“The First Person To Live To 150 Years Has Probably Already Been Born”

The Financial Times published its “Best Books of 2012 list today. The contrarian libertarian Peter Thiel chose Sonia Arrison’s 100 Plus, a volume about the longevity boom that’s likely in our near future. The book asserts that “the first person to live to 150 years has probably already been born.” Thiel’s blurb:

“As our parents and grandparents live longer lives, they also contend with diseases and indignities. Many question whether we should want to live longer, to say nothing of for ever. In 100 Plus (Basic Books), Sonia Arrison answers definitively: longer lives and healthier lives are the same goal. The greatest threat to our quality of life in old age comes from complacent acceptance of the inevitability of decay; if you think something will break down anyway, why bother fixing it? Arrison demolishes every argument for fatalism.”

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