ‘the George W. Bush administration’s amanuensis.'”


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We sense something is wrong and decide to make changes. That’s mostly a healthy impulse. But why work on the outer shell, why not first examine what lies beneath, where the pain resides? Perhaps there’s no quick fix that way, or maybe there are just too many cameras now, their pictures too clear and unforgiving. From a Financial Times report about Brazilian women of modest means who are unhappy, perhaps, with their looks, and have taken to plastic surgery in large numbers:

The ward at Santa Casa where [Márcia] Valim hopes to have the procedure is funded by a charitable foundation set up by the country’s most famous plastic surgeon, Ivo Pitanguy, a man referred to in Brazil as ‘the pope of plastic surgery.’ Operations are performed by resident physicians who are training at Dr Pitanguy’s private clinic and who volunteer at the ward in Santa Casa hospital. Working for nothing, they provide cut-price and even free surgery for poorer women. Talking at his private clinic in Rio’s Botafogo district, Pitanguy says the public hospital initiative represents ‘one of the most important things I did in my life.’

Pitanguy established the ward 50 years ago, a decision that reflects his longheld belief – he is now 86 – that aesthetic surgery should be freely available. ‘It is easy to understand why [poor people] would need reconstructive surgery, but difficult to understand that aesthetic surgery is not a luxury,’ he says. ‘It’s something that’s deeper than that and should be available to everyone.’

The reason, he insists, is more complex than merely helping poorer women emulate in some small way the film stars, carnival singers and soap actors so beloved of celebrity-obsessed Brazil. Pitanguy sees his work as akin to a physical form of therapy. ‘Plastic surgery can bring dignity to your own image, and when you are happy with [that], you are happy with the world around you,’ he says. ‘This part of the equation brings a psychological aspect to plastic surgery. Many times when we operate we are like a psychologist with a knife in our hands.'”

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British academics are trying to stop the development and proliferation of robotic weaponry. I don’t like their chances. From the Guardian:

“A new global campaign to persuade nations to ban ‘killer robots’ before they reach the production stage is to be launched in the UK by a group of academics, pressure groups and Nobel peace prize laureates.

Robot warfare and autonomous weapons, the next step from unmanned drones, are already being worked on by scientists and will be available within the decade, said Dr Noel Sharkey, a leading robotics and artificial intelligence expert and professor at Sheffield University. He believes that development of the weapons is taking place in an effectively unregulated environment, with little attention being paid to moral implications and international law.

The Stop the Killer Robots campaign will be launched in April at the House of Commons and includes many of the groups that successfully campaigned to have international action taken against cluster bombs and landmines. They hope to get a similar global treaty against autonomous weapons.

‘These things are not science fiction; they are well into development,’ said Sharkey.”


  • Every year I hear people complain that the Oscars aren’t glamorous anymore, and you’ve got to be kidding me. Who are on TV shows and the covers of celebrity magazines these days? “Housewives,” reality-show contestants and general miscreants who have done anything and everything for a little fame. The whole point of having more than just a few people controlling just a few channels–the very crux of our digital revolution–is that the information wouldn’t be controlled, that would we have a more democratic society, that there would be more opportunities for everyone. It’s about the elevation of the ordinary, the usurping of the accepted order. For the most part that’s a good thing, but some small things have been sacrificed. If everyone is a star than no one really is.
  • The only position more thankless than Oscar telecast host is Presidential debate moderator. But people will continue to do these jobs because they seem prestigious even though the 24/7 nature of the news cycle has made both passé. 
  • If presented with the opportunity, Nikki Finke would fart into the open mouth of a sleeping baby. She is a horrid person, and as endless numbers of angry live-blogs about incredibly unimportant events pop up on our screens, we are all a little bit like her. Maybe a lot. Of course, that is also a more diffuse media and democracy at work.


