“It Would Be Immune To Weather, Incapable Of Crashing”

One more post about Elon Musk’s SXSW appearance, this one a passage from a Los Angeles Times’ report, which touches on his plans for the hyperloop:

“Saturday’s hour-long keynote at the Austin Convention Center covered a wide variety of topics, including Musk’s thoughts on solar panels and higher education, battery cells, his role models (Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos and Nikola Tesla) and his idea for a new mode of high-speed transportation dubbed the ‘hyperloop.’

‘It would be something that would be twice as fast as a plane, at least, in terms of total transit time,’ Musk said. ‘It would be immune to weather, incapable of crashing pretty much unless it was a terrorist attack, and the ticket price would be half of a plane.’

As for whether the hyperloop would run underground or above ground, Musk said, ‘it could be either.'”
