“A Billboard That Went Up On Wednesday In London Uses Facial-Tecognition Technology To Know Whether You’re A Man Or Woman”

From CNN, a report about an outdoor billboard in London that can filter ads based on gender:

“A billboard that went up on Wednesday in London uses facial-recognition technology to know – 90% of the time – whether you’re a man or woman. And it gives you a different advertisement depending on your gender.

Women who walk up to the billboard, which is located at a London bus stop and will be viewable for two weeks, are greeted with a 40-second film explaining the plight of women and girls in poor countries around the world, who often are denied eduction and opportunities that are afforded to men.

Men, however, get a cut-down version of the content. They can’t see the film, but they do get to see shocking statistics about the situation, like the fact that 75 million girls are denied education.”