Despite what some say, our forefathers did not base America on Christianity. From The Stammering Century, Gilbert Seldes’ book about our nation at its most extreme:

When the time came to frame a constitution, God was considered an alien influence and, in the deliberation of the Assembly, his name was not invoked. “Inexorably,” says Charles and Mary Beard in their story of The Rise of American Civilization, “the national government was secular from top to bottom. Religious qualifications …found no place whatever in the Federal Constitution. Its preamble did not invoke the blessings of Almighty God…and the First Amendment…declared that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…” In dealing with Tripoli, President Washington allowed it to be squarely stated that “the government of the United States is not in any sense founded upon the Christian religion.”•

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I think the main problem with Mayor Bloomberg’s ban on gigantic sodas in NYC is that it won’t work. If obesity was mainly caused by this one product, perhaps you could make a case. If it led directly to saving lives like, say, mandatory seat belts, sure, that would make sense. But Bloomberg’s ban lacks such precision. 

Other people think that the main problem with Bloomberg’s plan is that he’s trying to create a nanny state, that’s he’s using state-sanctioned moral suasion. But is that always wrong: From Cass R. Sunstein’s New York Review of Books piece about Sarah Conly’s book Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism:

Many Americans abhor paternalism. They think that people should be able to go their own way, even if they end up in a ditch. When they run risks, even foolish ones, it isn’t anybody’s business that they do. In this respect, a significant strand in American culture appears to endorse the central argument of John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty. In his great essay, Mill insisted that as a general rule, government cannot legitimately coerce people if its only goal is to protect people from themselves. Mill contended that

the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or mental, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinion of others, to do so would be wise, or even right.

A lot of Americans agree. In recent decades, intense controversies have erupted over apparently sensible (and lifesaving) laws requiring people to buckle their seatbelts. When states require motorcyclists to wear helmets, numerous people object. The United States is facing a series of serious disputes about the boundaries of paternalism. The most obvious example is the ‘individual mandate’ in the Affordable Care Act, upheld by the Supreme Court by a 5–4 vote, but still opposed by many critics, who seek to portray it as a form of unacceptable paternalism. There are related controversies over anti-smoking initiatives and the ‘food police,’ allegedly responsible for recent efforts to reduce the risks associated with obesity and unhealthy eating, including nutrition guidelines for school lunches.

Mill offered a number of independent justifications for his famous harm principle, but one of his most important claims is that individuals are in the best position to know what is good for them. In Mill’s view, the problem with outsiders, including government officials, is that they lack the necessary information. Mill insists that the individual ‘is the person most interested in his own well-being,’ and the ‘ordinary man or woman has means of knowledge immeasurably surpassing those that can be possessed by any one else.’

When society seeks to overrule the individual’s judgment, Mill wrote, it does so on the basis of ‘general presumptions,’ and these ‘may be altogether wrong, and even if right, are as likely as not to be misapplied to individual cases.’ If the goal is to ensure that people’s lives go well, Mill contends that the best solution is for public officials to allow people to find their own path. Here, then, is an enduring argument, instrumental in character, on behalf of free markets and free choice in countless situations, including those in which human beings choose to run risks that may not turn out so well.

Mill’s claim has a great deal of intuitive appeal. But is it right?”

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From the July 2, 1899 Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

Malone, N.Y.–A fire which has been raging in the forests near Lyon Mountain recently has driven the wild animals into the farming districts on the outskirts and wild cats, bears, deer, etc. have been frequently seen near here, and at a wedding two weeks ago bear meat was served, three cubs having been trapped just before the ceremony took place.”

When John DeLorean was speaking at this 1967 Pontiac dealer event, he was the model buttoned-down executive in a staid and steady industry. All he had to do was remain on the straight and narrow and he would be the golden boy forever. He was still following the constructs of who he thought he had to be. But there was something stirring inside, even if he wasn’t immediately sure what that was. DeLorean had yet to rebel and break away from his industry-and from his former self. He had yet to bet it all and lose it all. He had yet to become the truest expression of himself.

