“Two-Person Vehicles Will Be Suspended From Elevated Magnetic Tracks”

Sheer coolness aside, a network of hover cars suspended by a magnetic track doesn’t sound like the future of transportation to me. But that’s what skyTran is planning to build in Israel. From Jane Wakefield at the BBC:

“A 500m loop will be built on the campus of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) followed by a commercial network, according to skyTran, the company that will build it.

Two-person vehicles will be suspended from elevated magnetic tracks, as an alternative transport method to congested roads, the firm promised.

The system should be up and running by the end of 2015.

The firm hopes the test track will prove that the technology works and lead to a commercial version of the network.

The plan is to allow passengers to order a vehicle on their smartphone to meet them at a specific station and then head directly to their destination.”
