"This bear was waxed by my Great Aunt."
Huge Black Bear Rug (real) – $2000 (Fairfield, CT)
Real Canadian Black Bear Rug. Was 440 lbs. Full thick coat, museum quality mounting by Jonas Brothers. Over 6 foot, this is a full size rug, lightly padded underneath with black felt trim edging. This bear’s BIG! Can be seen on display at Forest & Field Shooting Range / Gun Shop in Norwalk, CT.
AND, for you few whiny douchebags who insist on writing to tell me what a scumbag I must be….
This was NOT a nice bear…This was NOT Yogi da Bear…This bear was waxed by my Great Aunt, 25(?) years ago…(she was 85 at the time) after raiding her farm several times. It destroyed chicken coops, killed hens, it killed a goat that was tethered, it maimed and blinded the Labrador that tried to chase it off….Her cat ran over and stood on top of the dog after he was down to protect it, and the bear swatted the cat too….So Fuck off. He got his, and now he’s a rug….A big, soft, fat, thick, plush rug. GET OVER IT.