More DeLorean posts:


As Argo and Zero Dark Thirty ready for their close-ups at tonight’s Academy Awards, Tom Hayden has an interesting piece at the Los Anegles Review of Books about the link between Hollywood and the CIA, the latter of which eagerly dispatches liaisons, lobbyists and collaborators to Tinseltown. An excerpt:

“Hollywood is full of very smart people, who by their nature are resistant to anyone trying to control them, whether it be CAA or CIA. They won’t yield easily on creative control of their scripts and productions. Some may embrace the CIA ideologically, but most see the Agency as an interest group to be negotiated with, to hang out with, to tour, to bring in to get the feel of the place, shoot an interior, size up the personality of an agent, hear a story or two. A collaboration results between masters of illusion on both sides. Odd, that they wouldn’t consider that the CIA is a particular kind of interest group whose main mission is deception.

But the two sides are not equivalent, and the audience needs to know the difference. Hollywood and government policymakers consider labeling the sources of their product to make the audience beware what’s being sold. We have labels for tobacco products and all kinds of across-the-counter brands. Why not require a label stating, ‘The Central Intelligence Agency provided input and resources to this film. The CIA [or Pentagon] required certain alterations in the script. The final product was controlled by the film’s producers.’

Impractical or unreasonable? If you expect disclosure of the names of screenwriters or sources of a movie script, if ‘based on a true story’ is inserted in many a film, or for that matter, we disclose where the ingredients of food were grown, why not disclosure of any CIA role in contributing to a film?”


A 1991 clip of Conan O’Brien and Letterman’s early and great head writer Steve O’Donnell being interviewed by talk show royalty Dick Cavett. Conan was still a comedy writer, not a host, at the time.

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“We are all glad that weirdo moved out.”

I love you and your cute kids

You and your adorable children are a joy to have on our street, in our neighborhood of good people who help and befriend each other. Your love for your children is evident when you play with them in the yard. I love sitting on my deck with a beer and listening to the happy laughter of kids playing. I’m also happy you got some money from your father to make life, bills and raising beautiful children easier. I’m also glad for you that your Dad helped you get a good job.  

If you came to our street you would see the sunshine on the trees, smell barbecue grill smoke, hear a lawn mower and smell that fresh cut grass smell. Kids are playing baseball and Joey is in the driveway with his Mustang, rock music on the radio while he changes the oil. His girlfriend, who has great legs and curly blonde hair, is sitting in a lawn chair with a Diet Coke. We have a wonderful street, with good neighbors. We watch each other’s kids There’s a little old lady without any family in the little white house at the end of the street. Everyone on our street takes turns on the weekend, doing her food shopping for her and our teenage kids do her yard work and household chores on Saturday.

My wife is making her great potato salad….we’re going over to our next door neighbors for a cook out. A bunch of families and their cute kids are coming, everyone brings a dish or dessert, we eat and laugh until it gets dark, then we all go to our houses….on a nice street with good people who work hard, care for each other and have made our street a little piece of Heaven.

We are all glad that weirdo moved out. The one who made no friends and had a sour look on his face all the time. We all tried to be friendly at first, but gave up- there was obviously something really wrong with him, like one of those nasty people who finds no happiness in life. He really didn’t fit in here….

The two previous posts are based on New York Times articles, a new one and one that was published more than a century ago. If you read this blog, you obviously know I love and appreciate the Times, despite its sometimes egregious missteps. I haven’t read it in print form in at least five years, but it’s still very important to me because it has a global reach that other publications lack. But I keep returning to the same question: How, exactly, does the company survive, let alone thrive, in the future?

I don’t understand how the economics can work. Traditionally, the paper made money to support a gigantic news organization by charging for individual copies, subscriptions, and by print advertisements. While the newsroom has been pared down, you can’t turn out something like the Times if you keep cutting. It stops being the Times, the same way that the Washington Post is now something other. If you subtract printing and delivery costs, would the same number of people be willing to pay for the product online as they did on paper? I would guess not. And you would actually need more online subscribers than traditional ones because unlike the heyday of print, it’s incredibly hard to monetize web users from an ad perspective. It’s been estimated that Facebook makes about 2 cents per member. And the Times isn’t going to have a billion “members.”

