Urban Studies

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“Isn’t it pretty to think so?” is the question that completes The Sun Also Rises, and it’s the one that comes to my mind when someone suggests that America or any other country or entity will be able to control machines that kill autonomously. It’s possible to largely keep a hood over nukes because of the rareness of the materials and expertise needed to create them, but that won’t be the way of drones, robots and other automatons of destruction. They’ll be easy, scarily easy, to make. And so inexpensive. That practically won’t cost a thing.

In her very well-written piece “The Case Against Killer Robots,” Denise Garcia of Foreign Affairs argues that it’s possible to halt “progress.” The opening:

“Wars fought by killer robots are no longer hypothetical. The technology is nearly here for all kinds of machines, from unmanned aerial vehicles to nanobots to humanoid Terminator-style robots. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, in 2012, 76 countries had some form of drones, and 16 countries possessed armed ones. In other words, existing drone technology is already proliferating, driven mostly by the commercial interests of defense contractors and governments, rather than by strategic calculations of potential risks. And innovation is picking up. Indeed, China, Israel, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and 50 other states have plans to further develop their robotic arsenals, including killer robots. In the race to build such fully autonomous unmanned systems, China is moving faster than anyone; it exhibited 27 different armed drone models in 2012. One of these was an autonomous air-to-air supersonic combat aircraft.

Several countries have already deployed forerunners of killer robots. The Samsung Techwin security surveillance guard robots, which South Korea uses in the demilitarized zone it shares with North Korea, can detect targets through infrared sensors. Although they are currently operated by humans, the robots have an automatic feature that can detect body heat in the demilitarized zone and fire with an onboard machine gun without the need for human operators. The U.S. firm Northrop Grumman has developed an autonomous drone, the X-47B, which can travel on a preprogrammed flight path while being monitored by a pilot on a ship. It is expected to enter active naval service by 2019. Israel, meanwhile, is developing an armed drone known as the Harop that could select targets on its own with a special sensor, after loitering in the skies for hours.

Militaries insist that such hardware protects human life by taking soldiers and pilots out of harm’s way. But the risk of malfunctions from failed software or cyber attacks could result in new dangers altogether. Countries will have dissimilar computer programs that, when interacting with each other, may be erratic. Further, signal jamming and hacking become all the more attractive — and more dangerous — as armies increasingly rely on drones and other robotic weaponry. According to killer robot advocates, removing the human operator could actually solve some of those problems, since killer robots could ideally operate without touching communication networks and cyberspace. But that wouldn’t help if a killer robot were successfully hacked and turned against its home country.

The use of robots also raises an important moral question. As Noel Sharkey, a British robotics expert, has asked: ‘Are we losing our humanity by automating death?’ Killer robots would make war easier to pursue and declare, given the distance between combatants and, in some cases, their removal from the battlefield altogether. Automated warfare would reduce long-established thresholds for resorting to violence and the use of force, which the UN has carefully built over decades. Those norms have been paramount in ensuring global security, but they would be easier to break with killer robots, which would allow countries to declare war without having to worry about causing casualties on their own side.”


Not having a TV, I can’t say I’ve noticed the trend of advertisements that peddle products by pulling heartstrings, by creating 30-second weepies, but I’m certainly familiar the “inspirational” viral video and/or story made everpresent by odious sites like Upworthy and its clusterfuck cousin the Huffington Post. Even Gawker, famous for sarcasm and irony, has traveled down this well-paid road.

Apparently, this illusion of connectedness we’ve accepted, the Truman Show we’ve entered into, isn’t as fulfilling as we’d hoped, it hasn’t delivered to us quickly and easily the fulfillment that only comes with great effort, which means that there are profits to be made in selling “feelings” that can fill the void. Give the emoticon some more emotions. Except, of course, that it’s just another false promise. From “The Rise of Sadvertising,” by Rae Ann Fera at Fast Company:

“If human emotions are complex, so are advertising zeitgeists; there’s not one single reason that this tendency has found fashion at this particular moment. In a broad context, much of the trend can be attributed to technology, says [180 chief creative officer William] Gelner.

