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"I have spent a lot of money creating this, lost my job and home is in foreclosure."

“I have spent a lot of money creating this, lost my job and home is in foreclosure.”

Medical device breakthrough (USA) SPECI-SLEEVE

Hello, how are you. I have a Patent pending on a medical device that I am selling the rights to. I have spent a lot of money creating this, lost my job and home is in foreclosure, therefore selling this for cheap in order to get back on my feet. If you have what its takes and knows how to get it out there you may be able to get this product in every hospital and clinics worldwide.SPECI-SLEEVE.

SPECI-SLEEVE is a condom-like material that is easily attached to a 4 oz or 5 oz SPECIMEN collection cup to extract semen samples for testing in medical labs, clinics, doctor’s offices and hospitals. It can also be use to collect urine samples from older adult males who suffer from limited moving abilities.

Many men globally suffer from INFERTILITY. There are many causes for suffering from such a problem. One may visit a fertility doctor or clinic for testing. In order to get the semen tested, one must ejaculate semen into a collection 4 oz or 5 oz cup. The SPECIMEN is later taken into the laboratory to test its sperm counts.

While trying to ejaculate semen into a 4 or a 5 oz cup, patients encounter problems in successfully getting all the semen into the cup. When men eject semen it tends to come out at a very high pressure and may be accompanied by shivers throughout the body. These physical reactions cause lots of spills because the mouths of these cups are not wide enough.

SPECI-SLEEVE was developed to solve this problem. It is a flexible funnel condom-like material that can easily be attached to a 4 oz or 5 oz specimen cup. The individual inserts the penis and ejaculates. When semen is ejected in the cup the SPECI-SLEEVE is removed and discarded. The cup is then covered and turned in for testing.

I am willing to consider selling or licensing the patent rights to my invention. If you are potentially interested in the SPECI-SLEEVE, please contact me anytime at the phone number or email address above. Also I have 3-D images that I can send to you.

I look forward to your response.

Very truly yours.