A Brief Note From 1934 About A Hungry Dog

From the May 2, 1834 Brooklyn Daily Eagle: Oklahoma City–While the dog brought back from death at Berkeley, Cal., ate a meal of milk-soaked dog biscuits, Dr. Charles Mayo, noted Rochester, Minn., surgeon, said he believed revivification of humans never would be possible.

‘We know lot about reviving life in the lower brain cells, those that govern organs in animals,’ Dr. Mayo said in an interview. ‘We know that they can be dead and revived under certain conditions, but the cerebrum, or that part which gives humans a mental side, has something in its composition that defies revival after a few minutes.

‘It is my belief that science will never find a way to revive a dead mind.’

At Berkeley, Dr. Robert E. Cornish, research biologist, said that the revived dog appeared able to see the food it ate, indicating the animal’s sight was growing stronger.”
