“It’s Really Only Delayed The Waterloo”

“There’s a mighty judgement coming, though I could be wrong,” sang the poet. The stars are aligning for just such a reckoning for the GOP over the next three years.

Back before the 2012 election, there were people who believed the Republican Congress would be more conciliatory toward President Obama if he won reelection, especially if he swept most of the swing states. Obama himself used that reasoning during the campaign, though I don’t know if he truly believed it. But things have only gotten worse. From immigration to voting rights to women’s rights, the GOP has been emboldened somehow to double down on antagonizing as many people as possible outside of their white, male base. They’ve learned nothing.

The party’s hold on Congress has largely been enabled by gerrymandering and not the will of the people. But it’s really only delayed the waterloo. If Hilary Clinton runs for President the next time around and wins the Democratic nomination, the demographics favor her so powerfully that it could be a devastating defeat for the Republicans. The way many female voters have been angered and the number of young Latinos who are aging into voting eligibility spells a doomsday scenario.

If you lose the large majority of the female, African-American, Latino, Asian American, Jewish, youth and LGBT votes, and you win a smaller portion of the white vote, that spells a rout that could sweep the GOP completely out of power. Of course, I could be wrong. A lot can change between now and then, but the Republicans have so far shown no ability or even desire to change,•


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