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It had been 15 years since I smoked pot.

Then one of my clients (whom I’ve gone to bars with) gave me a little thank you weed. Very smelly, very tight, kinda sticky. Had to stop at a convenience store to get papers since I have no paraphernalia.

Has it been 15 years since you smoked pot? A suggestion: Just take 2 hits at first. See what it does. I took about 6 hits and it really hit me hard. Not overly pleasant. Took about an hour to come down to a comfortable buzz. This was Friday night, today is Thursday. I smoked some for the second time, a little bit this morning before I came to work. Has it been 15 years since you smoked pot? A suggestion: don’t smoke a little bit in the morning before you go to work. It’s 2:30 and I’m just coming out of the mild stupor it induced.

That’s all.