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"Are you a good ghost?"

“Recent ghosts appear every 3 to 5 minutes.”

Ghost Hunting Equipment: GHOST METER – $30 (Nesconset, NY)

The Ghost Meter Pro detects electromagnetic fields. It uses sophisticated detection of low frequency and radio frequency fields researchers associate with paranormal activity. The energy we detect with the human eye is very weak. All New Exclusive Ghost Dialog Modes. Mode 1: Recent Ghosts appear every 3 to 5 minutes. Mode 2: Ancient Ghosts appear every 7 to 15 minutes. Mode 3: EMF Gauss Meter mode. Mode 4: Dialog Mode.

The ghost can answer 4 to 9 questions in a yes or no format, for example: Are you a good ghost? Are you a male? Are you a female? The needle will move. Ask it to light up the meter for once for yes and twice for no. Its endless what you can ask. I’m in a paranormal group and we have these and use them in our investigations, they are simple and fun. This meter is probably one of the least expensive gadgets we use but most effective. I have a few available if your interested. If you have any questions please email me asap thank you.

"We always send 2 investigators."

“I’m in a paranormal group.”