‘I think that we live such digitally switched-on, always-plugged-in lives, and yet we still also somehow feel disconnected from people. As human beings, we’re looking for true human connection, and I think that emotional storytelling can help bridge that gap. Brands and agencies have come to realize that this is a way to fill that void,’ says Gelner. Upworthy, he says, is a good analogy to the phenomenon in that its success comes from its ability to fill a cultural need. When asked whether this search for meaning has also granted people permission to be more open about their outward reactions to emotional ads, he says, ‘I think that emotional stories have been around for a long time. I’m sure people have always shed a tear or two, but the difference is they didn’t have their TVs in their pockets. I think it’s connected to that. You’re now able to consume those stories no matter where you are.’

Peter Moore Smith, ECD at Saatchi & Saatchi, also pegs the desire to share the content that we connect with as a major reason more brands are interested in playing to the heart. He’s had viral hits with Duracell ‘Trust Your Power’ and Cheerios ‘Nana’ and says this ability to see how well work spreads is appealing to clients.

‘I believe the rise in emotional work is because advertising that evokes a strong emotional response is very shareable. The spot that makes you smile or even laugh can be a welcome interruption if it’s done well, but the spot that makes you feel something deeper, as long as it isn’t cloying or manipulative, is something you want to share,’ he says. ‘As agencies and clients watch those likes and shares rise, naturally they’re going to want more.'”

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From the July 20, 1911 Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

Coin, Iowa–Marriage by telephone, with the officiating clergyman in one place, the bridegroom in another and the bride in still another, was made possible here, yesterday. The Rev. H.B. Minton, sitting in his study, united in marriage George Prentice, at his home in Northboro, and Miss Mary De Witt, in Blanchard. Coin is five miles north of Blanchard, and Northboro, three miles west of Blanchard, is about the same distance from the pastor’s home.”

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From “In Search of the Cybermarket,” Douglas Gomery’s 1994 Wilson Quarterly article about Americans beginning to get connected online, which shows how far we’ve come, at least technologically, in just 20 years:

“Some futurists see the germ of the 21st century in today’s nascent ‘on-line’ services, such as America Online, Prodigy, and CompuServe. Pay a membership fee and dial up one of these services using a modem attached to your personal computer, and you can catch up on the news, check your mutual fund investments, and chat with like-minded folks on bulletin boards devoted to such specialized topics as your hometown hockey team, office etiquette, opera, or nuclear proliferation. But so far the services have attracted only a specialized clientele of affluent, highly educated, gadget-oriented users. The total subscriber base of these three top on-line services stands at less than three million, smaller than the subscriber base of Newsweek. At America Online, the hottest of the services, the largest number of pioneers actually traveling in cyberspace at any one time is only about 8,000.”


If you displeased the Doukhobors, you most likely were going to see their genitals. The anarchic religious sect, established in 17th-century Russia, was a serious lot that practiced Spiritual Christianity, pacifism and vegetarianism, and would accept the rules of no government. When they felt they were being encroached upon by ordinances not their own, off went the pants. A trio of stories follow about the mass-nudity protests of some of the Doukhobors who emigrated to Canada.


“Doukhobors Burn Clothes,” August 13, 1905, New York Times:

Winnipeg, Manitoba–Thirty Doukhobors, a Russian religious sect, marched to within half a mile of Yorkton yesterday, stripped, and burned their clothes. The police arrested all the men, women and children in the party and wrapped them in blankets. The Doukhobors had intended to march through the streets of Yorkton.

They refused all nourishment but raw potatoes. They said they were looking for Christ. Another party is reported to be heading or Yorkton from the Northeast.•


From the July 4, 1910 Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

Winnipeg–The mounted police at Kamsizk, Sask., yesterday went to Veregin to quiet some Doukhobors who are on a rampage. When police were half a mile from the settlement they met thirty-five almost nude religionists. They chanted hymns for several days and yesterday in the center of the settlement took off their clothes, piled them in a heap with all their money and jewels and burned them.

