Some search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:
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Afflictor: Thinking the equivalent of Mitt Romney’s Birther remark would be that no one’s ever asked to see President Obama’s marriage certificate because they know he has only one wife.
- Old Print Articles: Searching for valuables in rubbish (1886) + Government inspectors examine horse meat (1899).
- Featured Videos: Rod Serling teaches Steve Allen to play the home version of Pong (1972) + Stanford’s race car does 120 mph + Gore Vidal visits Merv Griffin in the wake of Ronald Reagan’s inauguration (1981) + Orson Welles answers questions the day after War of the Worlds (1938) + K•Tel celebrates Israel’s 25th anniversary (1973) + Great Race victor George Schuster appears on I’ve Got a Secret (1958) + Bell Labs shares breakthroughs in computer graphics (1968) + Robots are now inflatable.
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: Even my turtles know I’m a fuckup + My memoirs may or may not be racist, but they are definitely awful + My life is governed by a lot of weird, specific rules, and I would like to inflict them on you.
- More and more, jobs will be outsourced to robots.
- Are we overestimating the danger of nuclear power?
- Bill Koch is building a faux Old West town, but you can’t visit.
- What Stewart Brand learned from the “Mother of All Demos.”
- China Miéville discusses the brave new future of books.
- Richard Dawkins guesses what genetic mapping might mean to us.
- Michael Steinberger recalls the strangeness of 1977’s U.S. Open.
- Researchers make advances toward a Fountain of Youth.
- Bio-hacking has not spread as quickly as computers have.
- Humanity’s been doomed many times in the last few decades.
- Venkat Rao argues the future is always arriving, but we deny it.
- When we argue for self-determination, we ignore the facts.
- The strange psychology behind waiting on line.
- The bizarreness of British bio-hackers is profiled.
- How we started using deodorant, stopped smelling like stables.
- Space elevators are cheaper and safer than rocket launchers.
- China is spending infrastructure money on futuristic projects.
- Read a 1992 letter which predicted where printed matter was heading.
- Judges are more lenient with those predisposed to criminality.
- Folding cars are here, but they’re probably not the future.
- Donkeys in Israel being used as wi-fi hotspots.
- A 1931 advertisement for a lit-cigarette dispenser.
- A brief note from 1886 about an elopement’s end.
- A brief note from 1887 about warring neighbors.
- A brief note from 1889 about a music lesson.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.
17 paintings of a goat.
It is the same goat, but the paintings are different. the smallest is the size of a book. the largest is about twice that size. they are free, but you must take all 17.
Please keep them together.
Leave a message telling me why you want them, and i will choose.
Turtle Divorce
I love my turtles very much however difficult times are here and they need a more stable home. If you are warm, loving, enjoy caring for reptiles and don’t mind cleaning tanks from time to time — I have 2 very lovable red eared sliders waiting for you. They are 6 and 7 in age, very well behaved and come with all necessary supplies — including a wet/dry vac for the tank. They have been well taken care of with lots of love and attention so suitable adoptive parents are a requirement. They may make a great pet for a classroom where children may enjoy them as well. Please reach out with any interest.
Some search-engine keyhrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:
- Old Print Article: Lonely farmers install telephone lines. (1901)
- Classic Photograph: Robert E. Peary, Sheltered from the Storm. (1909)
- Featured Videos: Jackie Robinson on What’s My Line? (1969) + Norman Mailer visits Merv Griffin (1980) + Helen Gurley Brown survives Joe Pyne (1960s) + Autonomous robots as unstoppable earthworms + Artists imaginings of the surface of Mars (1972) + David Frost interviews Sirhan Sirhan + Les Paul and Mary Ford demonstrate the multi-track method (1953) + Soft-bodied bots capable of camouflage + Olivetti made computers with a flair for design.
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: My impoverished uncle has $600,000 + For now, I am being passive-aggressive + Iron workers have too much disposable income + I believe someone has infiltrated me.
- Herbert Marcuse imagined technology untangled from capitalism.
- Imagining the American North and South as separate entities.