I guess one solution would be if Michael Bloomberg, when through with his illicit third term as NYC mayor, purchased the company and merged it with his business-journalism concern. He has the financial wherewithal and a profitable model. Failing that, I can’t come up with a good answer. The end of the Times wouldn’t mean the end of journalism any more than Broadway disappearing would mean the end of theater. The need to analyze is a deeply ingrained human need. But it would signify the finale of something vital.

The Times’ most famous obituary was published in the Atlantic in 2009. It was written by Michael Hirschornwho suggested the company might die out that year. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. But was he wrong or just premature?


Michael Moss’ New York Times Magazine article “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food” looks at how American food industry leaders convened more than a dozen years ago to combat the country’s growing obesity problem–and then acted in a way to make it worse. It’s a must-read.

You probably shouldn’t live on a cactus diet, but you also shouldn’t eat any processed foods. They’ll harm you. An excerpt about Kraft VP Michael Mudd being shot down when he attempted to make the corporate sector more pro-active about being pro-health:

“Mudd then presented the plan he and others had devised to address the obesity problem. Merely getting the executives to acknowledge some culpability was an important first step, he knew, so his plan would start off with a small but crucial move: the industry should use the expertise of scientists — its own and others — to gain a deeper understanding of what was driving Americans to overeat. Once this was achieved, the effort could unfold on several fronts. To be sure, there would be no getting around the role that packaged foods and drinks play in overconsumption. They would have to pull back on their use of salt, sugar and fat, perhaps by imposing industrywide limits. But it wasn’t just a matter of these three ingredients; the schemes they used to advertise and market their products were critical, too. Mudd proposed creating a ‘code to guide the nutritional aspects of food marketing, especially to children.’

‘We are saying that the industry should make a sincere effort to be part of the solution,’ Mudd concluded. ‘And that by doing so, we can help to defuse the criticism that’s building against us.’

What happened next was not written down. But according to three participants, when Mudd stopped talking, the one C.E.O. whose recent exploits in the grocery store had awed the rest of the industry stood up to speak. His name was Stephen Sanger, and he was also the person — as head of General Mills — who had the most to lose when it came to dealing with obesity. Under his leadership, General Mills had overtaken not just the cereal aisle but other sections of the grocery store. The company’s Yoplait brand had transformed traditional unsweetened breakfast yogurt into a veritable dessert. It now had twice as much sugar per serving as General Mills’ marshmallow cereal Lucky Charms. And yet, because of yogurt’s well-tended image as a wholesome snack, sales of Yoplait were soaring, with annual revenue topping $500 million. Emboldened by the success, the company’s development wing pushed even harder, inventing a Yoplait variation that came in a squeezable tube — perfect for kids. They called it Go-Gurt and rolled it out nationally in the weeks before the C.E.O. meeting. (By year’s end, it would hit $100 million in sales.)

According to the sources I spoke with, Sanger began by reminding the group that consumers were ‘fickle.’ (Sanger declined to be interviewed.) Sometimes they worried about sugar, other times fat. General Mills, he said, acted responsibly to both the public and shareholders by offering products to satisfy dieters and other concerned shoppers, from low sugar to added whole grains. But most often, he said, people bought what they liked, and they liked what tasted good. ‘Don’t talk to me about nutrition,’ he reportedly said, taking on the voice of the typical consumer. ‘Talk to me about taste, and if this stuff tastes better, don’t run around trying to sell stuff that doesn’t taste good.’

To react to the critics, Sanger said, would jeopardize the sanctity of the recipes that had made his products so successful. General Mills would not pull back. He would push his people onward, and he urged his peers to do the same. Sanger’s response effectively ended the meeting.”