The police locked them up while they made a search for more clothes. These the Doukhobors refused to wear and force will be necessary.•


“Do Nude Dance As Protest” December 2, 1921 New York Times:

Vancouver, B.C.–Three men from the Doukhobor, or Russian non-conformist, settlement, near Nelson, B.C., discarded all their garments in a waiting room at the Canadian Pacific Railway station here yesterday and paced off a protesting war dance when they were refused admittance to the United States. They were later arrested by the police for disorderly conduct.

United States immigration Commissioner Zurbrick had questioned them as to their fitness to proceed on their journey to the State of Washington as prospective settlers. He found their views coincided with the accepted definition of “philosophical anarchy” and declined them the hospitality of his Government.

They are said to have threatened an undress parade in Vancouver by a large number of their fellow Doukhobors in protest against their arrest.•


There’s risk in progress, more than in the status quo. But people usually accept the risk for greater rewards. From Tim Bradshaw’s Financial Times profile of Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick, who sees all Camaros, Camrys and Corvettes as potentially being cabs:

“Silicon Valley’s more wide-eyed start-up founders often pitch their ideas as ‘saving the world’ – and genuinely believe that is what they’re doing, however mundane or minute the technical advances. Uber is more nakedly competitive and ambitious. ‘We feel we are very honest and authentic, to the point of being brutally honest,’ Kalanick says with some understatement. ‘Not everyone likes that style, and I get that, but at least we’re trustworthy.’

Nonetheless, many city halls still aren’t sure how to handle Uber, a ‘marketplace’ that owns no cars and employs no drivers – especially when, in 2012, it began to allow anyone with a car and a good driving record to be a makeshift taxi driver. Local authorities challenging this ride-sharing model are often encouraged by actual taxi drivers and their unions, who argue that Uber lacks the proper insurance and has been insufficiently thorough in its background checks.

Uber insists that its insurance is ‘best in class’ and its driver checks ‘among the most stringent in the industry.’ But its record on safety and liability will soon be tested in court. The parents of a six-year-old girl killed in an incident involving an Uber driver on New Year’s eve in San Francisco are suing the company. Uber has denied responsibility because the driver was not carrying a passenger at the time, which means its insurance was not applicable.

This is an extreme case, but Kalanick’s response to legal challenges has typically been hard-nosed; despite the rulings in Brussels and Berlin, the service continues to operate there, he proudly points out. He has earned his reputation as one of Silicon Valley’s most combative operators. ‘I’m a natural born trust-buster,’ he says of his mission to smash the taxi cartels. ‘That’s probably the best way to put it.’

That’s not what many would call Kalanick. He’s more often styled as an ultra-capitalist, not least because of ‘surge pricing,’ where Uber doubles or triples fares during busy periods such as rush hour or in bad weather.”


“Nearly everybody had a kettle of ‘mash’ heating”

Moonshine in America began its long pour decades before Prohibition, stretching back to the postbellum age. Heavy levies on alcohol essentially funded the Civil War, and these taxes made cut-rate hooch an appealing option during Reconstruction. Though the South is probably most commonly associated with moonshine, NYC was home to a large concentration of the clandestine stills. An article in the October 26, 1908 Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported on a building project which accidentally unearthed a great piece of hidden history. An excerpt:

“In excavating for the foundations of the new factory building for the Thompson Meter Company, at Bridge, York and Talman Streets, several most curious walled-up vaults have just been uncovered under the sidewalks of Bridge and York Streets–cave-like places that instantly brought to the minds of a number of the old residents of what used to be the Fifth Ward of Brooklyn, the days of ‘moonshine’ whisky, shortly after the Civil War. Those were great days in the old Fifth Ward, when nearly everybody had a kettle of ‘mash’ heating, and these old vaults, with evidences of secrecy, now that they have seen daylight let into them, have the romantic appearance of being hiding places for unlawfully made liquor.