- Singularity Institute CEO Luke Muehlhauser imagines the future.
- Even during his heyday, Jerzy Kosinski was an extreme person.
- Oxford professor wants us to genetically engineer “ethical babies.“
- As Michael Grunwald points out, the stimulus was very effective.
- Irwin Corey accepted the National Book Award for Thomas Pynchon.
- Nike thinks virtual athletic experience will translate into actual exercise
- Human cellular systems (and VHS tapes) suffer generation loss.
- Robots may supplant astronauts in importance during missions.
- Peter Thiel is investing in research for 3-D printed meat.
- Technology is about to markedly shift certain occupations.
- How will the continents change 100,000,000 years from now?
- There are fewer 7-footers in America than you’d think.
- E. coli bacteria may provide the fix for traffic jams.
- The life insurance policy market is creepy, but is it wrong?
- Stores may not stock merchandise in the future.
- A new argument against the likelihood of the Singularity.
- Help build a giant, walking robot that you can ride.
- A brief note from 1877 about a fainting spell.
- A brief note from 1902 about Kit Carson’s son.
- A brief note from 1877 about Mr. Fox’s denial.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.
When it comes to the STOCK MARKET, some can + most can’t (I CAN)
What I am saying with this post is simple MANY MANY PEOPLE CAN’T turn a consistent profit in the market. VERY VERY FEW PEOPLE CAN
The best and truest way (I believe) to figure out who can and who can’tit’s not educational background or financial status. Rather, take a person who claims to be able to trade for profit, give this person a set time frame, monitor his ups and downs, and at the end of the exercise there will be profit or loss. That is the ONLY way to know if one is a good trader.
For instance – my uncle, my father’s brother, has over $600,000 sitting in bonds RIGHT NOW earning an annual rate of 2.97% !! While here I am, quite possibly one of the futures GREATEST TRADERS (top 1% at least), living rent free in his house (while I “look for work”) and he thinks this is helping me!!!!
I was born into a family of IDIOTS no two ways about it! I even think there was a mix up at the hospital, for there is no way I can think so differently from these people and have the same blood line.
Personal Investigator/Detective (New York )
I am in great need of Personal Investigator/Detective services. I am willing to barter. I can type 75 wpm and have an administrative background. Have a BA degree. Can do secreterial type stuff for you, errands, walk/feed dogs, cats, watch children, anything you want but I need to get to the bottom of a big problem I have. I also need to know how to do computer forensics to find out who is messing with my computer. You can even tell me what I need to do instead of you taking your time if you want.
Im hoping you will please help me. Email back asap so we can meet up and discuss barter.

“Do these people tell their children to go play near that asshole’s house cuz he aint gonna do shit?”
Why the f*** do you let your children play on my property? (I don’t get it)
People, why do you insist on letting your children play on my property? I mean, you own two big beautiful houses on the same block, why do your children always have to play on my property. It’s not like my house is the prettiest house on the block. In fact, its the ugliest. Why the fuck would you let your children play on my property? I don’t get it.
Sometimes I think to myself, Do these people tell their children to go play near that asshole’s house cuz he aint gonna do shit? Or are they just too ignorant to realize that their children are being disrespectful?
It’s not like their children do it behind their back. The parents of these little vermin are aware of what they’re doing and observing every move they make. Yet they still let them play on my property.
But if my nieces were to play on their property, they would be knocking on my door quick, fast, and in a hurry wanting to start some shit. I fuckin’ hate these ignorant parents. 20 years old and already shitted out 10 kids they can’t even control.
This is just sad if you ask me…. just sad.
- Old Print Articles: Teddy Roosevelt’s eagle dies from consumption (1899) + Gunplay leads to an engagement (1877).
- Featured Videos: Merv Griffin meets with Andy Warhol and Edie Sedgwick (1965), Salvador Dali (1965), Tallulah Bankhead and Willie Mays (1966), Timothy Leary (1966), Francis Ford Coppola (1979) + ESPN promo by Errol Morris + The first American Presidential press conference carried by satellite (1962) + B.F. Skinner didn’t believe in the idea of free will + Printing a home in less than a day + Ty Cobb appears on I’ve Got a Secret (1966).