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Dr. Leon Elbert Landone of Los Angeles, who experimented with improving human evolution through alternative means of child-rearing, was also a a food faddist with a taste for cactus. The opening of a December 2, 1907 New York Times article about his dietary adventures:

Los Angeles, Cal.–Cactus for breakfast; cactus and celery for lunch, and a cactus with a few nuts and celery for dinner.

To the uninitiated this diet appears uninviting enough, but to Dr. Leon Elbert Landone, who is determined to prove the nutritive properties of the cactus, the menu presents no unpleasant aspect.

Dr. Landone, a stenographer and a secretary last Friday began a ‘two weeks’ endurance test’ on cactus. They have eaten nothing but the fruit and leaves of this plant with a little celery, lettuce, and a few nuts. The leaves are eaten as greens or fried much in the same manner as egg plant, while the fruit is eaten either raw or cooked.

Dr. Landone declares the diet contains everything which is needed to enable a man to work eighteen hours a day. He disclaims being a food faddist, and says he has no sympathy with those who declare that this or that kind of food should never be eaten. He frankly admits that he would not care to confine himself to cactus the rest of his days, but says that he has little doubt he would be no worse off were he compelled to do so, 

‘I am attempting to prove,’ he said, ‘that the body and brain can do more than the usual amount of work if enough of the organic salts are taken into the system. These foods prevent the destruction of the tissues and neutralize the fatigue poisons produced by activity.

‘Take cactus, lettuce, celery, spinach, and asparagus if you do not wish to become tired out by an ordinary day’s work. Meats, nuts, cereals, beans, and peas help to repair wasted tissues and are of value as foods, but the scientific man and woman learns that the best way is to preserve the body as far as possible becomes necessary. It is the simple application of the old axiom, ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.’

Dr. Landone and his assistants expect to have several others join them. Dr. F.M. Doud, who is interested with Dr. Landone in exploiting Prof. Burbank’s thornless cactus, purposes to go on a strict diet of this plant, eliminating even the celery, lettuce, and nuts.”



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. paddy chayefsky predictions about computers
  2. lincoln grave robbery
  3. is dark pee an allergic reaction?
  4. old west border sketch
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Afflictor: Hoping that at the Academy Awards, Seth McFarlane doesn't screw the pooch.

Afflictor: Hoping that at the Oscars, Seth McFarlane doesn’t screw the pooch.

  • Steven Levitt thinks gun control in America will do little good.

From the February 5, 1867 Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

“Some children at play in the grounds surrounding the Naval Hospital, about four o’clock yesterday afternoon, discovered a portion of a man’s body protruding from under the thawing snow. The officers in charge being informed, sent for Coroner Lynch, who immediately set to work to investigate the matter.

In a ditch on the inside of the high wall surrounding the Hospital, and about that portion running parallel with Dead Man’s Lane, lay the body of a man. The snow was removed from around it, and the body taken out, when it was found that rats had eaten the flesh off the left arm and side, and were preparing to make an abode in the chest.”


From “The Net Is a Waste of Time,” William Gibson’s seeing 1996 New York Times article about the World Wide Web:

The finest and most secret pleasure afforded new users of the Web rests in submitting to the search engine of Alta Vista the names of people we may not have spoken aloud in years. Will she be here? Has he survived unto this age? (She isn’t there. Someone with his name has recently posted to a news group concerned with gossip about soap stars.) What is this casting of the nets of identity? Do we engage here in something of a tragic seriousness?

In the age of wooden television, media were there to entertain, to sell an advertiser’s product, perhaps to inform. Watching television, then, could indeed be considered a leisure activity. In our hypermediated age, we have come to suspect that watching television constitutes a species of work. Post-industrial creatures of an information economy, we increasingly sense that accessing media is what we do. We have become terminally self-conscious. There is no such thing as simple entertainment. We watch ourselves watching. We watch ourselves watching Beavis and Butt-head, who are watching rock videos. Simply to watch, without the buffer of irony in place, might reveal a fatal naivete.