The Hennebique Construction Company, of 1170 Broadway, Manhattan, is to erect on the plot a big five story structure of reinforced concrete. In order to get the proper room, ten old shacks–one and two story frame buildings of wood–and the ground they stood on, were bought and torn down, under the direction of Israel Pomeranz, a well known excavator. There isn’t a resident of the neighborhood, and there are some whose memory of the ward gone back sixty years, still living there, who can remember the shacks as other than old when they first remember them. When they were built no cellars were put under the buildings and, according to one old resident, the vaults under the sidewalks, with a passageway from an areaway, were built originally to keep provisions in. In post-bellum days they probably made fine hiding places for ‘moonshine.’

A photograph taken by an Eagle photographer the day the vaults were uncovered shows that these caves were of no flimsy construction. Built of both broken boulders and brick and laid in cement of the best quality, the excavators had pretty difficult work to break through the walls. There were six vaults on Bridge Street and two on York, but the two houses torn down on Talman Street had no vaults under the sidewalks. In front on the houses with vaults there were small sunken areas to which two steps generally led. Years ago there were openings from these areas into the the vaults, but of late years the presence of the hollow places were not suspected, it is said, by the occupants of the houses. In one of the vaults photographed there was an old time cask, covered with dust and with one head broken in, of the style of cooperage of years ago, and curious spectators who peered into the recess were at once reminded of the days that led up to the calling out of the militia in the early ’70s, when ‘moonshine’ making reached its most notorious days.

Talk to any of the old residents of the ward–such men as ‘Tom’ Donnelly, the undertaker, of 74 Hudson Avenue, or James Dougherty of 289 Front Street, and they will talk interestingly of those early days, when that part of the present borough was about all there was to Brooklyn. An Eagle reporter saw both recently and they talked of the time when lower Fulton Street bordered fields and when lower Gold Street was about the only really big thoroughfare thereabouts; of old Prospect House, which was on the site now occupied by part of the Y.M.C.A., with its ‘robber band’ that was talked about by every boy in the neighborhood.

This was long before the war, however, and the making of illicit whisky didn’t start, at least as a general activity thereabouts, until after the duty had been put at $2 a gallon on the imported stuff. When certain men did begin making it, though, others soon took it up and the Federal Government had hard wok in preventing it. Some men, mighty well known in later years in politics and for respectability, since dead, got the nucleus of their fortunes, out of ‘moonshine.’ A fair sized still could ‘run’ a barrel an hour of whisky made out of molasses, and twenty-four barrels a day were frequently made and disposed of to certain men over in West Street, Manhattan. The ‘moonshine’ makers could make a good profit if they got a good deal less than a dollar a gallon.”

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Putting up the post about 3D cosmetics reminded me of this trippy 1960s fashion video that predicted a computerized future for attire. Designer Rudi Gernreich, creator of the topless monokini, believed that “clothes of the future will involve unisex. They will be interchangeable. Men are going to wear skirts and woman are gonna wear pants.” Not quite right in every detail but correct in a larger sense. 


From Josh Eidelson’s new Salon interview with economist Thomas Piketty, an exchange about leveling wealth inequality with taxes and/or education:


David Leonhardt, in his New York Times Magazine essay on your book, writes that rather than a wealth tax, there’s ‘another, more politically plausible force that can disrupt [Piketty’s] first law of inequality: education. When a society becomes more educated, many of its less-wealthy citizens quickly acquire an ephemeral but nonetheless crucial form of capital — knowledge — that can bring enormous returns.’ Do you share that view?

Thomas Piketty:

I do share partly that view. As I say in the book, education and the diffusion of knowledge are the primary forces towards reduction in inequality…

The question is, is that going to be sufficient?

…You need education but you also need progressive taxation.