- Recently Posted on NYC Craigslist: I’m not encouraging you to murder animals, but I’m not discouraging you, either + I smell like a graveyard, please hire me + I want you to be as big an asshole as I am + Even granny porn makes me competitive.
- Christine Rosen looks at the morality of our reliance on tech.
- In the ’60s, Manfred Clynes and Nathan Kline wanted to alter humanity.
- Bio-hackers are experimenting with real-life cyborgs.
- Manfred Clynes loves Chopin and cyborgs.
- Athletes should be able to take drugs that aren’t dangerous.
- Philip Zimbardo thinks the American male is in lots of trouble.
- Affordable Bootstrapping can cut the cost of interstellar building.
- Recently deceased critic Robert Hughes did not love network news.
- Gore Vidal felt America’s Cold War victory was a Pyrrhic one.
- Some people want to live in underwater sea colonies
- We haven’t achieved utopia, but we’re living in a golden age.
- Economists explain the best strategies for winning Olympic medals.
- The Asch Conformity Experiments revealed our desire to fit in.
- Humans (and computers) sometimes see faces where they aren’t.
- Some MIT hippy may have saved Apollo 13 from disaster.
- Japan is taking desperate steps to compete in a globalized world.
- Some Earth cities are suitable stand-ins for possible Martian cities.
- James Gleick examines the art of auto-correct.
- India’s poorest are making use of solar power.
- A brief note from 1896 about a bad nosebleed.
- A brief note from 1880 about a bad nose job.
- A brief note from 1877 about a dance.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.
DEAD ANIMALS birds, critters, etc BIG or small FOR TAXIDERMY (BROOKLYN)
I teach a taxidermy class once a month and use feeder mice, but I would like to show how to taxidermy other animals…
SEEKING OWLS especially or any spotted furred animals…ANY ANIMALS WELCOME, reptiles, birds, rodents, etc
call SUE.
Tags: Sue
Call Me May Be? (Queens)
My name is Hyder and I like to prank call people and harass them. Won’t you call me and do the same please?
Tags: Hyder
I’m back to my usual daytime publishing schedule now. So, if you need to find out about that creepy thing that happened in a dentist’s office in 1886, I’m there for you. If someone on Craigslist wants to buy a pint of your blood, I’ll let you know. If you require a vaguely ominous statement about robots right around 3 p.m., I can handle that. Thanks for your patience.
Great barter need someone – $1 (Bk)
Have someone staying in your home and you want out? Well today’s the day. See I smell terrible all the time. Have me around for a bit and they are sure to want to leave. Really this will work. I want in return iPads laptops cash gold cash. Email for more info.
Some search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

Afflictor: Thinking that Lonnie and George are suddenly acting all gay just to avoid ending up on the menu at Chick-fil-A. (Image by Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez.)
- 2 Recent Movies I Liked Now on Home Video: We Need to Talk About Kevin + Chronicle.
- A few thoughts about recent examples of delusional behavior.
- Old Print Articles: Female impersonator boards ferry boat in New Orleans (1892) + Tarantula salesman conducts business (1882).
- Featured Videos: Muhammad Ali interviewed in London (1974) + Jim McKay recalling the terrorism of the Munich Games (1991) + BBC reporter James Burke experiences an Apollo spacesuit (1960s) + David Frost is besieged by Yippies (1970) + William F. Buckley was worried about the erasure of personal privacy (1968) + A satirical take on the office of tomorrow (1969) + Italian promotional trailer for Philip K. Dick’s novel Ubik + At one point, Americans were encouraged to think yachting was important (1988).
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: I can transform even the very basic act of taking a shit into a complicated, annoying drama + Remember how I was incredibly boring 15 years ago when I was smoking pot? + There’s an outside chance you may be tried as an accomplice.
- Pretty much no other American had a life just like Stepin Fetchit.
- Gore Vidal impeaches Nixon (1970) + and is profiled by Mike Wallace (1974).
- Elon Musk discusses the pros and cons of private sector space exploration.
