Once retired from show business, John Hodgman, meals will be provided for you, although you will be required to take nourishment in solitude. You will have ready access to shampoo, rope and matches. Almanacs and other encouragements of excruciating minutiae will be verboten. You will die alone, in conversation with a sled.
You are currently browsing the archive for the Misc. category.
Tags: John Hodgman
Snake Dream (New York)
I had a dream that I was taking a shit on the floor of my apartment and a snake or something like it was in the feces. I am a male in my mid-30s and I think my girlfriend was there. I can’t entirely remember if it was her, but definitely a woman. Any ideas as to what this dream might mean? I’ve looked on some dream websites but they say different things.
It will be called: John Hodgman: I Have Agreed to Stop. Then you will be allowed to peacefully exit show business, like Idi Amin being exiled from Uganda on a full stomach. Your safe passage is ensured.
Tags: John Hodgman
10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:
- maysles salesman 1968
- if i didn’t have anal sex can my butt still itch if i had gonorrhea?
- alan abel tiny penis hoax
- information about facial attractiveness
- marvin minsky on the set of 2001: a space odyssey
- liberace and cassius clay together
- bobby fischer when he was a young chess champion
- harold bloom comments about the tea party
- david bowie the elephant man on broadway
- is it legal to pay someone to hold their baby?
- Old Print Article: Hans Christian Andersen dies. (1875)
- Featured Videos: Morganna the Kissing Bandit on To Tell the Truth (1976) + John LeCarré on To Tell the Truth (1964) + Howard Stern being respectful (sadly) to the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi + Peter Bogdanovich, in need of a hit movie, discussing his career (1979) + A transformer toy vehicle alternates flying and driving + Physicist Andre Linde recalls his expansion theory being rejected (somewhat) by Stephen Hawking.
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: My transitional phrase is trying to give you an STD + This isn’t going to be one of those non-violent sparring clubs + I need a mentor who can teach me how to unshift the CAPS LOCK.
- If John Hodgman could do just one thing for me.
- A documentary recalls the exploits of Morganna the Kissing Bandit.
- China’s economy and its attendant ecological damage are booming.
- How to make art out of the genetic code of discarded cigarettes.
- If the Affordable Health Care Act works, what will its opponents say?
- Jaron Lanier explains the hidden costs of free in the Digital Age.
- Technology wasn’t a savior in the 1800s nor will it be now.
- Tapping fingers on keyboards is now the main way we communicate.
- Amazon is building a trio of biospheres in Downtown Seattle.
- A library with no books is opening in Texas.
- Evacuated Tube Transport is another non-traditional transportation proposal.
- Futuristic farming may become a necessity.
- Future cities may be built underwater, but I doubt it.
- A new way to give money directly to people in need (who have cellphones).
- Bud Selig will never allow the MLB amateur draft to be re-imagined.
- A quick primer on interstellar copyright laws.
- If we can’t stop climate change, can we survive it?
- A brief note from 1899 about a subtle poison.
- A brief note from 1911 about an optimist.
- A brief note from 1890 about heavy sleepers.
- This week’s Afflcitor keyphrase searches.
Tags: John Hodgman
Information to help you become wealthy really soon for your ??????? (nyc tristate)
10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:
- exit through the gift shop 2010 documentary
- who wrote that charlie rose is a handsome and agreeable robot?
- can you survive on a cactus diet?
- karlheinz stockhausen it is a mistake to consider all humans equal
- merv griffin interviewing steve wozniak
- russian cosmonauts experiencing monotony in space
- amandabynes@gmail.com
- andy warhol eating burger king
- wendy’s owner dave thomas’ actual daughter
- if the sun dies oriana fallaci

Afflictor: Thinking American tabloid culture finally came to a fitting conclusion in Manhattan this week when Amanda Bynes’ flying bong…
- Old Print Article: Gabriel Poulain powers a small plane with his bicycle. (1921)
- Classic Photograph: Edward Payson Weston, Ready For A Stroll. (1909)
- Featured Videos: Amy Schumer riotously remakes A Star Is Born + Merv Griffin meets Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in California (1975) + Merv Griffin recalls how Clint Eastwood taught him about meditation (1975).
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: No one has yet told me that there is a thing called the Internet and that it contains much pornography + A Caucasian person with brown hair and blue eyes–what could go wrong? + I’m looking to purchase a building that can be converted into a brothel.
- A 1985 Theodore Roszak essay recalls modern tech’s idealistic, naive origins.
- George Saunders just curated a new reading list.
- Wolf Blitzer attempts to pander to the “Real America,” is foiled by atheist.
- William S. Burroughs may have been deeply into Scientology.
- Paul Krugman explains how we link financial austerity and morality.
- You can now learn to shoot and kill at great distances, in just minutes.
- Mason Peck, Chief Technologist at NASA, did an AMA at Reddit.