It’s not an all-or-nothing solution. I think a lot can be done at the national level. We do already have progressive taxation of income, progressive taxation of inherited wealth, at the national level. We also have annual taxation of wealth at the national level. For instance, in the U.S. you have a pretty big property tax… Technically, it is perfectly possible to transform it into a progressive tax on net wealth…

The main difficulty is not so much to make it a global tax. The main difficulty is not international tax competition. The main difficulty is more internal political [obstacles]… Right now the property tax is a local tax, and so the federal government cannot do anything. You know, it was the same with the income tax one century ago.

So I don’t share the pessimistic view that a progressive wealth tax will never happen.”

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In an Aeon essay, Thomas Wells wonders how we can consider yet-born generations in political decisions that will impact them, suggesting “futuristic voting blocs” may be the answer. An excerpt:

While we might feel a sense of solidarity with past and future generations alike, time’s arrow means that we must relate to each other as members of a relay race team. This means that citizens downstream from us in time are doubly disadvantaged compared with the upstream generations. Our predecessors have imposed – unilaterally – the consequences of their political negotiations upon us: their economic regime, immigration policies, the national borders that they drew up. But they were also able to explain themselves to us, giving us not only the bare outcome of the US Constitution, for example, but also the records of the debates about the principles behind it, such as the Federalist Papers (1787-88). Such commentaries are a substantial source of our respect for our ancestors’ achievements, beyond their status as a fait accompli.

By contrast, future generations must accept whatever we choose to bequeath them, and they have no way of informing us of their values. In this, they are even more helpless than foreigners, on whom our political decisions about pollution, trade, war and so on are similarly imposed without consent. Disenfranchised as they are, such foreigners can at least petition their own governments to tell ours off, or engage with us directly by writing articles in our newspapers about the justice of their cause. The citizens of the future lack even this recourse.

The asymmetry between past and future is more than unfair. Our ancestors are beyond harm; they cannot know if we disappoint them. Yet the political decisions we make today will do more than just determine the burdens of citizenship for our grandchildren. They also concern existential dangers such as the likelihood of pandemics and environmental collapse. Without a presence in our political system, the plight of future citizens who might suffer or gain from our present political decisions cannot be properly weighed. We need to give them a voice.

How could we do that?•


So many Americans consume content seemingly non-stop, and that can’t be healthy. But even though there are seemingly endless channels in this decentralized, long-tail world, most of them–at least the TV ones–go largely unwatched. From Brian R. Fitzgerald at WSJ:

“The data, provided by Nielsen and charted by Statista, show that people have more channels at their disposal today than ever. In 2013, there were an average 189 channels available to U.S. households, up from 179 the year before.

Still, the households viewed on average somewhere between 17 and 18 channels — and that was down slightly from the year before. In fact, the number of channels viewed plateaued at about 17 in 2008.

The Nielsen data is grist for opponents of cable-channel ‘bundling,’ who argue people end up paying for channels they don’t want. And it spotlights the challenges that advertisers face in an increasingly fragmented media world.”

""I am looking to get into worm breeding.""

“I am looking to get into worm breeding.”

Rabbit Manure (anywhere USA)

Looking for Organic Rabbit Manure, clean (urine, hay, straw…etc.) preferred. Will consider some debris if manure is aged and dried. Accepting donations or willing to negotiate for purchase. I’m willing to pick up if local or, not too far from Bronx, N.Y. area otherwise, seller should be willing to make arrangements to ship at my expense. Must be willing to accept U.S. Postal Service Money Order, if not, COD or Cash. Only looking for reasonable/reputable offers. I am looking to get into worm breeding and hear this stuff is beneficial to their life cycle. I also have 2 raised vegetable garden beds which will benefit from the manure as well. Any reasonable offers within the U.S. will be considered. Thanks.

One wonders what conservative satirist Al Capp, enemy of hippies and scourge of campuses in the Vietnam Era, would have made of Rush Limbaugh, his far-less-witty creative descendant. I guess he would have generally approved. But what about the Tea Party? Would his allergy to collective extremism have driven him batty? Li’l Abner, after all, was a send-up of small-town white provincials with questionable intelligence. No, he probably would have rationalized it all in the name of party affiliation.

