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“They in reality don’t want a man like me who is not just a good man but a great man.”

Done with women for good (Rutherford, NJ)

Well I think its time to give up on ever finding the right women for me. I have searched for the last 46 years and I’m done. Women claim that they want a good man who will treat them right, but in reality all they want is to rule over men as if they are god. They want to dress sexy, but think that they can tell you not to look at them because your too old, or too fat, or not rich enough, or whatever. They in reality don’t want a man like me who is not just a good man, but a great man. A gentleman, who is secure in who he is. Confident, sincere, and sensitive, who treats everyone with love and respect. I”m tired of trying to have companionship with undeserving women. I think it might be time to succumb to my loneliness, and let it take me. A life where all I do is work so that I can pay insurance, rent, etc. without anyone to spend it with, is no life at all. I think its time to say goodbye and wish for a quick death. I can’t take the loneliness anymore. I need to be told that someone loves me. I need some human contact, someone to give my love to. And all you women don’t want me. I’m by no means fat, or ugly, but you just don’t understand me, and never take the time to get to know the real me. I curse all the women of the world for throwing away a man who would have given his life to making theirs a better life. A man who would have done almost anything to make the one that he loves happy. Good bye cruel world.