- George Packer writes of the things he likes about the contemporary U.S.
- Steven Johnson pushes back at George Packer’s assertions about Silicon Valley.
- Tea Party groups are suddenly opposed to profiling.
- Time is just an illusion. Wait, maybe not.
- We may be on the verge of creating a genetic supermarket.
- Luxury automobiles are being abandoned during Dubai’s downturn.
- Driverless cars create privacy concerns, but no one will care.
- Governor Jerry Brown 2.0 is profiled by James Fallows.
- Richard Linklater, compassionate Libertarian, did an AMA at Reddit.
- Steven Soderbergh explains the ridiculousness of modern film finance.
- The Vatican is commemorating Laszlo Toth’s Pieta outrage.
- The U.K.’s first anti-aging expo just happened.
- The trend of Chinese military fantasy writing must mean something.
- The most-highlighted Kindle phrases must mean something.
- Is Resiliency better than Prevention when it comes to disaster?
- Bill Gates’ drive to end diseases is complicated by misinformation.
- Old Sears outlets are becoming new data centers.
- A brief note from 1907 about a New Jersey hangman.
- A brief note from 1898 about a lucky man.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.
IVF Frozen Donor Eggs (Newark, DE)
I am a IVF patient in PA who bought six frozen donor eggs from a reputable agency. I no longer need them as I became pregnant on my own. I invested over $15,000 in them and would sell them for much less. They are safely stored at my doctor’s clinic in Newark, DE but I can ship them to your clinic at any time. I have all of the donor information (Caucasian, blue eyes, brown hair, health info etc.) and will provide copies of the signed contract for their purchase. I hope someone can use them for an IVF cycle. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me. Thank you and good luck with your IVF journey.
Was working off a connection that was dead or dying. I’ll put up some posts now. You know, stuff about machines killing you, people selling their eyeballs on Craigslist, crap that happened 150 years ago that can’t possibly have any effect on your life, reliably Lefty politics, and satire that only Larry Flynt could appreciate.
have “adult” items you need to get rid of? (norwalk)
i can help you out,,,, i am the porn remover, simply stated i come by before your sale and get rid of those magazine,,,dvds..books ect… that you really just cannot toss out on the curb or display or sell in a tag/garage sale … if the collection is quality i will pay you cash for the mags/books etc. contact me and i will call you right back…
*** Matchmaker Looking To Barter Services! *** (Upper West Side)
Hi, I’m a Matchmaker who would like to begin my journey in Real Estate Investing and I’m looking to build a team which consists of individuals who are successful in their area of expertise to assist me.
So if you’re a credible, Real Estate Attorney, Mortgage Broker, Insurance agent, Tax Accountant, or Bookkeeper and you’re willing to share your education and experience to help guide a young, soon-to-be Real Estate investor, then please get back to me!
In exchange I can help match you up with the type of men or women you want.
10 search-engine keyphrase searches bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:
- 1972 film about thomas tryon’s the other
- errol morris interviewing rick rosner
- early inventions from bell labs
- bonnie parker and clyde barrow in 1933
- is jon voight a racist?
- donald trump’s las vegas steakhouse
- henry ward beecher oration when slavery was abolished
- ernest callenbach’s vision of the technological future
- william f buckley running for nyc mayor in the 1960s
- stephen jay gould writing about the scopes monkey trial
- Old Print Article: Hypnotist buries girl alive (1897).
- Classic Photograph: Mary Baker Eddy, Nearing Mission’s End.
- Featured Videos: W. Kamau Bell humorously examines the racial divide + The earliest and most recent version of “Space Oddity” + Audi presents “piloted parking” + A demo about automatic roads (1997) + Demo of facial-motion capture + Merv Griffin drowns in nostalgia with Beatlemania (1978) + Huntley-Brinkley profile the fall of youth culture (1971).
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: Obamacare at work + I am too cheap to pay for a haircut + I will prove to you that there are no free lunches.
- The genetically modified hamburger is ready to be served.
- Jaron Lanier asserts that Moore’s Law has doomed the middle class.
- GQ makes itself look bad while trying to make Ricky Gervais look bad.
- Tampa Bay pitcher Matt Moore hopes for exploding baseballs.
- Elon Musk is working to build electric-car infrastructure.
- Google’s Larry Page wants to create space to do illegal experiments.
- Bret Easton Ellis, who is bad at writing, just did an Ask Me Anything.
- E.O. Wilson, who is good at biology, just an Ask Me Anything.
- We may be too heavily invested in climate destruction to change.
- Baz Luhrmann to adapt Of Mice and Men.
- Barbara Walters broke ground for women, but not for journalism.
- Eric Schmidt wants to ban privately owned drones, but it won’t happen.
- Before there was Moneyball, there was Eric Walker.
- Novelists have to approximate our wired world in new ways.
