friends for nudity – 25 (SoHo)
Hello, im looking for people who like nudity for a nude meeting.
Email me and we can plan.
Ideas and technology and politics and journalism and history and humor and some other stuff.
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10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:
And if you think I’m going to spend it writing a topical gag for the end-of-the-week post, I have one thing to say to you.
My items are small objects that have been known to be associated with paranormal activity. These items do not pose any harm or malice to their owners. objects may move from time to time and voices or whispering may be heard. These items can only be given to another individual with the knowledge of their past. New owners must want them. DO NOT give away to someone that does not know they are associated with paranormal properties.
We are a green building company seeking baby diapers. Urine is ok. No poop.
We use them as a base in our green roofs.
The diapers hold huge amounts of water and the urine is good fertilizer.
Turn the world green! Keep those diapers out of the landfill and help make green roofs!
See also:
My neighbor was widowed recently after 64 years of marriage and professed to being very lonely. I never knew his wife since I am considerably younger than his 90 years (58). We have been sharing a bottle of wine a couple of times a week and I have felt that his obvious infatuation was natural and healthy and healing. Thing is, I find him attractive too…but frail! Tonight, he tells me that I’m a “dish” and he’s horny. What should I do? I’m horny too. Should I demand a visit to his physician to make sure that he is physically able to have sex or should I just figure, “what the hell, he’ll die happy?” I am single and without a lover at the moment. I like sex. But, as a boomer, will my openness freak this guy out? He wants to drive me home! Did I mention that I live next door? OK, country properties, so it’s a 100 yard trek but I’m not used to such gallantry! I am interested in thoughtful comments and thank you all for considering the situation.
10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:
“Pregnancy stomach, stretch marks always welcome.”
My perfect woman…
(This is gonna get kind of crazy–if that’s too much for you just stop reading now)
Bonus points for:
Double bonus points for:
I’m having a bad day and if someone could just give me a ring and call me a beautiful unicorn. It would make my day. I don’t ask my real life friends because I know it’s weird. Feel free to call me anonymously. Just call me a “beautiful unicorn” and describe what I look like and it’ll really turn me on.
See also:
“Yes, you will be able to rub vagina in seconds.”
I will give you the Rub Vagina Code. Yes, you will be able to rub vagina in seconds.
Especially while talking to her.
10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:
When sad bigot Donald Rumsfeld said this week that a “trained ape” could do a better job at foreign policy than President Obama, he may have forgotten who his chief adviser was when he invaded Iraq for no reason, costing us the lives of 4,500 troops, a trillion dollars and killing perhaps a 100,000 Iraqis.
The Ghost Meter Pro detects electromagnetic fields. It uses sophisticated detection of low frequency and radio frequency fields researchers associate with paranormal activity. The energy we detect with the human eye is very weak. All New Exclusive Ghost Dialog Modes. Mode 1: Recent Ghosts appear every 3 to 5 minutes. Mode 2: Ancient Ghosts appear every 7 to 15 minutes. Mode 3: EMF Gauss Meter mode. Mode 4: Dialog Mode.
The ghost can answer 4 to 9 questions in a yes or no format, for example: Are you a good ghost? Are you a male? Are you a female? The needle will move. Ask it to light up the meter for once for yes and twice for no. Its endless what you can ask. I’m in a paranormal group and we have these and use them in our investigations, they are simple and fun. This meter is probably one of the least expensive gadgets we use but most effective. I have a few available if your interested. If you have any questions please email me asap thank you.
“I will be only 42 years old when I can bid you adieu and move forward into a bright and shiny future that I can enjoy alone, or with a pet or two.”
You small, low life piece of shit…Had i had even the smallest inkling that you were who you actually are i would have fled. You are exactly what shames real men. IGNORANT, POORLY BRED, PRACTICALLY ILLITERATE, NO AMBITION, NO CLASS, YELLING ALL THE TIME, SHITBAG, You SHOULD HAVE BEEN SKEETED OUT onto YOUR NO GOOD MAMA’S CHEST, as opposed to being born and not ABORTED. The slag whore who shit you out should have been placed at the top of a stairwell and kicked in the back, so as to tumble to the bottom, thus ending the trip with a MOST appropriate miscarriage. You should have slid down her filthy leg and into the gutter where you belong. I hate that i met you and fell for all the bullshit you shoveled….You were lying when you said that you were Someone. You were lying when you said you cared about politics and family and being better…. You lied about how you were raised and your education level, you were lying when you said you had had a good upbringing and that you intended to raise your children in the same way. I ended up with a no account loud asshole who is only good for a tiny paycheck and an annual tax refund that the poor are given. I FUCKING HATE YOU. I’m only here in this hell of a life until the kids are off to college and well clear of MY bad choice and your SELF. Fear not asshole, I blame me too, for my misery. I was lonely, I was stupid I didn’t listen to those who knew better and tried to warn me off you. I thought I was good enough and smart enough and strong enough to bring you into a place where we could build and be successful as a family…
Here’s the thing, it’s alright. Because the Best of you was combined with the best of me, sprinkled with grace or cell division or whatever, and two of the best, most beautiful, kind and wonderful people Happened AND they are SO worth all this small petty shit. An average lifetime for a woman is around 76, my youngest is already 12 therefore I’m looking at only 6 years which means i will be only 42 years old when i can bid you adieu and move forward into a bright and shiny future that I can enjoy either alone, or with a pet or two. Good luck with your future….
The kids hear you every time you swear and carry on and bring slang up in conversation, they, I’m sure notice, when you wear new clothes and have a haircut and Mom is running around in her Two good outfits, to parent teacher night and the honor roll ceremonies, and the speech therapist and the doctor’s appointments ad nauseum. The lucky part for you asshole, is that I will never, ever say words to them that makes them feel as though half of them is begotten by a hateful asshole. You, Dickhead, will forever be spoken of in positive and important terms…but you and I know the truth don’t we? Good luck in 10 years bitch!!!
10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:
Vogue editor Anna Winter made a splash with Kim Kardashian, but next month’s cover will be even better.
I can write a song , verse or hook for you about any topic you want and make it as complicated or as simple as you want it. I can write a specific song about your personal life experiences and make it sound as though it was written by the person who actually lived it.
I can cover any and all topics and styles including but not limited to the following:
1) Comedic
2 Social / political causes
3) Life stories
4) Love
5) Criminal activity
6) Depression / struggle
7) Happiness / success
8) Battle raps
9) A conversation or argument between 2 people on opposite sides of an issue
10) Dedications
11) Health / Wellness
So why don’t murderers think it through and hide bodies better?
Makes no sense to me.
Even mobsters don’t do it right. They get caught decades later from these old murders they did at the start of their careers.
Hey, guys. Just looking for some advice. I’m an animal lover and have several pets in my home. I take good care of them, but my bunny Mose has been acting kinda weird lately. He hasn’t left his cage in a while, he’s been sleeping a lot more and eating a lot less in the past few days. Do you think Mose might be depressed? If so, what should I do?