But that is our response to aging media like film and television, survivors from the age of wood. The Web is new, and our response to it has not yet hardened. That is a large part of its appeal. It is something half-formed, growing. Larval. It is not what it was six months ago; in another six months it will be something else again. It was not planned; it simply happened, is happening. It is happening the way cities happened. It is a city.”


Was I wrong to think that robots would eventually control monkeys? Time will tell, but in a Miguel Nicolelis TED Talk a monkey uses its brain to remotely control the actions of a robot.

No brick, no mortar–just vacant lots in China treated with augmented reality to create virtual superstores for smartphone users. I don’t know why that’s more sensible than just ordering stuff online, but perhaps some aspect of it will be useful in a broad sense. From a Fast Company report:

“Vacant lots are the bane of cities everywhere. Some deal with the issue by letting urban gardeners run wild. Others simply hope for the best. In China, the country’s biggest food e-commerce site is promoting another option: turning vacant lots into virtual stores.

Chinese e-commerce site YiHaoDian is launching 1,000 virtual supermarkets across the country–but don’t expect to find any brick and mortar landmarks. All the stores, launched in late 2012, can only be seen with the YiHaoDian iPhone and Android app. Anyone using the app can see the 1,200 square meter stores on their phones if they’re holding it up in the right location–and purchase up to 1,000 food products that can be delivered in one to two days. All of the shops are located in vacant lots in what the company deems iconic areas of Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.”

The chief executive of Barnes & Noble truly believes that the chain will be closing only some of its brick-and-mortar bookstores in the next decade. In other news, Atlantis is thinking of scaling down its island. You know, just a little here and there. Wow, denial is a bitch. From WSJ:

Barnes & Noble Inc. expects to close as many as a third of its retail stores over the next decade, the bookseller’s top store executive said, offering the most detailed picture yet of the company’s plans for the outlets.

“In 10 years we’ll have 450 to 500 stores,” said Mitchell Klipper, chief executive of Barnes & Noble’s retail group, in an interview last week. The company operated 689 retail stores as of Jan. 23, along with a separate chain of 674 college stores.•


The opening of Robert Reich’s recent blog post about the last time American wealth was largely concentrated in the hands of the few, the Gilded Age of the 1880s and 1890s:

“Exactly a century ago, on February 3, 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, authorizing a federal income tax. Congress turned it into a graduated tax, based on ‘capacity to pay.’

It was among the signal victories of the progressive movement — the first constitutional amendment in 40 years (the first 10 had been included in the Bill of Rights, the 11th and 12th in 1789 and 1804, and three others in consequence of the Civil War), reflecting a great political transformation in America. 

The 1880s and 1890s had been the Gilded Age, the time of robber barons, when a small number controlled almost all the nation’s wealth as well as our democracy, when poverty had risen to record levels, and when it looked as though the country was destined to become a moneyed aristocracy.

But almost without warning, progressives reversed the tide. Teddy Roosevelt became president in 1901, pledging to break up the giant trusts and end the reign of the ‘malefactors of great wealth.’ Laws were enacted protecting the public from impure foods and drugs, and from corrupt legislators. 

By 1909 Democrats and progressive Republicans had swept many state elections, subsequently establishing the 40-hour work week and other reforms that would later be the foundation stones for the New Deal.”




Reward for lost photos 1986 – $100 (Staten Island)


My husband lost all his travel photos and undeveloped rolls of film when his boat was anchored near a marina on Staten Island in 1986.

Can boating enthusiasts in Staten Island please ask anyone you know if they somehow came across an anchored boat with camera and undeveloped film in 1986?

These were all my husbands undeveloped photos from in 1986.

I know its a long shot,, but craigslist works magic sometimes…

please ask anyone you know..sailors, pirates, grown ups that might have been playing around or having an adventure and came across rolls of unexposed film in 1986…. who may have stumbled onto a boat that was anchored in a marina? 

Ask anyone you know in Staten island. perhaps the rolls of film were thrown away?…or given away at a garage sale?

Any info will help. No questions asked.

Kids ask your grown up parents if they might have known someone when they were younger who found rolls of film on an a boat….

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