Capp was a genuinely talented writer who was very effective at mocking the micro excesses of the radical Left without seeming too bothered by the macro issues that was driving it from the center: a needless war, racism, sexism, etc. One day in 1970, when he wasn’t busy being rude at a bed-in or mocking a self-styled messiah, he made his way to the UCLA campus to raise a ruckus, which he loved doing. Audio only embedded below.


D.A. Pennebaker, Shirley Clarke and Albert Maysles captured the Khrushchev-era exhibition of American consumer goods that was held in Moscow in 1959, the Iron Curtain briefly lifted. On display was the handiwork of Charles Eames, Buckminster Fuller and many others. The Kitchen Debates between Nixon and his Soviet counterpart took place during this event.

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Would the perfection of autonomous vehicles mean the end of car culture? Some think so, but Deep Blue hasn’t yet brought about the demise of human chess tournaments, so perhaps kings of the road won’t lose interest when they realize they’ve become pawns. A meditation on this topic from “Five Perplexing Questions About Computers in 2039” from Aviva Retkin at the BBC:

“Andreas Riener at the Institute for Pervasive Computing in Linz, Austria, has written an abstract that starts with a bold view of the future: ‘The first self-driving car cruised on our roads in 2019. Now, 20 years after, it is time to review how this innovation has changed our mobility behaviour.’

This vision is rooted in a real trend. Self-driving cars have been making headlines for several years now. They are legal to drive in the state of Nevada, and Google’s driverless car has already racked up hundreds of thousands of practice miles.

Reiner’s contribution is to explore how this will change us. He predicts that once the robots take the wheel everywhere, many of us will lose interest in driving altogether. Fewer of us will own our own cars. Those who do won’t waste as much time pimping them out or driving around just for fun. People who still love cars might have to seek their thrills in special ‘recreation parks,’ where they can drive manually in an artificial environment. ‘If the vehicles of the future are only a means to get from A to B, this car culture would get lost,’ he says.”


From the May 2, 1834 Brooklyn Daily Eagle: Oklahoma City–While the dog brought back from death at Berkeley, Cal., ate a meal of milk-soaked dog biscuits, Dr. Charles Mayo, noted Rochester, Minn., surgeon, said he believed revivification of humans never would be possible.

‘We know lot about reviving life in the lower brain cells, those that govern organs in animals,’ Dr. Mayo said in an interview. ‘We know that they can be dead and revived under certain conditions, but the cerebrum, or that part which gives humans a mental side, has something in its composition that defies revival after a few minutes.

‘It is my belief that science will never find a way to revive a dead mind.’

At Berkeley, Dr. Robert E. Cornish, research biologist, said that the revived dog appeared able to see the food it ate, indicating the animal’s sight was growing stronger.”


In 1981, William F. Buckley and Diana Trilling investigated the ramifications of the murder of Dr. Henry Tarnower by his longtime companion, Jean Harris, a slaying which awakened all sorts of emotions about the dynamics between men and women. It also said a la great deal about our justice system.

From “Jean Harris: Murder with Intent to Love,” the 1981 Time article by Walter Isaacson and James Wilde: “Prosecutor George Bolen, 34, was cold and indignant in his summation, insisting that jealousy over Tarnower‘s affair with his lab assistant, Lynne Tryforos, 38, was the motivating factor for murder. Argued Bolen: ‘There was dual intent, to take her own life, but also an intent to do something else . . . to punish Herman Tarnower . . . to kill him and keep him from LynneTryforos.’ Bolen ridiculed the notion that Harris fired her .32-cal. revolver by accident. He urged the jury to examine the gun while deliberating. Said he: ‘Try pulling the trigger. It has 14 pounds of pull. Just see how difficult it would be to pull, double action, four times by accident.’ Bolen, who was thought by his superiors to be too gentle when he cross-examined Harris earlier in the trial, showed little mercy as he painted a vivid picture of what he claims happened that night. He dramatically raised his hand in the defensive stance he says Tarnowerused when Harris pointed the gun at him. When the judge sustained an objection by Aurnou that Bolen‘s version went beyond the evidence presented, the taut Harris applauded until her body shook.”


