“It Was Startling And, As She Gave Her Benediction…Even In A Way Disquieting”

Because Peggy Noonan is a complete toolbox, she likes to make up rules of propriety based on her own political partisanship and scold those who don’t conform to her improvised decisions. So Noonan, who still believes we live in a 50-50 country–more like 53-47 and counting, Peg–was “disquieted” by something as innocuous as the First Lady appearing by video at the Academy Awards. Because the country is tired of Michelle Obama after four years, but, you know, we need more of Peggy and her weak-headed narratives after 30 years. From Noonan’s most recent Wall Street Journal column:

Mrs. Obama’s presence reached its zenith, one hopes, Sunday night at the Academy Awards when she came on, goofily star-struck military personnel arrayed in dress uniforms behind her, to announce the Best Picture award. It was startling and, as she gave her benediction—the movies ‘lift our spirits, broaden our minds, transport us to places we can never imagine’—even in a way disquieting.

This would not be an accidental assertion of jolly partisan advantage. It seemed to me an expression of this White House’s lack of hesitation to insert itself into any cultural event anywhere. And this in a 50-50 nation, a divided nation that in its entertainments seeks safety from the encroachments of politics, and the political.

I miss Michelle Obama’s early years, when she was beautiful, a little awkward, maybe a little ambivalent about her new role, as a sane person would be. Now she is glamorous, a star, and like all stars assumes our fascination.

It can be hard to imagine after four years in the White House, whichever party you’re in, that people might do all right for a few minutes if they’re free of your presence. There’s a tendency to assume you enliven with that presence, as opposed to deaden with your political overlay.”