- Lab-grown meat will become a reality sooner or later.
- A passage from Charles Duff’s brilliantly droll book about executions.
- The advent of 3D printers will make it difficult to prohibit anything.
- Oakland has remained politically radical in the Occupy Age.
- Computer-to-computer communication will eclipse the human kind.
- A hobo hopes to build an army of ant-like robots.
- Pandemics are more likely to start at certain American airports.
- Charles Darwin could not fathom a cruel God.
- Ray Kurzweil weighs in on the neuroscience of immortality.
- The Trolley Problem as an old-school video game.
- Neal Stephenson explains why futurists should be optimists.
- A 1994 article reminds of the Internet’s modest beginnings.
- Some people who commit crimes don’t have a criminal nature.
- A brief note from 1897 about five deserted children.
- A brief note from 1895 about a popular senorita.
- Afflictor Nation: Great Britain reigns, Queen Mum perishes.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.
Do You Have a Knack for Connecting with Strangers? (Manhattan/Brooklyn)
Thirty-something white guy, decent looking, cleans up nicely, can string a sentence together without using the words “duh,” “dude” or “hooters” excessively, looking for a cool woman to hang out with some evenings and weekend days, who can be my “wingwoman” — i.e., “break the ice” with other women and facilitate an introduction.
If you make friends easily and are always striking up conversations with strangers, then this would be a great part-time gig for you!
You must be outgoing and charming, but you will NOT have to do all the talking or all the work.
If you’re interested, please tell me about yourself (more rather than less, please!) and include a photo.
Compensation: $10 per phone number I get. (Once you make the introduction, trust me, if I like the woman, I can get the number.) I figure that, depending on the venue, in an hour you can make $40 or more – no limit!!!
NOTE: I’m not looking for you to be my girlfriend OR my sexual partner. This is strictly on the “up and up.” And we’ll only meet in public places. Thanks!
Ego is blinding, and none of us are immune. But life allows some examples to be writ large.
- Dick Cheney said this weekend that Sarah Palin wasn’t qualified to be Vice President, and who can argue? A few people in powerful positions in the media seem to think they can still make a buck off her obnoxious idiocy, though they’re pretty much alone at this point. But you know who else wasn’t prepared for the job? Dick Cheney. Because of his arrogant incompetence, thousands of our soldiers and tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Iraqi civilians died. Yet he goes around smugly believing he’s an incredibly accomplished person, free to judge the qualifications of others. Cheney is still the textbook example of why you hire a person, not a résumé.
- Mayor Mike Bloomberg wants to keep New Yorkers from drinking extra-large sodas, but he has said little or nothing about declaring war on toxic Wall Street products. He would probably assert that he is capable of legislating against the former but not the latter, but that argument doesn’t wash. As owner of Bloomberg News and mayor of America’s finance center, he should have been a relentless advocate for cleaning up Wall Street. Since the financial sector cratered our economy, he’s been largely silent about white-collar criminals, reducing himself to a highly selective technocrat who is oblivious to things that make him personally uncomfortable. I guess you can’t expect much more from someone who circumvented the free vote of the people and made a handshake deal with another billionaire behind closed doors to enable a third term for himself.
- Mitt Romney thinks himself a good and moral person, but how can someone believe that while working to take health insurance away from more than 30 millions at-risk Americans? It doesn’t add up. If he gets his way, people who wouldn’t have died will die.
- Sad to hear about Jonah Lehrer’s complete unraveling at the New Yorker. He’s obviously a bright and gifted person, but one with deep flaws of a seemingly pathological nature. I hope he figures out the bad stuff and can proceed with the good, though he needs to permanently step away from journalism. I always pause when people are lavishly rewarded at a young age, before they’ve had a chance to fail and struggle. The praise can freeze still-developing people in time, encouraging their gifts but also their flaws. Why change and grow when their behavior has led them to great heights so quickly? It seems dangerous to grant approval before time has been able to complete the growth (and vetting) process.•
Tags: Dick Cheney, Jonah Lehrer, Mike Bloomberg, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin