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“Screw Gates and Jobs for taking away the last vestiges of youth.”

Taking back Brooklyn (Can’t find my way home.)

Did you ever dry your clothes on a radiator, grow basil on your back porch, maybe float something down the gutter after a rainstorm. Have an egg cream made in front of you while spinning around on a stool. Buy 2 pieces of Bazooka w/ a penny. Going out to play like a bat outta Hell after Sat. morning cartoons, kicking the sawdust around the butcher shop floor. Maybe you carved your name into hot tar on a July afternoon, that’ll last forever. Filled a sock w/chalk to make some crazy designs in the street, or shot your brother w/ a pea shooter. Yeah I go back, but this ain’ t some trip down memory lane, read on. Come in when it gets dark, no way we’re playing ringelerio, and I’ll get caught. Buy a frozen custard off a truck that would be condemned today for carrying some sort of virus. Ever buy a Good Humor bar from some old drunk on a 1/2 bike 1/2 cooler on wheels. How about burning your tongue on a Buittoni Instant Pizza. TANG. I loved to spin a Whizzer top and stick it in my brothers hair, fucking hysterical. Sorry bro. Hey does your little back hurt from carrying that back pack. Shit you should have tried carrying that leather schoolbag you know, the one w/the flap latch, bigger than any briefcase you ever saw. Some lightweights had to use both hands and carry it in front of them they we’re easy to tip over in rubber goulashes in the slush for 6 blocks. Not uphill both ways but true nonethless. NEVER used an umbrella let alone one w/ a nike swoosh,you’d get your ass handed to you w/it.Black socks w/sneakers! Don’t ask. Yeah I go back, a little. I don’t wanna go to the 21st. century. Well maybe not all the way. Cellphone, check laptop check, Ipod check, social networking, check, hey it’s all I’ve got after being gone 9 yrs. Social networking was going to your aunt’s house w/ your parents for coffee. Eat at one set of grandparents home on Sunday then go over to your moms side of the family for coffee and cake. Vice versa next Sunday, lest anyone get upset. WE bought bagels @ night not @ 7:00 am with some $5 latte. Hurrry up and order you idiot. Yeah I’m gettin there stay w/me. Chinese take out? No way. We’d make the little fuckers serve us. They must have used every Chinese curse word in the book while they watched the mess they had to clean up being made right in front of them. Eat at a luncheonette? I have yet to taste a better burger fries and coke. Fuck McDonalds, Wetsons brought your shit out to your car, on a tray, on rollerskates. I recall the first time I was ridiculed for the clothes I wore or my sneakers. I knew things had changed for good and the rest of my innocense was gone too.You never had to think about that shit before 70/71. Yes my eyes are open. I see the 21st century got here like, what 12 /13 yrs ago. So much has happened in that time, yet so little .Yeah I’m talkig to you, the one waiting in line for the next Apple product. Screw Gates and Jobs for taking away the last vestiges of youth, my youth. No not Utes, those we’re guys like me who went to New Utrecht High. They took away our vinyl ALBUMS, and no a cd is not an ALBUM. Typewriters and books too! But what, you say vinyl is making a comeback, typing classes too. Books? Hey they can’t burn down any libraries, well not yet any way. Not for practical 21st century use but for fun , yes fun. Does anbody remember laughter? Now you little hip Brooklyn Appleites wanna go back to my youth and have fun? FUCK YOU! I won’t let you get away w/it. You’ll probably claim you invented it all. You think you know my Brooklyn? You NEVER will. Some of you assholes will live there your whole sorry exsistence and NEVER experience what I did from age 6 to 12. Yeah I go back …..and forth. Sure we had mob wives, but they kept their mouthes shut. They didn’t go on T V and beat each other w/Prada handbags after a bad Botox treatment. It was an honor if your old man was mobbed up. You were shown respect. Screw John Gotti 21st century mob man. He should have put it on a silver platter for the Russians . The F B I is loving those guys, NYET! But I do have hope for the future, for my grandkids. I will be there to tell them about those days for as long as they will listen. Hopefully they won”t think I’m some old fool. You? I don’t really care what you think. I’d love to take them to a church bazaar like the ones we used to have right out in the street. Yeah boys I’m still here. The same guy who used to hang out on the corner. Hopefully I’m a little older and wiser but even that doesn’t happen for everyone. But I am 51 now a little tired and I’m going home. I’m not taking my ball though. I was NEVER that fucking guy. Yeah I go back.