“Hey, I’m no great looker.”
Please don’t be like the woman who rejected and hurt me
SWM 62. Are you sick and tired of playing the dating/courtship game that goes nowhere but to rejection, and then you have to start playing the game all over again from “start”?……..How about marriage instead of the same old dating games? How about marriage to a man who will REALLY!!!!!!!!!! appreciate you? To a man who will accept you as you are? To a sensitive, communicative, caring man who will be here for you?
I’m the best man you’ll read here, if you can realize that and you are an unmarried woman over 50 then don’t look for anyone else, answer this ad and if you are the first woman to claim me then you’ve got me and you will be claiming a man who will be everything good that you ever wanted in a mate.
I’d like to meet an older woman who has just one quality. That quality is that she knows how to say “I Do.” No, I don’t care about looks, figure, age or about any other stupidficial “quality” and if you are really, truly, seriously looking for a good man to marry then I suggest that you answer this ad because I may not be the looker who you are looking for but I’m the good, serious, communicative, intelligent, sincere man who happens to be what you need.
Please don’t be like the following who broke my heart…….Let’s just call her ‘brooklyn heights baby” (not her real neighborhood).
I met her a year ago today from a singles site, we went out a few times (and I thought that) we had fun. She was over 60, a few years older than me. We both were alone.
I treated her like a lady, respectful, equal, soft spoken and sensitive but I always do treat women this way.
I’m no great looker, as for her she was clumsy, gawky, a real sweet humanity in her face, voice, body language and I liked her and found her seeming humanity to look very attractive, I was interested and she claimed as well to be interested. We went out a few times, I took her to good restaurants, movies, paid for everything.
A month and change later she calls me up out of nowhere and gives me the oldest cliche in the book (as if we were 15 years old or something: she gives me the thrown out/unthought about/totally insensitive “drop dead” cliche of “Oh, I’ve been thinking, you’re a REALLY nice guy and I don’t want to hurt you BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“We have nothing in common.”
(In other words, you aren’t good looking. Yep, I know the code words, we all recognize the code words. AS IF she didn’t enjoy the restaurants, the movies, the conversations.)
I was hurt, hurt bad by this shattering of a dream. I tried to reason with her but no, instead I should have hung up the phone the second that her cliche began because I knew what was coming and maybe it would have hurt a lot less if I hadn’t have talked to her…….she didn’t care how I felt, she just wanted to rid herself of an undesired suitor.
Now today I go back on the website and I see she’s still there and coming there actively (just like she has all year), she found nobody yet. Either she dumps everyone and or her ad has become one of the older familiar ones so its overlooked by now.
Her choice but IMHO she could have had a good year with a good man if her mind hadn’t been stuck in emotional adolecense waiting for some who knows, tall? handsome? macho? who never came her way this year or is it just that I’m too ugly?
Hey, I’m no looker but I know that I’m satisfied with any woman that likes me and I’m too realistic to play kiddie looks games and capriciously say “Oh, you’re not my type so have a nice life.”
Are you wiser than she was? Then please claim this good heart that she so foolishly discarded and I will share a happier, better life with you than the miserable loneliness which to be honest, all three of us are going through right now.

“Are you wiser than she was?”