“I Was Sad, And We Were All Kind Of Stunned”

Steve Jobs looked at a mock-up tablet version of Sports Illustrated in 2009–roughly six months before he unveiled the iPad–and was his usual charming self in evaluating it. From Mediabistro:

“The demo was impressive, especially considering the Apple iPad would not be unveiled for another half a year. Unfortunately, not everyone was impressed. After Apple unveiled the iPad, Steve Jobs came to Time Inc.’s New York offices and met with the editors of some of their biggest magazines. He was asked what he thought of SI’s demo.

‘I think it is really, really stupid,’ Jobs said. That stung Terry McDonnell, the editor of SI and the Time Inc. sports group.

‘I was sad, and we were all kind of stunned,’ McDonnell said. ‘It was not stupid, in fact it anticipated everything he was doing.'”