About The Current United States Supreme Court

Justice Roberts: Like Judy Sheindlin without the charm.

There’s been no time in my life when the country has had a Supreme Court of such rancor, such arrogance and such nastiness as the Roberts Court. I’m not talking about Justice Alito showing disdain for President Obama during the State of the Union, though that is symptomatic of the problem. I’m referring more to the mocking, sarcastic, obnoxious, impatient tone of the Justices as they question American citizens who come before them. It’s not just behavior unbecoming of the highest court of the land but decorum that wouldn’t be tolerated in a playground. 

It’s always been a lie that the Constitution is this document that can interpreted with purity, that politics and personal prejudices don’t enter the picture. But the immaturity of numerous members of the current Court makes it dubious that they have the wisdom to sort as best they can through the objective and the subjective. Or that they even have that process as their goal. It may be that the Roberts Court ultimately has the distinction of being the one that makes Americans seriously question the wisdom of lifetime appointments for Justices.•

Judge Judy: I presided over the landmark case of the missing fish stick.

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