- Looking at all angles of the rise of machine intelligence.
- Handing over function to algorithms also mean ceding moral judgement.
- Americans attending 1979′s curious Canton Trade Fair glimpsed the future.
- An argument for banning burqas which doesn’t completely pan out.
- Houseplants may be capable of creating electricity.
- A brief note from 1893 about a drunk baby.
- A brief note from 1906 about a jealous janitor.
free lunch
Would you like free lunch?
I would like to treat you. We can meet at a eatery in Manhattan.
I would like to talk to you about questions every person asks in life.
Questions such as:
- Why am I going through so much difficulty in life?
- Why do I have so many problems and troubles?
- Why am I feeling this emptyness inside?
- Why am I feeling so lonely and depressed?
- Is there true love out there?
If you are asking these questions, I would like to help you.
Please email me and let’s talk over lunch.

“You would grab the cheapest bottle of gin from a liquor store.”
ODD REQUEST!! Bring us a bottle to our hospital rooms – $20 (Murray Hill)
Listen, my buddy and I have been in Beth Israel dealing with some recovering from a bad accident. However, we’ve been here FOREVER, and have some time to go. We would love a nice drink at night while playing cards. Can anyone help us out? You would grab the cheapest bottle of Gin from a liquor store, then bring it up. Easiest $20 you can make!!
10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:
- night of the living dead 1968
- is donald trump really going to purchase the new york times?
- dinners served in pill form
- what happens to the turkeys that obama pardons on thanksgiving?
- joshua foer discussing memory
- mazie gordon from the joseph mitchell article
- was harry reems a jew?
- what did ludwig wittgenstein think about technology?
- margaret and kate fox/ghosts
- i suspect that the airport will be the true city of the 21st century j g ballard
- Old Print Article: Theosophists search for the next messiah. (1913)
- Featured Videos: Ed Sullivan interviews Fidel Castro (1959) + Taylor Mead has lost touch with the world + IBM predicted wearable computing (1997) + Two recent TV interviews with George Saunders + Edward R. Murrow interviews Jay Forrester and his Whirlwind computer (1951) + Marshall McLuhan assessing the role of the classroom in a decentralized technological age.
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: When I say that I’m still able to rub my feet together, I’m lying + Grandpa’s the lucky one.
- U.S. dead-letter offices have been essentially killed by technology.
- Distressing news about America’s top-heavy economic recovery.
- In these desperate times, American suicide rates have risen sharply.
- Trygve Bauge wants to delay death until he can defeat it.
- John du Pont thought he was the Dalai Lama, was actually a madman.
- Jonathan Alter reveals the extent of Steve Jobs’ hatred of Fox News.
- Elon Musk is considering adding an auto-pilot option to Tesla cars.
- Robocar liability issues aren’t as complicated as they seem.
- Hooshang Amirahmadi, Iranian Presidential candidate, did an Ask Me Anything.
- Many of our vocabulary words were in use 15,000 years ago.
- Benoit Mandelbrot, father of the fractal, has a posthumous memoir.
- There is going to be a posthumous Andy Kaufman comedy album.
- Special-effects legend Ray Harryhausen passes away.
- In the ’70s., athlete Glenn Burke was openly gay with his teammates.
- Author Fei Dao explains the role of sci-fi in contemporary China.
- Big Data anticipatory systems are very useful, very invasive.
- Eric Schmidt tries to comfort people about Internet privacy issues.
- Human testing of memory-chip implants may soon begin.
- Genetically modified chestnut trees are being planted in America.
- A brief note from 1909 about a wealthy feline.
- A brief note from 1888 about a majestic bird.
- A brief note from 1904 about an animal trainer.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.
My Grandma… (Westchester)
I would like to barter my Grandma. Currently I am living with her. She is independent and does not need to be taken care of. Just be prepared for her ignorant rants about how everyone is stupid and things used to be so much better. You will hear about how she is glad her husband is dead and probably some racist stuff also. She will be nice to you and everyone else’s face but will badmouth everyone behind their back in the six hours she spends on the phone a day. She will do gross stuff like use your kitchen sponge to wash everywhere and put it back in the sink. Also never eat her cooking. She is unsanitary and you will be crapping liquid for days. She does stuff like dipping raw chicken in bread crumbs and then putting the remainder back in the box to be used again. Grandma is a pack-rat who blows through money recklessly and then complains she is poor but uses the excuse that the bible says the world will end soon. And speaking of the bible if you ever cross her she will say you have the demons in you. She believes that she was diagnosed with MS in her thirties and overcame it. (First case I ever heard of) Dont try and argue with her. She is always right. If you have any type of headache ever she will insist you are a drunk even though you never drink.
Doesn’t sound too great huh. Maybe we can barter for some yard work exchange for the next sixty years and you could maybe just push her down the stairs. Be creative…will entertain all offers.