Milton Glaser was a Fulbright scholar in Bologna.
If he had created only the “I ♥ New York” logo or the multicolored Bob Dylan poster, Milton Glaser would have secured a place in design history. but he’s done so much more in his 80 years, co-founding New York magazine and doing an unbelievable quantity and quality of work in print, environmental and interior design, posters, etc. My single favorite work of his is a rather obscure book cover he created for the Flannery O’Connor novel, Wise Blood.
O’Connor was a master of the short story and this novel never quite reached the level of the three stories she’d written earlier about Hazel Motes and Enoch Emery. But Glaser’s image of a vague thumbprint-ish face under dark glasses is hypnotic and speaks to the book in literal and figurative ways. It’s just about perfect.
Visit Glaser’s official site to see his numerous other designs.
Tags: Bob Dylan, Flannery O'Connor, Milton Glaser