“Part Flying Saucer, Part Hadron Super Collider, Part Dr. No’s Lair, The Mothership Will Be A 2.8 Million Square Foot Facility”

From Aaron Saenz’s Singularity Hub post about Apple’s planned futuristic Cupertino offices, designed by Steve Jobs and scheduled to open in 2015: “Apple Campus 2, nicknamed ‘the Mothership,’ is set to break ground in 2012 and it looks simply stunning. Part flying saucer, part hadron super collider, part Dr. No’s lair, the Mothership will be a 2.8 million square foot facility located on a 175 acre lot off Highway 280 in Cupertino. Featuring a 1000 seat auditorium, 300,000 square feet of research space, and its own power plant, the new campus will house Apple and 12,000 in house employees in glorious style.”

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