More on insta-famous economist Thomas Piketty, this time from Maxine Montaigne at the Conversation, who attempts to not argue the points of Capital in the Twenty-First Century but to explain the sensation. An excerpt:

“While almost everyone seems to agree that Piketty’s work is a valuable and timely contribution to the debate on inequality, there is a lingering sense of confusion about why this book in particular has grabbed the public’s attention. In order to understand this phenomenon, it might be helpful to look back a few hundred years, at the most famous dismal scientist of them all, T. R. Malthus.

Malthus was, and is still, famous for his slightly depressing comments on humanity’s inability to provide for a growing population. What is particularly interesting though is that despite these ideas not being hugely original or even very surprising, Malthus became something of a household name in the 19th century, at least more so than any other economist at that time.

One reason for Malthus’ unusual fame was simply good timing. At the beginning of the 19th century the British public were increasingly concerned with the overcrowding of Britain’s cities, and combined with decades of low agricultural wages and a damaging war with France it’s no surprise that Malthus’ pessimism struck a chord.

It’s easy to see the parallel with Thomas Piketty today, who many see as finally providing proof of capitalism’s inherent flaws as argued vocally by the Occupy movement. And once again the timing is everything; Piketty and his colleagues have been working on the World Top Incomes Database since well before the financial crisis and subsequent recessions, but his book now seems perfectly timed in response to growing public disenchantment with the theory of ‘trickle down’ economics.”

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Turning something modest into something more is admirable, but what if you lack even those small advantages at the outset? That can mean a world of difference. In many cases–most?– poor people are poor because they simply don’t have money, not because of some fault within themselves. From an Economist piece about a Stony Brook professor who made micro investments of different kinds:

“Dr van de Rijt designed a series of experiments intended to look at whether giving people an arbitrary advantage over their fellows at the beginning of an endeavour led to a significantly better outcome for those people. His first experiment tested the value of a donation to a project on Kickstarter, a crowdfunding website. His second boosted the reputations of reviewers on epinions.com, a product-recommendation site. His third enhanced the status of a test group of Wikipedia editors. And his fourth added signatures to petitions posted on change.org, a site at which political campaigners can lay out their wares.

In the case of Kickstarter, Dr van de Rijt picked 200 new and unfunded projects and gave half of them, chosen at random, either 1% or 10% of their stated target. Epinion editors are paid for their work according to how their contributions are rated by users, so Dr van de Rijt picked 305 new, unrated reviews and gave 155 of them, again chosen at random, a ‘very helpful’ rating—the highest of four possible categories. The most productive Wikipedia editors sometimes win status awards from the groups of users they serve. Dr van de Rijt conferred such awards on 208 out of 521 of the top 1% of these editors. And he added a dozen signatures to 100 out of 200 ‘virgin’ petitions on change.org.

In all four tests, the leg-up helped. In the case of Kickstarter, it helped a lot.


Perhaps relatively soon emerging markets and inflation will deliver to us the world’s first trillionaire, and I bet it won’t be someone who binge watches television. From Miranda Prynne at the Telegraph:

“The world’s first trillionaire could emerge within just 25 years, financial forecasters have claimed.

Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder and richest person on Earth, is expected by many to be the first to reach trillionaire status.

If the world’s greatest fortunes continue to grow at their current rate, boosted by the rapid wealth creation in emerging markets such as India and China then Gates or one of the planet’s super-rich elite could have a trillion dollars to their name by 2039, according to some predictions.”


If you think of 1930, you might assume talking robots and motion sensors were more in the realm of science fiction at that point. At an electronics show at Madison Square Garden, however, primitive versions of both were an attraction, as reported in the September 21, 1930 Brooklyn Daily Eagle.



Can anyone recommend me a shady dentist?

I need a root canal but I’m poor. I’m on Medicaid and they won’t cover molars. This is killing me.

