Old Print Article: “In A Sofa,” Brooklyn Daily Eagle (1886)

A brief note from the wacky world of upholstery, from the October 21, 1886 Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

“A Chicago upholsterer, in repairing an old sofa that had been brought to his shop, found the following articles, which had slipped down between the back and cushion: Forty-seven hairpins, 8 mustache combs,19 suspender buttons, 13 needles, 8 cigarettes, 4 photographs, 217 pins, some grains of coffee, a few cloves, 27 cuff buttons, 6 pocket knives, 15 poker chips, a vial of homeopathic medicine, 34 lumps of chewing gum, 19 toothpicks, 28 matches and 14 buttonhooks. The sofa belonged to a man who had seven unmarried daughters.”