“We Know That The Health Care Costs Of Such Veterans Do Not Peak Until 30 To 40 Years After The Wars Are Over”

From the Bulletin of Atonmic Scientists, about one of the lesser costs, the financial one, of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:

“If the newspapers periodically remind us of these slain American soldiers by showing us the ‘faces of the fallen,’ the injured are less visible, but the cost of caring for them will only increase. Nearly 100,000 American soldiers have been officially wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, but many injuries, such as post-traumatic-stress disorder, may not manifest until after deployment. More than 522,000 veterans of our Middle Eastern wars have now filed disability claims. Based on prior experience in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, we know that the health care costs of such veterans do not peak until 30 to 40 years after the wars are over. In other words, we could pull every last soldier out of Iraq and Afghanistan tomorrow, but the costs of caring for them will keep climbing until at least 2040. These costs are expected to total between $600 billion and $1 trillion.”