In 1965, Braniff Airlines unveiled Emilio Pucci-designed NASA-ish unis for flight attendants.

An excerpt from Pucci’s 1992 New York Times obituary: “Mr. Pucci, who was the Marchese di Barsento, was born in Naples, into an aristocratic Italian family. He lived and worked in the Pucci Palace in Florence.

An enthusiastic sportsman who was on the Italian Olympic ski team in 1932, he also raced cars and excelled in swimming, tennis and fencing. His emergence as a fashion designer happened somewhat accidentally.

He was an Italian bomber pilot in World War II and he continued in the air force after the war, holding the rank of captain. On leave in Switzerland in 1947, he was spotted on the ski slopes by Toni Frissel, a photographer, who was impressed by the snugness of his ski garb, which was custom made of stretch fabrics.

When photographs of Mr. Pucci in his skisuit appeared in Harper’s Bazaar, he was besieged by American manufacturers who wanted to produce it. He decided instead to market the ski clothes himself. They were among the first styles made of stretch fabrics, and Lord & Taylor was among the first to promote them.

By 1950, Mr. Pucci was at the forefront of the fledgling Italian fashion industry. His forte in the beginning was sports clothes, but he soon moved into other fashions, including brilliantly patterned silk scarves. Encouraged by Stanley Marcus, one of the owners of Neiman-Marcus, he began making blouses and then dresses of the patterned material.”

Two innovations that would disrupt markets, improve consumer experience and cause a great deal of unemployment. They are necessary improvements and they will hurt.


Being able to get thousands of miles per gallon in cars would be the greatest triumph ever for environmentalism. Not close to reaching the market, however. From Belinda Lanks at Businessweek:

“A three-wheeled, teardrop-shaped car has won Shell’s (RDSA) Eco-marathon Americas competition, a yearly contest that pits teams of students against each other in a race to build energy-efficient vehicles.

The winning group, from Université Laval in Quebec, overcame technical setbacks, including excess friction short circuits, to achieve an efficiency of 2,824 miles per gallon. To put that in perspective, the prototype could travel from New York to Los Angeles on less than a gallon of fuel. And that figure is still well below the 3,587 miles per gallon the same school achieved last year. (Université Laval has won five out of the last six Shell competitions.)”


Fancy soaps, shampoos and cosmetics have always been a hustle. Soon you can have a supply at the ready whenever you like, for a relative pittance. From Alyson Shontell at Business Insider:

“Grace Choi was at Harvard Business School when she decided to disrupt the beauty industry. She did a little research and realized that beauty brands create and then majorly mark up their products by mixing lots of colors.

‘The makeup industry makes a whole lot of money on a whole lot of bulls—,’ Choi said at TechCrunch Disrupt this week. ‘They charge a huge premium on something that tech provides for free. That one thing is color.’

By that, she means color printers are available to everyone, and the ink they have is the same as the ink that makeup companies use in their products. She says the ink is FDA-approved.

Choi created a mini home printer, Mink, that will retail for $300 and allow anyone to print makeup by ripping the color code off color photos on the internet.”

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Audio from two old-school UCLA talks by comedians.


On February 8, 1966, just six months before his fatal overdose, Lenny Bruce gave a rambling talk on campus, hitting on all the large topics he loved: law, church, state and free speech. He got off to a slow start, distracted as he was at the time with his own ongoing legal issues, but before finishing he’d argued with biting wit that churches were like fast-food franchises, science and technology polluted the justice system, Catholic rituals protected child molesters and “a country can only be strong by knowing about the bad things.”


Long before she was a self-centered Republican lady worried about buying and selling as much crap as possible, Joan Rivers was a great stand-up. (And despite any personal unpleasantness and crassness, she still is.) On November 15, 1972, Rivers did a Q&A with the students, being brazenly honest on varied topics (feminism, Bill Cosby, talk shows, etc. ) and asking rhetorically, “If I was normal, would I be doing comedy?” Very funny stuff.

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